[flake8] # Black formats code with max line length of 88 # Bugbears B950 warning allows lines to be 10% longer than flake8's max max-line-length = 80 # Errors and warnings to report select = C, E, F, W, B, # Allow max line length to be exceeded by 10% before warning. B950 # Errors and warnings to ignore ignore = # Black puts space around slice operator which flake8 errors on. E203, # No error on max line length exceeded as B950 is doing this for us. E501, # Black puts line breaks before binary operators so don't warn this. W503 B036 E999 # Folders to ignore exclude = .git, *.pyc, __pycache__, ./docker, ./docs, ./kustomize ./requirements.txt ./requirements-dev.txt ./CHANGELOG.md ./CONTRIBUTING.md