#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Sep 13 15:14:51 2018 Read data file format json schema to dictionary """ import os import sys import json import logging import shutil from copy import deepcopy import glob from .. import properties if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: py3 = True else: py3 = False toolPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) schema_lib = os.path.join(toolPath,'lib') templates_path = os.path.join(schema_lib,'templates','schemas') def read_schema(schema_name = None, ext_schema_path = None): if schema_name: if schema_name not in properties.supported_data_models: print('ERROR: \n\tInput data model "{}" not supported. See mdf_reader.properties.supported_data_models for supported data models'.format(schema_name)) return else: schema_path = os.path.join(schema_lib,schema_name) else: schema_path = os.path.abspath(ext_schema_path) schema_name = os.path.basename(schema_path) schema_file = os.path.join(schema_path, schema_name + '.json') if not os.path.isfile(schema_file): logging.error('Can\'t find input schema file {}'.format(schema_file)) return with open(schema_file) as fileObj: schema = json.load(fileObj) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FILL IN THE INITIAL SCHEMA TO "FULL COMPLEXITY" # EXPLICITY ADD INFO THAT IS IMPLICIT TO GIVEN SITUATIONS/SUBFORMATS # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # One report per record: make sure later changes are reflected in MULTIPLE # REPORTS PER RECORD case below if we ever use it! if not schema['header'].get('multiple_reports_per_line'): # Make no section formats be 1 section format if not schema.get('sections'): schema['sections'] = {properties.dummy_level:{'header':{},'elements':schema.get('elements')}} schema['header']['parsing_order'] = [{'s':[properties.dummy_level]}] schema.pop('elements',None) schema['sections'][properties.dummy_level]['header']['delimiter'] = schema['header'].get('delimiter') schema['header'].pop('delimiter',None) schema['sections'][properties.dummy_level]['header']['field_layout'] = schema['header'].get('field_layout') schema['header'].pop('field_layout',None) # Make parsing order explicit if not schema['header'].get('parsing_order'):# assume sequential schema['header']['parsing_order'] = [{'s':list(schema['sections'].keys())}] # Make disable_read and field_layout explicit: this is ruled by delimiter or length being set, # unless explicitly set for section in schema['sections'].keys(): if schema['sections'][section]['header'].get('disable_read'): continue else: schema['sections'][section]['header']['disable_read'] = False if not schema['sections'][section]['header'].get('field_layout'): delimiter = schema['sections'][section]['header'].get('delimiter') schema['sections'][section]['header']['field_layout'] = 'delimited' if delimiter else 'fixed_width' return schema else: # 1X: MULTIPLE REPORTS PER RECORD # !!!! NEED TO ADD SECTION LENS TO THE REPORT'S SECTION'S HEADER!!! # CAN INFER FROM ELEMENTS LENGHT AND ADD, OR MAKE AS REQUIREMENT TO BE GIVEN # global name_report_section # Have to assess how the section splitting works when x sequential # sections are declared, and only x-y are met. if not schema['header'].get('reports_per_line'): schema['header']['reports_per_line'] = 24 if not schema.get('sections'): schema['sections'] = dict() schema['header']['parsing_order'] = [{'s':[]}] for i in range(1,schema['header']['reports_per_line'] + 1): schema['sections'].update({str(i):{'header':{},'elements':deepcopy(schema.get('elements'))}}) else: name_report_section = list(schema['sections'].keys())[-1] schema['header']['name_report_section'] == name_report_section schema['header']['parsing_order'] = [{'s':list(schema['sections'].keys())[:-1]}] for i in range(1,schema['header']['reports_per_line'] + 1): schema['sections'].update({str(i):schema['sections'].get(name_report_section)}) schema['sections'].pop(name_report_section,None) for i in range(1,schema['header']['reports_per_line'] + 1): schema['header']['parsing_order'][0]['s'].append(str(i)) return schema def df_schema(df_columns, schema): def clean_schema(columns,schema): # Could optionally add cleaning of element descriptors that only apply # to the initial reading of the data model: field_length, etc.... for element in list(schema): if element not in columns: schema.pop(element) return flat_schema = dict() # Flatten main model schema for section in schema.get('sections'): if section == properties.dummy_level: flat_schema.update(schema['sections'].get(section).get('elements')) elif schema['sections'].get(section).get('header').get('disable_read'): flat_schema.update( { (section, section): {'column_type':'object'} }) else: flat_schema.update( { (section, x): schema['sections'].get(section).get('elements').get(x) for x in schema['sections'].get(section).get('elements') }) clean_schema(df_columns, flat_schema) return flat_schema def templates(): schemas = glob.glob(os.path.join(templates_path,'*.json')) return [ os.path.basename(x).split(".")[0] for x in schemas ] def copy_template(schema, out_dir = None,out_path = None): schemas = templates() if schema in schemas: schema_path = os.path.join(templates_path,schema + '.json') schema_out = out_path if out_path else os.path.join(out_dir,schema + '.json') shutil.copyfile(schema_path, schema_out) if os.path.isfile( schema_out): print('Schema template {0} copied to {1}'.format(schema, schema_out)) return else: print('copy_template ERROR:') print('\tError copying schema template {0} copied to {1}'.format(schema, schema_out)) return else: print('copy_template ERROR:') print('\tRequested template {} must be a valid name.'.format(schema)) print('\tValid names are: {}'.format(", ".join(schemas))) return