""" Generate swagger to view models/schemas. Command: 1/ python3 generate_swagger.py 2/ Go to WARNING: API Endpoints are NOT functional. Purely for easy-reading. """ from flask import Flask, request from flasgger import Swagger, LazyString from flask_restx import Api, fields, Resource app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) swagger_template = dict( info={ "title": LazyString(lambda: "SoAR Backbone Message Formats"), "version": LazyString(lambda: "0.1"), "description": LazyString( lambda: "Backbone Message Format component for the Squad of Autonomous Robots (SoAR) message definitions." ), }, host=LazyString(lambda: request.host), ) message_header_schema = api.model( "MessageHeader", { "timestamp": fields.DateTime( required=True, description="Timestamp of message", example="2022-11-16T00:00:00Z", ), "source": fields.String( required=True, description="Where is this message from", example="autonomy_engine", ), "destination": fields.String( required=True, description="What is the destination of this message", example="ah-1", ), "encoded": fields.Boolean( required=True, description="Indicate that message raw (encoded) or decoded. " + "Options: encoded=True, decoded=False", example=False, ), "type": fields.String( required=True, description="Type of message", example="platform_status", ), "payload": fields.Raw(required=True) # TODO: schema applicable changes according to "type" }, ) full_message_schema = api.model( "FullMessageSchema", { "uuid": fields.DateTime( # add this required=True, description="Timestamp of message", example="2022-11-16T00:00:00Z", ), "timestamp": fields.DateTime( required=True, description="Timestamp of message", example="2022-11-16T00:00:00Z", ), "source": fields.String( required=True, description="Where is this message from", example="autonomy_engine", ), "destination": fields.String( required=True, description="What is the destination of this message", example="ah-1", ), "encoded": fields.Boolean( required=True, description="Indicate that message raw (encoded) or decoded. " + "Options: encoded=True, decoded=False", example=False, ), "type": fields.String( required=True, description="Type of message", example="platform_status", ), "payload": fields.Raw( required=True, description="Content of Message", # example="{}", ), } ) constraints_schema = api.model( "ConstraintsSchema", { "min_altitude": fields.Float( required=True, description="Minimum altitude set for squad.", example=15.2, ), "min_velocity": fields.Float( required=True, description="Minimum velocity set for squad.", example=0.1, ), "max_velocity": fields.Float( required=True, description="Maximum altitude set for squad.", example=0.9, ), }, ) platform_schema = api.model( "PlatformSchema", { "platform_ID": fields.Integer( required=True, description="unique identifier for platform", example="ah-1", ), "serial": fields.Integer( required=True, description="platform serial number", example="ah-1", ), "model": fields.Integer( required=True, description="platform serial number", example="ah-1", ), "constraints": fields.Nested(constraints_schema), "active": fields.Boolean( required=False, description="When a platform is in deployment (executing a mission plan) this should be True", example=True, ), }, ) squad_metadata_schema = api.model( "SquadMetadataSchema", { "squad_ID": fields.Integer( required=True, description="Identifier of given squad", example="ah-1", ), "no_of_platforms": fields.Integer( required=True, description="number of platforms", example="ah-1", ), "platforms": fields.List( fields.Nested(platform_schema), required=True, description="Squad consists of these platforms", ), "squad_mission_type": fields.String( required=True, description="Mission of given squad: `tracking`, `survey`, `inspection`", example="survey", ), "squad_state": fields.Boolean( required=True, description="In execution, Waiting.. ", example=False, ), }, ) gps_schema = api.model( "GPS", { "gps_source": fields.Float( # TODO: TBD with partners required=False, description="Source of gps position. E.g. USBL (external), platform itself (internal)", example="internal", ), "latitude_type": fields.String( required=False, description="", example="", ), "longitude_type": fields.String( required=False, description="", example="", ), "latitude": fields.Float( required=False, description="Latitude in ", example="", ), "longitude": fields.Float( required=False, description="Longitude in ", example="", ), "depth": fields.Float( required=False, description="Depth in ", example="", ), "altitude": fields.Float( required=False, description="Altitude in ", example="", ), # "gps_fix_seconds_ago": fields.Float( # required=False, # description="", # example="", # ), }, ) observation_schema = api.model( "Observation", { "message": fields.Nested( message_header_schema, required=True, description="Message header", ), "platform": fields.Nested(platform_schema), "time": fields.String( required=True, description="Timestamp of message", example="2022-11-16T00:00:00Z", ), # "observation_type" ==> payloads tied to different types maybe? # properties of each observation? "points_of_interest": fields.Float( required=False, description="Points from features of interest identified by platform if any found. DEFINE FORMAT.", example="", ), "region_surveyed": fields.Float( required=False, description="Region surveyed by given platform. DEFINE FORMAT. GEOJSON?", example="", ), "quality_of_points": fields.Float( required=False, description="Quality/strength of points from features of interest identified by platform. DEFINE FORMAT.", example=0.98, ), "additional_data": fields.Raw( required=False, description="Placeholder