Commit 0a2f4c89 authored by Irene Perez Gonzalez's avatar Irene Perez Gonzalez
Browse files

First commit

"0":"Increasing, then decreasing; atmopsheric pressure the same or higher than three hours ago",
"1":"Increasing, then steady; or increasing, then increasing more slowly - Atmospheric pressure now higher than three hours ago",
"2":"Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) - Atmospheric pressure now higher than three hours ago",
"3":"Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then increasing more rapidly - Atmospheric pressure now higher than three hours ago",
"4":"Steady; atmopsheric pressure the same as three hours ago",
"5":"Decreasing, then increasing; atmospheric pressure the same ot lower than three hours ago",
"6":"Decreasing, then steady; or decreasing, then decreasing more slowly - Atmospheric pressure now lower than three hours ago",
"7":"Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily) - Atmospheric pressure now lower than three hours ago",
"8":"Steady or increasing, then decreasing; or decreasing, then decreasing more rapidly - Atmospheric pressure now lower than three hours ago"
"8":"Hong Kong",
"9":"New Zealand",
"08":"Hong Kong",
"09":"New Zealand",
"15":"South Africa",
"21":"Federal Republic of Germany",
"27":"Rep. of Korea",
"28":"New Caledonia",
"40":"German Democractic Republic",
"AG":"Antigua and Barbuda",
"BA":"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"BN":"Brunei Darussalam",
"BF":"Burkina Faso",
"CV":"Cape Verde",
"CF":"Central African Republic",
"CD":"The Democratic Republic of the Congo",
"CR":"Costa Rica",
"CI":"Cote d'Ivoire",
"CZ":"Czech Republic",
"DO":"Dominican Republic",
"SV":"El Salvador",
"GQ":"Equatorial Guinea",
"GW":"Guinea Bissau",
"HK":"Hong Kong",
"IR":"Islamic Republic of Iran",
"KR":"Republic of Korea",
"LA":"Lao Peoples Democratic Republic",
"LY":"Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",
"MK":"The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia",
"MH":"Marshal Islands",
"FM":"Federated States of Micronesia",
"MD":"Republic of Moldova",
"AN":"Netherlands Antilles",
"NZ":"New Zealand",
"KP":"Democratic People's Republic of Korea",
"PS":"Occupied Palestinian Territory",
"PG":"Papua New Guinea",
"RU":"Russian Federation",
"KN":"Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"LC":"Saint Lucia",
"VC":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"SM":"San Marino",
"ST":"Sao Tome And Principe",
"SA":"Saudi Arabia",
"CS":"Serbia and Montenegro",
"SL":"Sierra Leone",
"SB":"Solomon Islands",
"ZA":"South Africa",
"LK":"Sri Lanka",
"SY":"Syrian Arab Republic",
"TZ":"United Republic of Tanzania",
"TL":"Timor - Leste",
"TT":"Trinidad and Tobago",
"AE":"United Arab Emirates",
"GB":"United Kingdom",
"US":"United States",
"VA":"Vatican City",
"VN":"Viet Nam",
"DD":"East Germany",
"CS":"Serbia and Montenegro",
"RU":"Soviet Union",
"NC":"New Caledonia",
"ZY":"None (self recruited)",
"ZZ":"None (third party support)",
"TW":"Taiwan (Province of China)",
"SU":"Soviet Union",
"XX":"Multiple recruitment",
"EU":"European Union"
"0":"No Cirrus, Cirrocumulus or Cirrostratus",
"1":"Cirrus in the form of filaments, strands or hooks, not progressively invading the sky",
"2":"Dense Cirrus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a Cumulonimbus, or Cirrus with sproutings in the form of small turrets or battlements, or Cirrus having the appearance of cumuliform tufts",
"3":"Dense Cirrus, often in the form of an anvil, being the remains of the upper parts of Cumulonimbus",
"4":"Cirrus in the form of hooks or of filaments, or both, progressively invading the sky; they generally become denser as a whole",
"5":"Cirrus (often in bands converging towards one point or two opposite points of the horizon) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone; in either case, they are progressively invading the sky, and generally growing denser as a whole, but the continuous veil does not reach 45 degrees above the horizon.",
"6":"Cirrus (often in bands converging towards one point or two opposite points of the horizon) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone; in either case, they are progressively invading the sky, and generally growing denser as a whole; the continuous veil extends more than 45 degrees above the horizon, without the sky being totally covered",
