This page is meant to supplement the [How-to-install]( page. **Activating conda R environment** --- On some Linux systems Conda does not run or activate environments properly, this is due to environment paths not being properly set. The following has been found to work on JASMIN ``` export conda_base=`conda info --base` source ${conda_base}/etc/profile.d/ conda activate ``` where `\` is the name of the environment you wish to activate. **Installing R packages not on conda-forge or available through the `conda install` command** --- Many, but not all, R packages can be installed via conda forge, e.g. ``` conda install -c conda-forge ``` Those not available through conda-forge can still be installed via CRAN by downloading the source code and installing from source. When doing this `pkg-config` needs to be configured properly, with the `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable set to point at the correct directory for the current environment. e.g. ``` export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/home/users/random_user/.conda/envs/r_env0/lib/pkgconfig" ``` for user `random_user` and environment `r_env0`. Package ggplot2, for example, could then be installed via: ``` wget R CMD INSTALL ggplot2_3.3.1.tar.gz ``` When installing a package via this method it is likely that the first attempt will fail due to missing dependencies. If this happens install those dependencies and then try again. **Running new_merge_ids_year.R interactively** --- The script `new_merge_ids_year.R` is typically run in batch mode, e.g. `Rscript new_merge_ids_year.R ` Where `\` and `\` are the first and last year to run respectively. For testing purposes the script can also be run interactively by starting R, setting the variable `args2` to first and last year and then sourcing the script. ``` R args2 <- c(1980,1980) source('new_merge_ids_year.R) ``` As part of the script the number of arguments are checked and if zero, as is the case when run interactively, the script uses the values in the variable `args2` instead. **Running background jobs without hanging up** --- Long jobs on JASMIN, and other Linux systems, can be run in the background using the command `nohup` to prevent the job being terminated if the connection is lost. For example, running R script `myscript.R` with arguments `arg1` and `arg2` would be run using ``` nohup Rscript myscript.R arg1 arg2 >& myscript_log.txt & ``` It should then be safe to log out and return later to check the status of the job. `tail -f myscript_log.txt` can be used to monitor the log file in real time. **SLURM tips** --- To gather information of your runs in SLURM you can run the following command to store job statistics in a output file: ``` sacct --starttime -u --format=User,JobID,Jobname,partition,state,time,start,end,elapsed,MaxRss,MaxVMSize,nnodes,ncpus,nodelist >> path_to_log_output/job_stats.out ``` The `starttime` should be in the following format: `2020-07-01T13:00:00`. It is also possible to gather job statistics for specific job id's: ``` sacct -j --format=User,JobID,Jobname,partition,state,time,start,end,elapsed,MaxRss,MaxVMSize,nnodes,ncpus,nodelist >> path_to_log_output/job_stats.out ``` **Update icoads.utils or imma in conda environment** --- ``` conda activate r_env ``` Open R. Inside make sure you know where your libraries are getting install: ``` .libPaths() [1] "/home/users/brecinos/miniconda3/envs/r_env/lib/R/library" ``` Great! Now we now know where to go. ``` cd /home/users/brecinos/miniconda3/envs/r_env/lib/R/library/ ls ``` You should see **icoads.utils** there. Now delete it! ``` rm -r icoads.utils ``` And is gone from your environment. Install again by following the installation instructions [here.]( **Remember to activate the environment before installing**. > Note: Maybe Dave will know a more elegant way.