field for any additional data", example={"sensor_payload": False}, ), } ) sensor_schema = api.model( "Sensor", { "sensor_name": fields.String( required=False, description="Name of sensor (e.g. MBES for AH1 and SideScan for Ecosub", example="MBES", ), "sensor_status": fields.Boolean( required=False, description="Sensor switched on (True) or off (False)", example=True, ), "additional_data": fields.Raw( required=False, description="Add any additional sensor-related data here.", example={"sensor_loadtime_seconds": 30.0}, ), } ) platform_status_message_schema = api.model( "platformStatusMessage", { "message": fields.Nested( message_header_schema, required=True, description="Message header", ), "platform": fields.Nested(platform_schema), "platform_state": fields.String( # TODO: Define dictionary with potential STATES of each platform required=False, description="Current state executed by platform. E.g. " + "STOP, IDLE, ABORT.", example="IDLE", ), "autonomy_mission_ID": fields.Integer( required=False, description="Last mission plan ID (according to Autonomy Engine's mission plan number) executed by platform", example=1, ), "mission_track_ID": fields.Integer( required=False, description=( "Track number - stage in mission (e.g. " + "4 --> Waypoint 3 to Waypoint 4)" ), example=4, ), "mission_action_ID": fields.Integer( required=False, description="to add description", example=1, ), "range_to_go": fields.Float( required=False, description="Estimated distance to reach next waypoint", example=124.3, ), "speed_over_ground": fields.Float( required=False, description="", example=124.3, ), "water_current_velocity": fields.Float( required=False, description="", example=124.3, ), "thrust_applied": fields.Float( required=False, description="TODO: Needs further consideration", example=124.3, ), "health_status": fields.String( required=False, description="Health status extracted by respective platform " + "if any diagnosis available checks on sensors", example="Warning", ), "gps_data": fields.List( fields.Nested(gps_schema), # TODO: TBD Do we want a list of gps readings to allow > 1 reading i.e. platform + usbl required=True, description="GPS of each platform", ), "localisation_error": fields.Float( required=False, description="Localisation error at last USBL update.", example="", ), "usbl_fix_seconds_ago": fields.Float( required=False, description="", example="", ), "battery_remaining_capacity": fields.Float( required=True, description="Battery remaining capacity % provided by respective platform/C2.", example=80.0, ), "sensor_config": fields.Nested(sensor_schema), # TODO: TBD Do we want a list of sensors to allow > 1 sensor }, ) mission_plan_schema = api.model( "MissionPlan", { "message": fields.Nested( message_header_schema, required=True, description="Message header", ), "ID": fields.Integer( required=True, description="Unique identifier tagged to version of this" + " configuration plan", example=3, ), "time": fields.String( required=True, description="", example="", ), "platform_ID": fields.Integer( required=False, description="Details of each squad", ), "payload": fields.Raw( required=True, ) }, ) swagger_config = { "headers": [], "specs": [ { "endpoint": "swagger", "route": "/swagger.json", "rule_filter": lambda rule: True, "model_filter": lambda tag: True, } ], "static_url_path": "/flasgger_static", "swagger_ui": True, "specs_route": "/soardocs/", "swagger": "2.0", "basePath": "/soar", "info": { "title": "soar", "version": "0.1", "description": "SoAR message schemas", }, "produces": ["application/json"], "consumes": ["application/json"], } autonomy_configuration_schema = api.model( "SquadConfigurationSchema", { "message": fields.Nested( message_header_schema, required=True, description="Message header", ), "ID": fields.Integer( required=True, description="Unique identifier tagged to version of this" + " configuration plan", example=3, ), "time": fields.String( required=True, description="", example="", ), "squads": fields.Nested( squad_metadata_schema, required=False, description="Details of each squad", ), "region_of_operation": fields.Raw( required=True, description="Using GEOJSON, exact region of interest EXCLUDING exclusion zone", example={ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "coordinates": [ [ [ -4.187143188645706, 50.37072283932642 ], [ -4.202697005964865, 50.368816892405874 ], [ -4.203156724702808, 50.365640144076906 ], [ -4.19449868846155, 50.362267670845654 ], [ -4.187373048015246, 50.35933489062816 ], [ -4.1859938917992565, 50.36207215780212 ], [ -4.188598964651192, 50.36471151593676 ], [ -4.192506573927574, 50.367350727294706 ], [ -4.188675584440716, 50.36837704762925 ], [ -4.187143188645706, 50.37072283932642 ] ] ], "type": "Polygon" # "projection": coordinate system used } } ] } ), }, ) swagger = Swagger(app, template=swagger_template, config=swagger_config) ns1 = api.namespace("message", description="Message Wrapper (Full Message Schema) Format") @ns1.route("/wrapper") class MessageWrapper(Resource): @ns1.response(200, "Success", full_message_schema) def get(self): pass ns2 = api.namespace("platform_status", description="platform Status Message Format") @ns2.route("") class platformStatus(Resource): @ns2.response(200, "Success", platform_status_message_schema) def get(self): pass ns3 = api.namespace( "autonomy_configuration", description="Autonomy Configuration Format. Do we want region of interest to be per squad, per platform or in the main schema?" ) @ns3.route("") class AutonomyConfiguration(Resource): @ns3.response(200, "Success", autonomy_configuration_schema) def get(self): pass # @api.route('/mission-plan/