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Documentation on how to get IceNet layers into C2
Module to apply corrections to metadata from marine meteorological datasets
Python Library with useful tools for doing Spatial Analysis
Communications backbone core developed by C2 Team (NOC)
Message format(s) for the Communications Backbone System
A collection of words and their meanings and usage
Generic adapter for the communications-backbone.
client credentials grant http send/receive/notify to backbone websockets send and receive validation of messages against a specified OpenAPI schema decode/encode stubs
Work done on replicating and/or improving the Okta method of estimating incoming solar radiation based on Dobson and Smith and Aleksandrova et al
MATLAB scripts and functions underlying/called by those in MEXEC/mexec_processing_scripts project. These principally operate on mstar netcdf format files and mstar history files, as well as reading SBE, SCS, TECHSAS and other data files.
Module to apply corrections to metadata from marine meteorological datasets
Template for deployment planning kanban