"7":"Veil of Cirrostratus covering the celestial dome",
"8":"Cirrostratus not progressively invading the sky and not completely covering the celestial dome",
"9":"Cirrocumulus alone, or Cirrocumulus accompanied by Cirrus or Cirrostratus, or both, but Cirrocumulus is predominant",
"10":"Cirrus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena, or more often because of the presence of a continuous layer of lower clouds"
"0":"No Cirrus, Cirrocumulus or Cirrostratus",
"1":"Cirrus in the form of filaments, strands or hooks, not progressively invading the sky",
"2":"Dense Cirrus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a Cumulonimbus, or Cirrus with sproutings in the form of small turrets or battlements, or Cirrus having the appearance of cumuliform tufts",
"3":"Dense Cirrus, often in the form of an anvil, being the remains of the upper parts of Cumulonimbus",
"4":"Cirrus in the form of hooks or of filaments, or both, progressively invading the sky; they generally become denser as a whole",
"5":"Cirrus (often in bands converging towards one point or two opposite points of the horizon) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone; in either case, they are progressively invading the sky, and generally growing denser as a whole, but the continuous veil does not reach 45 degrees above the horizon.",
"6":"Cirrus (often in bands converging towards one point or two opposite points of the horizon) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone; in either case, they are progressively invading the sky, and generally growing denser as a whole; the continuous veil extends more than 45 degrees above the horizon, without the sky being totally covered",
"7":"Veil of Cirrostratus covering the celestial dome",
"8":"Cirrostratus not progressively invading the sky and not completely covering the celestial dome",
"9":"Cirrocumulus alone, or Cirrocumulus accompanied by Cirrus or Cirrostratus, or both, but Cirrocumulus is predominant",
"10":"Cirrus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena, or more often because of the presence of a continuous layer of lower clouds"
"0":"No Altocumulus, Altostratus or Nimbostratus",
"1":"Altostratus, the greater part of which is semitransparent; through this part the sun or moon may be weakly visible, as through ground glass",
"2":"Altostratus, the greater part of which is sufficiently dense to hide the sun or moon, or Nimbostratus",
"3":"Altocumulus, the greater part of which is semitransparent; the various elements of the cloud change only slowly and are all at a single level",
"4":"Patches (often in the form of almonds or fish) of Altocumulus, the greater part of which is semi-transparent; the clouds occur at one or more levels and the elements are continually changing in appearance",
"5":"Altocumulus clouds generally thicken as a whole; Semi-transparent Altocumulus in bands, or Altocumulus, in one or more fairly continuous layer (semi-transparent or opaque), progresively invading the sky; these Altocumulus clouds generally thicken as a whole",
"6":"Altocumulus resulting from the spreading out of Cumulus (or Cumulonimbus)",
"7":"Altocumulus in two or more layers, usually opaque in places, and not progressively invading the sky; or opaque layer of Altocumulus, not progressively invading the sky; or Altocumulus together with Altostratus or Nimbostratus",
"8":"Altocumulus with sproutings in the form of small towers or battlements, or Altocumulus having the appearance of cumuliform tufts",
"9":"Altocumulus of a chaotic sky, generally at several levels",
"10":"Altocumulus, Altostratus and Nimbostratus invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena, or more often because of the presence of a continuous layer of lower clouds"
"0":"36-point compass",
"1":"32-point compass",
"2":"16 of 36-point compass",
"3":"16 of 32-point compass",
"4":"8-point compass",
"5":"360-point compass",
"6":"high resolution data (e.g., tenths of degrees)"
"2":"iced measured",
"3":"iced computed"
"0":"ID present, but unknown type",
"1":"ship, Ocean Station Vessel (OSV), or ice station callsign",
"2":"generic ID (e.g., SHIP, BUOY, RIGG, PLAT)",
"3":"WMO 5-digit buoy number",
"4":"other buoy number (e.g., Argos or national buoy number)",
"5":"Coastal-Marine Automated Network (C-MAN) ID (assigned by US NDBC or other organizations)",
