Configuration file
Configuration file
After installing the environment in JASMIN you need to make sure you specify the corrects paths to the code repository, input and output data at the [configuration file]().
After installing the environment in JASMIN you need to make sure to specify the correct paths to the code repository, input and output data. Make your own changes to the [configuration file](https://git.noc.ac.uk/brecinosrivas/orchestra-sst/-/blob/master/config.ini).
> **Note** Check with Liz where the lastest version of SST data and drifters is located in JASMIN just to make sure if the paths above are correct.
> **Note** Check with Liz where the latest path location for the drifting buoys since we use her ICOADS output of data.
Gridding process
Griding process
The re-gridding of SST data and the interpolation of buoy coordinates to the satellite data is done by a single script under:
The re-gridding of SST data and the interpolation of the data to the buoy's coordinates is done by a single script under:
The corresponding SLURM script to submit this job in JASMIN can be found under ``~/src/run_gridding.slurm``.
The corresponding SLURM script to submit this job in JASMIN can be found under ``~/src/run_gridding.slurm``.
Several things need to be set up before running that script:
1. Make slurm-log output directories:
cd ~/orchestra-sst/
mkdir slurm_log_output
mkdir input_data
You should have the following directory configuration under `~/orchestra-sst/`
2. Modify paths and job array set up in the file ``~/orchestra-sst/src/run_gridding.slurm``:
#SBATCH --partition=short-serial-4hr
#SBATCH --array=3001-6574
#SBATCH --job-name=sst_buoy_regrid
#SBATCH --output=../slurm_log_output/sst_buoy_regrid_%A_%a.out
#SBATCH --error=../slurm_log_output/sst_buoy_regrid_%A_%a.err
#SBATCH --mem=4000
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
source activate ~/miniconda3/envs/sst
echo "Analysing data for $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID days"
echo "since $start_year $start_month $start_day minus a day"
python ~/orchestra-sst/scripts/coarse_cci_sst.py $start_year $start_month $start_day $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
echo "Done slurm task ID = $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID"
Make sure you modify ```#SBATCH --array=1-3000``` at the moment to process the entire time series you need to run it in two parts
first from day 1 to 3000, and later from 3001 to 6574. So the job can be run in the ``short-serial-4hr`` queue (next part: ``#SBATCH --array=3001-6574``).
3. After configuring the SLURM script you can run it by:
cd ~/orchestra-sst/src/
sbatch run_gridding.slurm
For more information on the processing workflow of this script read the following [jupyter notebook](https://git.noc.ac.uk/brecinosrivas/orchestra-sst/-/blob/master/notebooks/cci_at_buoy_coord_results.ipynb)
Computing time series
Computing time series
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