#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Manages the integral sequence in data file reading from a data model: - Access to data model - Data file import - Data file reading - Data validation - Output Contains the following functions: * ERV - does the actual extraction, read and validation of data input data * main - the main function of the script Can be run as a script with: python -m mdf_reader data_file **kwargs """ import os import sys import pandas as pd import logging import json import copy from io import StringIO as StringIO import csv from .data_models import schemas from . import properties from .common import pandas_TextParser_hdlr #from .reader import import_data #from .reader import get_sections from mdf_reader.reader import import_data, get_sections, read_sections from .validator import validate toolPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) schema_lib = os.path.join(toolPath,'data_models','lib') # AUX FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------- def ERV(TextParser,read_sections_list, schema, code_tables_path): """ Extracts, reads and validates data input data. Parameters ---------- TextParser : list or pandas.io.parsers.TextFileReader The data to extract and read read_sections_list : list List with subset of data model sections to output schema : dict Data model schema code_tables_path : str Path to data model code tables Returns ------- data : pandas.DataFrame, pandas.io.parsers.TextFileReader Contains the input data extracted and read valid : pandas.DataFrame, pandas.io.parsers.TextFileReader Contains the a boolean mask with the data validation output """ data_buffer = StringIO() valid_buffer = StringIO() for i_chunk, string_df in enumerate(TextParser): # 1. Get a DF with 1 column per sections: # - only sections requested, ignore rest # - requested NA sections as NaN columns # - columns(sections) order as in read_sections_list sections_df = get_sections.main(string_df, schema, read_sections_list) # 2. Read elements from sections # Along data chunks, resulting data types # may vary if gaps, keep track of data dtypes: v1.0 # This has now been solved by working with Intxx pandas dtypes (nullable integers) # Sections are parsed in the same order as sections_df.columns [data_df, valid_df, out_dtypes ] = read_sections.main(sections_df, schema) # 3. Validate data elements valid_df = validate.validate(data_df, valid_df, schema, code_tables_path) # 4. Save to buffer # Writing options from quoting on to prevent data with special characters, like commas, etc, to be quoted #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21147058/pandas-to-csv-output-quoting-issue data_df.to_csv(data_buffer,header = False, mode = 'a', encoding = 'utf-8', index = False,quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, sep=properties.internal_delimiter, quotechar='\0',escapechar='\0') valid_df.to_csv(valid_buffer,header = False, mode = 'a', encoding = 'utf-8',index = False) # Create the output # WE'LL NEED TO POSPROCESS THIS WHEN READING MULTIPLE REPORTS PER LINE, IF EVER... data_buffer.seek(0) valid_buffer.seek(0) logging.info("Wrapping output....") # Chunksize from the imported TextParser if it is a pd.io.parsers.TextFileReader # (source is either pd.io.parsers.TextFileReader or a file with chunksize specified on input): # This way it supports direct chunksize property inheritance if the input source was a pd.io.parsers.TextFileReader chunksize = TextParser.orig_options['chunksize'] if isinstance(TextParser,pd.io.parsers.TextFileReader) else None # 'datetime' is not a valid pandas dtype: Only on output (on reading) will be then converted (via parse_dates) to datetime64[ns] type, # cannot specify 'datetime' (of any kind) here: would fail, need to change to 'object' and tell the date parser where it is date_columns = [] # Needs to be the numeric index of the column, as seems not to be able to work with tupples.... for i,element in enumerate(list(out_dtypes)): if out_dtypes.get(element) == 'datetime': date_columns.append(i) out_dtypes.update({element:'object'}) data = pd.read_csv(data_buffer,names = data_df.columns, chunksize = chunksize, dtype = out_dtypes, parse_dates = date_columns, delimiter=properties.internal_delimiter, quotechar='\0',escapechar='\0') valid = pd.read_csv(valid_buffer,names = data_df.columns, chunksize = chunksize) return data, valid def validate_arg(arg_name,arg_value,arg_type): """ Validates input argument is as expected type Parameters ---------- arg_name : str arg_value : arg_type arg_type : python type Returns ------- True,False """ if arg_value and not isinstance(arg_value,arg_type): logging.error('Argument {0} must be {1}, input type is {2}'.format(arg_name,arg_type,type(arg_value))) return False else: return True def validate_path(arg_name,arg_value): """ Validates input argument is an existing directory Parameters ---------- arg_name : str arg_value : str Returns ------- True,False """ if arg_value and not os.path.isdir(arg_value): logging.error('{0} could not find path {1}'.format(arg_name,arg_value)) return False else: return True # END AUX FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------- def main(source, data_model = None, data_model_path = None, sections = None,chunksize = None, skiprows = None, out_path = None ): """ Reads a data file to a pandas DataFrame using a pre-defined data model. Read data is validates against its data model producing a boolean mask on output. The data model needs to be input to the module as a named model (included in the module) or as the path to a valid data model. Arguments --------- source : str The file path to read Keyword Arguments ----------------- data_model : str, optional Name of internally available data model data_model_path : str, optional Path to external data model sections : list, optional List with subset of data model sections to outpu (default is all) chunksize : int, optional Number of reports per chunk (default is no chunking) skiprows : int, optional Number of initial rows to skip from file (default is 0) out_path : str, optional Path to output data, valid mask and attributes (default is no output) Returns ------- output : object Attributes data, mask and atts contain the corresponding information from the data file. Note ---- This module can also be run as a script, with the keyword arguments as name_arg=arg """ logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s\t[%(asctime)s](%(filename)s)\t%(message)s', level=logging.INFO,datefmt='%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S',filename=None) # 0. VALIDATE INPUT if not data_model and not data_model_path: logging.error('A valid data model name or path to data model must be provided') return if not os.path.isfile(source): logging.error('Can\'t find input data file {}'.format(source)) return if not validate_arg('sections',sections,list): return if not validate_arg('chunksize',chunksize,int): return if not validate_arg('skiprows',skiprows,int): return if not validate_path('data_model_path',data_model_path): return if not validate_path('out_path',out_path): return # 1. GET DATA MODEL # Schema reader will return empty if cannot read schema or is not valid # and will log the corresponding error # multiple_reports_per_line error also while reading schema logging.info("READING DATA MODEL SCHEMA FILE...") schema = schemas.read_schema( schema_name = data_model, ext_schema_path = data_model_path) if not schema: return if data_model: model_path = os.path.join(schema_lib,data_model) else: model_path = data_model_path code_tables_path = os.path.join(model_path,'code_tables') # 2. READ AND VALIDATE DATA imodel = data_model if data_model else data_model_path logging.info("EXTRACTING DATA FROM MODEL: {}".format(imodel)) # 2.1. Subset data model sections to requested sections parsing_order = schema['header'].get('parsing_order') if not sections: sections = [ x.get(y) for x in parsing_order for y in x ] read_sections_list = [y for x in sections for y in x] else: read_sections_list = sections # 2.2 Homogeneize input data to an iterable with dataframes: # a list with a single dataframe or a pd.io.parsers.TextFileReader logging.info("Getting data string from source...") TextParser = import_data.main(source, chunksize = chunksize, skiprows = skiprows) # 2.3. Extract, read and validate data in same loop logging.info("Extracting and reading sections") data,valid = ERV(TextParser,read_sections_list, schema, code_tables_path) # 3. CREATE OUTPUT DATA ATTRIBUTES logging.info("CREATING OUTPUT DATA ATTRIBUTES FROM DATA MODEL") data_columns = [ x for x in data ] if isinstance(data,pd.DataFrame) else data.orig_options['names'] out_atts = schemas.df_schema(data_columns, schema) # 4. OUTPUT TO FILES IF REQUESTED if out_path: enlisted = False if not isinstance(data,pd.io.parsers.TextFileReader): data = [data] valid = [valid] enlisted = True logging.info('WRITING DATA TO FILES IN: {}'.format(out_path)) for i, (data_df,valid_df) in enumerate(zip(data,valid)): header = False mode = 'a' if i == 0: mode = 'w' cols = [ x for x in data_df ] if isinstance(cols[0],tuple): header = [":".join(x) for x in cols] out_atts_json = { ":".join(x):out_atts.get(x) for x in out_atts.keys() } else: header = cols out_atts_json = out_atts kwargs = {'header' : header, 'mode' : mode, 'encoding' : 'utf-8','index' : True, 'index_label' : 'index','quotechar':'\0','escapechar':'\0'} data_df.to_csv(os.path.join(out_path,'data.csv'), **kwargs) valid_df.to_csv(os.path.join(out_path,'mask.csv'), **kwargs) if enlisted: data = data[0] valid = valid[0] else: data = pandas_TextParser_hdlr.restore(data.f,data.orig_options) valid = pandas_TextParser_hdlr.restore(valid.f,valid.orig_options) with open(os.path.join(out_path,'atts.json'),'w') as fileObj: json.dump(out_atts_json,fileObj,indent=4) # 5. RETURN DATA class output(): """ Class to represent reader output Attributes ---------- data : str a pandas.DataFrame or pandas.io.parsers.TextFileReader with the output data atts : dict a dictionary with the output data elements attributes mask : str a pandas.DataFrame or pandas.io.parsers.TextFileReader with the output data validation mask """ def __init__(self): self.data = data self.atts = out_atts self.mask = valid return output()