Unverified Commit 89f44496 authored by Dan Jones's avatar Dan Jones
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fix: clearer grammar for token scenarios

parent 06cefe4e
This commit is part of merge request !5. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
Feature: Is the token valid? Feature: Is the token valid?
The adapter tokenValid method works as expected The adapter tokenValid method works as expected
Scenario: If adapter has not authed token is invalid Scenario: If adapter has not authed then the tokenValid returns false
Given valid config Given valid config
When the adapter instance is created When the adapter instance is created
Then tokenValid returns false Then tokenValid returns false
Scenario: If credentials.expiry is in the future token is valid Scenario: If credentials.expiry is in the future then the token is valid
Given valid config Given valid config
When the adapter instance is created When the adapter instance is created
When the auth method is called When the auth method is called
When the token expiry is in the future When the token expiry is in the future
Then tokenValid returns true Then tokenValid returns true
Scenario: If credentials.expiry is in the past token is invalid Scenario: If credentials.expiry is in the past then the token is invalid
Given valid config Given valid config
When the adapter instance is created When the adapter instance is created
When the auth method is called When the auth method is called
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