# Contributing to Backbone Message Formats _Last updated: 01 Dec 2022_ <br/> Guidelines for our Squad of Adaptive Robots (SoAR) project partners to collaborate in this workspace specifically for message formats that interact with each partner's software components and the Communications Backbone. <br/><br/> ## Where To Find A Brief on Message Formats Please refer to the [**README.md**](https://git.noc.ac.uk/communications-backbone-system/backbone-message-format/-/blob/master/README.md) file that summarises the `message types` and `message flows`. > _Info: [Quick Links](#quick-links) might be helpful too!_ <br/> ## Commenting A great way to collaborate and refine the message formats is by commenting on the schema definitions/examples (within the code itself) or on an `issue` card. ### **Commenting on Code** Go to [`Merge Requests`](https://git.noc.ac.uk/communications-backbone-system/backbone-message-format/-/merge_requests), add your comment and click `Add comment now`. Be sure to tag partners who should response. Use `@` followed by the partner's username or tag a partner's organisation by adding a label. P.S. The initial working branch is [`create-initial-message-formats`](https://git.noc.ac.uk/communications-backbone-system/backbone-message-format/-/merge_requests/2/diffs). **But _HOW_ Do I Add A Comment?** > A. To **comment directly on the** [**`master` branch**](https://git.noc.ac.uk/communications-backbone-system/backbone-message-format/-/tree/master) directly, hover over the left column that shows the line numbers, and click on the **paperclip icon**. This copies the specific line of code. You can then proceed to pasting this link into a new issue as per [Raising New Ideas or Questions](#raising-new-ideas-or-questions). > B. To **comment on a Merge Request**, hover over the left column that shows the line numbers, and click on the _paperclip_ or _comment bubble_ icon. This copies the line of code. You can then proceed to pasting this link into a new issue as per [Raising New Ideas or Questions](#raising-new-ideas-or-questions). <br/> ### **Commenting on Issue Cards** Go to the [issue](https://git.noc.ac.uk/communications-backbone-system/backbone-message-format/-/issues), scroll to the bottom of the page and add your comment. Once done, click on `Comment`. <br/><br/> ## Raising New Ideas or Questions If you have an idea or a question for our collaborators, it's simple! [`Create a new issue`](https://git.noc.ac.uk/communications-backbone-system/backbone-message-format/-/issues/new?issue), assign a person to respond/take action under `Assignee`, and add a partner under `Labels` . <br/><br/> ## Labels Summary To add/edit labels, go to [manage labels](https://git.noc.ac.uk/communications-backbone-system/backbone-message-format/-/labels). | Category | Labels Available | Description | | -------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Partner | Planet Ocean, Hydrosurv, NOC, RHU | Associated partner | | Vehicles | ah1 | Associated vehicle | | Status | In Sprint Backlog, In Progress, In Review, BLOCKED | Status of resolving issue | | Weight | 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 | Complexity of issue (0 - quick task and 8 - full 2 weeks worth of work) | | - | bug, feature | Type of issue i.e. new feature, bug | <br/> ## Getting Started > Notes for this section is in PROGRESS 1. Clone this gitlab repository: ``` git clone https://git.noc.ac.uk/communications-backbone-system/backbone-message-format.git ``` 2. Install the dependencies from `requirements.txt`. <br/> ## Quick Links 1. [Schema Fields Definitions](https://git.noc.ac.uk/communications-backbone-system/backbone-message-format/-/tree/7-message-formats-initial/formats) 2. [JSON Schema Examples](https://git.noc.ac.uk/communications-backbone-system/backbone-message-format/-/tree/7-message-formats-initial/examples) 3. To view schema docs via Swagger UI, run the command below and go to `` ``` python3 docs/generate_swagger.py ``` *Disclaimer: These are *not* endpoints. Purely for schema representation purposes. > TEMPORARY: Pregenerated Swagger docs can be [viewed here](https://planetocean15.sharepoint.com/sites/IUKSoAR/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FIUKSoAR%2FShared%20Documents%2FTechnical%2FTechnical%20meetings%2Finitial%2Dswagger%2Ddocs%2Ddraft%2Epdf&viewid=1d649f5f%2Dd30e%2D482f%2Dbd77%2D9316a0023bf9&parent=%2Fsites%2FIUKSoAR%2FShared%20Documents%2FTechnical%2FTechnical%20meetings).