""" schemas: Acknowledgement status sent by the surface platform to report receipt of message. """ # from openapi_schema_validator import validate # from jsonschema import validate acknowledgement_schema = { "allOf": [{"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Message"}], "type": "object", "properties": { "acknowledged_message_ID": { "type": "string", "description": "Identifier of message received and executed with " + "success for mission plans sent by the Autonomy Engine.", "example": "02125022255-7bc8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac999999", }, "status": { "type": "string", "enum": ["c2_received", "operator_approved_and_sent", "executed"], "description": "Highest level of acknowledgement. I.e." + " `c2_received`: Received by C2, `operator_approved_and_sent`" + " : Approved by operator and sent from C2->Platform," + " `executed`: Executed by platform", "example": "executed by platform", }, }, "required": ["acknowledged_message_ID", "status"], } # validate( # {"acknowledged_message_ID": "string-type-id", "status": "c2_received"}, # acknowledgement_schema, # )