#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Created on Fri Jan 10 13:17:43 2020
#Extracts and reads (decodes, scales, etc...) the elements of data sections.
#Each column of the input dataframe is a section with all its elements stored
#as a single string.
#Working on a section by section basis, this module uses the data model
#information provided in the schema to split the elements, decode and scale them
#where appropriate and ensure its data type consistency.
#Output is a dataframe with columns as follows depending on the data model
#    1) Data model with sections (1 or more): [(section0,element0),.......(sectionN,elementM)]
#    2) Data model with no sections[element0...element1]
#1) the 'quoted' issue: in version 1.0:
# # Writing options from quoting on to prevent supp buoy data to be quoted:
# # maybe this happenned because buoy data has commas, and pandas makes its own decission about
# # how to write that.....
# #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21147058/pandas-to-csv-output-quoting-issue
# # quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE was failing when a section is empty (or just one record in a section,...)
# sections_df[section].to_csv(section_buffer,header=False, encoding = 'utf-8',index = False,quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE,escapechar="\\",sep="\t")
# But we were still experiencing problems when reading fully empty sections, now
# we only write to the section buffer reports that are not empty. We afterwards
# recover the indexes....
#@author: iregon

import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO as StringIO
import csv

from .. import properties
from ..common.converters import converters
from ..common.decoders import decoders

def extract_fixed_width(section_serie_bf,section_schema):
    # Read section elements descriptors
    section_names = section_schema['elements'].keys()
    section_widths = list(map(lambda x: x if x else properties.MAX_FULL_REPORT_WIDTH, [ section_schema['elements'][i].get('field_length') for i in section_names ]))
    section_missing = { i:section_schema['elements'][i].get('missing_value') if section_schema['elements'][i].get('disable_white_strip') == True
                               else [section_schema['elements'][i].get('missing_value')," "*section_schema['elements'][i].get('field_length', properties.MAX_FULL_REPORT_WIDTH)]
                               for i in section_names }
    section_elements = pd.read_fwf(section_serie_bf, widths = section_widths,
                                   header = None, names = section_names , 
                                   na_values = section_missing, encoding = 'utf-8', 
                                   dtype = 'object', skip_blank_lines = False,
    return section_elements

def extract_delimited(section_serie_bf,section_schema):
    delimiter = section_schema['header'].get('delimiter')
    section_names = section_schema['elements'].keys()
    section_missing = { x:section_schema['elements'][x].get('missing_value') for x in section_names }
    section_elements = pd.read_csv(section_serie_bf,header = None, delimiter = delimiter, 
                                   encoding = 'utf-8', dtype = 'object', 
                                   skip_blank_lines = False, names = section_names, 
                                   na_values = section_missing,quotechar='\0',escapechar='\0')

    return section_elements

def read_data(section_df,section_schema):
    section_names = section_df.columns
    section_dtypes = { i:section_schema['elements'][i]['column_type'] for i in section_names }
    encoded = [ (x) for x in section_names if 'encoding' in section_schema['elements'][x]]
    section_encoding = { i:section_schema['elements'][i]['encoding'] for i in encoded }
    section_valid = pd.DataFrame(index = section_df.index, columns = section_df.columns)

    for element in section_dtypes.keys():
        missing = section_df[element].isna()
        if element in encoded:
            section_df[element] = decoders.get(section_encoding.get(element)).get(section_dtypes.get(element))(section_df[element])
        kwargs = { converter_arg:section_schema['elements'][element].get(converter_arg) for converter_arg in properties.data_type_conversion_args.get(section_dtypes.get(element))  }
        section_df[element] = converters.get(section_dtypes.get(element))(section_df[element], **kwargs)

        section_valid[element] = missing | section_df[element].notna()
    return section_df,section_valid

def main(sections_df, schema):

    Returns a pandas dataframe with a report per row
    and the report sections split along the columns.
    Each section is a block string and only the sections
    listed in read_sections parameter are output.
    sections_df : pandas.DataFrame
        Pandas dataframe with a column per report sections.
        The sections in the columns as a block strings.    
    schema : dict 
        Data source data model schema 

    data : pandas.DataFrame 
        Dataframe with the report section elements split 
        along the columns. Multiindex if bla, regular index
        if ble
    mask : pandas.DataFrame 
        Dataframe with the report section elements split 
        along the columns. Multiindex if bla, regular index
        if ble   
    dtypes : dict
        Dictionary with pandas data types for each of the
        output elements
    multiindex = True if len(sections_df.columns) > 1 or sections_df.columns[0] != properties.dummy_level else False
    data_df = pd.DataFrame(index = sections_df.index)
    valid_df = pd.DataFrame(index = sections_df.index)
    out_dtypes = dict()

    for section in sections_df.columns:
        print('Reading section {}'.format(section))
        section_schema = schema['sections'].get(section)
        disable_read = section_schema.get('header').get('disable_read')

        if not disable_read:
            field_layout = section_schema.get('header').get('field_layout')
            ignore = [ i for i in section_schema['elements'].keys() if section_schema['elements'][i].get('ignore') ] # evals to True if set and true, evals to False if not set or set and false
             # Get rid of false delimiters in fixed_width
            delimiter = section_schema['header'].get('delimiter')
            if delimiter and field_layout == 'fixed_width':
                sections_df[section] = sections_df[section].str.replace(delimiter,'')

            section_buffer = StringIO()
            # Here indices are lost, have to give the real ones, those in section_strings:
            # we'll see if we do that in the caller module or here....
            # Only pass records with data to avoid the hassle of dealing with
            # how the NaN rows are written and then read!
            notna_idx = sections_df[sections_df[section].notna()].index
            sections_df[section].loc[notna_idx].to_csv(section_buffer,header=False, encoding = 'utf-8',index = False,quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE,quotechar='\0',escapechar='\0',sep=properties.internal_delimiter)
            ssshh = section_buffer.seek(0)
            # Get the individual elements as objects
            if field_layout == 'fixed_width':
                section_elements_obj = extract_fixed_width(section_buffer,section_schema)
            elif field_layout == 'delimited':
                section_elements_obj = extract_delimited(section_buffer,section_schema)

            section_elements_obj.drop(ignore, axis = 1, inplace = True)

            # Read the objects to their data types and apply decoding, scaling and so on...
            # Give them their actual indexes back
            section_elements, section_valid = read_data(section_elements_obj,section_schema)
            section_elements.index = notna_idx
            section_valid.index = notna_idx

            section_elements = pd.DataFrame(sections_df[section],columns = [section])
            section_valid = pd.DataFrame(index = section_elements.index,data = True, columns = [section])

        section_elements.columns = [ (section, x) for x in section_elements.columns] if multiindex else section_elements.columns
        section_valid.columns = section_elements.columns
        data_df = pd.concat([data_df,section_elements],sort = False,axis=1)
        valid_df = pd.concat([valid_df,section_valid],sort = False,axis=1)

    # Do the dtypes after removing unwnated elements, etc..
    for section in sections_df.columns:
        section_schema = schema['sections'].get(section)
        if not section_schema.get('header').get('disable_read'):
            elements = [ x[1] for x in data_df.columns if x[0] == section ]
            if multiindex:
                out_dtypes.update({ (section,i):properties.pandas_dtypes.get(section_schema['elements'][i].get('column_type')) for i in elements } )
                out_dtypes.update({ i:properties.pandas_dtypes.get(section_schema['elements'][i].get('column_type')) for i in elements } )
            if multiindex:
                    out_dtypes.update({ (section,section):'object' } )
                out_dtypes.update({ section:'object' } )
    return data_df, valid_df, out_dtypes