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Testing import/export of git projects to gitlab cloud
Python Library with useful tools for doing Spatial Analysis
Python Library with useful tools for doing Spatial Analysis
(New) Deployments/Platforms Tracker for embedding on NOC homepage
Template for deployment planning kanban
Jupyter-notebooks and example data to show an overview of the C3s mdf_reader and cdm_mapper python tools.
Communications backbone core developed by C2 Team (NOC)
Code to map a data model to C3S CDS Common Data Model
Code to map a data model to C3S CDS Common Data Model
C2 client (formerly known as Gorgonian)
Bay of Bengal East Arabian Sea, regional model
Message format(s) for the Communications Backbone System
Gherkin feature definitions and fixtures to run against all language ports of the adapter.
ROS Node for backbone adapter
Generic adapter for the communications-backbone.
client credentials grant http send/receive/notify to backbone websockets send and receive validation of messages against a specified OpenAPI schema decode/encode stubs
Generic adapter for the communications-backbone.
client credentials grant http send/receive/notify to backbone websockets send and receive validation of messages against a specified OpenAPI schema decode/encode stubs