"6":"station name or number",
"7":"oceanographic platform/cruise number",
"8":"fishing vessel psuedo-ID",
"9":"national ship number",
"10":"composite information from early ship data",
"11":"7-digit buoy ID (proposed)"
"0":"version 0 (2010,",
"1":"version 1 (2016)"
"0":"tenths degC",
"1":"half degC",
"2":"whole degC",
"3":"whole or tenths degC (mixed precision among temperature fields)",
"4":"tenths degF",
"5":"half degF",
"6":"whole degF",
"7":"whole or tenths degF (mixed precision among temperature fields)",
"8":"high resolution data (e.g., hundredths degC)",
"0":"degrees and tenths",
"1":"whole degrees",
"2":"mixed precision",
"4":"degrees and minutes",
"5":"high resolution data (e.g., degrees to seconds)",
"0": "",
"1": "",
"2": "",
"3": "",
"4": "",
"5": "",
"6": "",
"7": "",
"8": "",
"9": "",
"10": "",
"11": "",
"12": "",
"13": "",
"14": "",
"15": "",
"16": "",
"17": "",
"18": "",
"19": "",
"20": "",
"21": "",
"22": "",
"23": "",
"24": "",
"25": "",
"26": "",
"27": "",
"28": "",
"29": "",
"30": "",
"31": "",
"32": "",
"33": "",
"34": "",
"35": "",
"36": "",
"37": "",
"38": "",
"39": "",
"40": "",
"41": "",
"42": "",
"43": "",
"44": "",
"45": "",
"46": "",
"47": "",
"48": "",
"49": "",
"50": "",
"51": "",
"52": "",
"53": "",
"54": "",
"55": "",
"56": "",
"57": "",
"58": "",
"59": "",
"60": "",
"61": "",
"62": "",
"63": "",
"64": "",
"65": "",
"66": "",
"67": "",
"68": "",
"69": "",
"70": "",
"71": "",
"72": "",
"73": "",
"74": "",
"75": "",
"76": "",
"77": "",
"78": "",
"79": "",
"80": "",
"81": "",
"82": "",
"83": "",
"84": "",
"85": "",
"86": "",
"87": "",
"88": "",
"89": "",
"90": "",
"91": "",
"92": "",
"93": "",
"94": "",
"95": "",
"96": "",
"97": "",
"98": "",
"99": ""
\ No newline at end of file
"0":"waves from 0 degrees",
"1":"waves from 10",
"2":"waves from 20 degrees",
"3":"waves from 30 degrees",
"4":"waves from 40 degrees",
"5":"waves from 50 degrees",
"6":"waves from 60 degrees",
"7":"waves from 70 degrees",
"8":"waves from 80 degrees",
"9":"waves from 90 degrees",
"10":"waves from 100 degrees",
"11":"waves from 110 degrees",
"12":"waves from 120 degrees",
"13":"waves from 130 degrees",
"14":"waves from 140 degrees",
"15":"waves from 150 degrees",
"16":"waves from 160 degrees",
"17":"waves from 170 degrees",
"18":"waves from 180 degrees",
"19":"waves from 190 degrees",
"20":"waves from 200 degrees",
"21":"waves from 210 degrees",
"22":"waves from 220 degrees",
"23":"waves from 230 degrees",
"24":"waves from 240 degrees",
"25":"waves from 250 degrees",
"26":"waves from 260 degrees",
"27":"waves from 270 degrees",
"28":"waves from 280 degrees",
"29":"waves from 290 degrees",
"30":"waves from 300 degrees",
"31":"waves from 310 degrees",
"32":"waves from 320 degrees",
"33":"waves from 330 degrees",
"34":"waves from 340 degrees",
"35":"waves from 350 degrees",
"36":"waves from 360 degrees",
"37":"waves confused, direction indeterminate (WH ≤ 4.75 m)",
"38":"waves confused, direction indeterminate (WH > 4.75 m; or irrespective of wave height, corresponding to 99 in WMO Code 0877"
"0":"nearest whole hour",
"1":"hour to tenths",
"2":"hour plus minutes",
"3":"high resolution (e.g., hour to hundredths)",
"4":"Daily (assumed local solar midday)"
"0":"nearest whole hour",
"1":"hour to tenths",
"2":"hour plus minutes",
"3":"high resolution (e.g., hour to hundredths)",
"4":"Daily (assumed local solar midday)"
"0":"0 knots;[0.0,0.0,0.0] ms-1",
"1":"1-3 knots;[0.51444,1.02888,1.54332] ms-1",
"2":"4-6 knots;[2.05776,2.5722,3.08664] ms-1",
"3":"7-9 knots;[3.60108,4.11552,4.62996] ms-1",
"4":"10-12 knots;[5.1444,5.65884,6.17328] ms-1",
"5":"13-15 knots;[6.68772,7.20216,7.7166] ms-1",
"6":"16-18 knots;[8.23104,8.74548,9.25992] ms-1",
"7":"19-21 knots;[9.77436,10.2888,10.8032] ms-1",
"8":"22-24 knots;[11.3177,11.8321,12.3466] ms-1",
"9":"over 24 knots;[12.3466,12.861,null] ms-1"
"0":"0 knots;[0.0,0.0,0.0] ms-1",
"1":"1-5 knots;[0.51444,1.54332,2.5722] ms-1",
"2":"6-10 knots;[3.08664,4.11552,5.1444] ms-1",
"3":"11-15 knots;[5.65884,6.68772,7.7166] ms-1",
"4":"16-20 knots;[8.23104,9.25992,10.2888] ms-1",
"5":"21-25 knots;[10.8032,11.8321,12.861] ms-1",
"6":"26-30 knots;[13.3754,14.4043,15.4332] ms-1",
"7":"31-35 knots;[15.9476,16.9765,18.0054] ms-1",
"8":"36-40 knots;[18.5198,19.5487,20.5776] ms-1",
"9":"over 40 knots;[21.092,22.1209,null] ms-1"
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