function scs_to_mstar2 % function scs_to_mstar2(tstream,dn1,dn2) % function ncfile = scs_to_mstar2(scs_in,ncfile,dataname) % load scs file into mstar file % % 8 Sep 2009: SCS version of original techsas script, for JR195 % The searched directory is MEXEC_G.uway_root, which for example can be % /data/cruise/jcr/20090310/scs_copy/Compress % The var names and units are taken from ascii file % seatex-gga.TPL % for example. % m_common m_margslocal m_varargs MEXEC_A.Mprog = 'scs_to_mstar2'; if ~MEXEC_G.quiet; m_proghd; end instream = m_getinput('Type scs stream name or mexec short name eg gyro_s or gyro : ','s'); tstream = msresolve_stream(instream); ms_update_aco_to_mat(tstream); % ensure mat file is up to date before loading dv1 = m_getinput('Type start datevec eg [2009 4 3 0 0 0] : ','s'); dv2 = m_getinput('Type end datevec eg [2009 4 3 23 59 59] : ','s'); cmd = ['dn1 = datenum(' dv1 ');']; eval(cmd); cmd = ['dn2 = datenum(' dv2 ');']; eval(cmd); varlist = m_getinput('Type the list of vars to load ( return or ''/'' for all) : ','s'); % no checking at present % get var list [vars units] = msgetvars(tstream); vars{end+1} = 'time'; % time is always a variable in scs units{end+1} = 'matlab'; nv = length(vars); % sort out the var list if ~exist('varlist','var'); varlist = '/'; end if strcmp(varlist,'-'); varlist = '/'; end % for compatibility with old rvs defailt for "all" if strcmp(varlist,' '); varlist = '/'; end th.fldnam = vars; th.noflds = nv; % create a structure equivalent to the mstar headers to parse for var names varnums = m_getvlist(varlist,th); % time always seems to be last in the techsas list; put it first if it is % in the load list. loadvarnames = vars(varnums); ktime = strmatch('time',loadvarnames); if ~isempty(ktime) timevarnum = varnums(ktime); varnums(ktime) = []; % remove time from list % varnums = [timevarnum varnums]; end % always need to load time for mtlistit loadvlist = ['time ' num2str(varnums)]; % add time first; the rest are resolved to numbers but must be added as a string % techsas_fn = m_gettechsasfilename; mstar_fn = m_getfilename; dataname = m_getinput('Type required dataname : ','s'); % instrument = m_getinput('Type instrument indetifier : ','s'); instrument = ' '; % null for the time being % bak for jr195 2009-sep-17 % load data before creating mstar file in case no data cycles found [tdata tunits] = msload(tstream,dn1,dn2,loadvlist); if isempty(tdata.time) % no data cycles found return end = mstar_fn; ncfile = m_openot(ncfile); %check it is not an open mstar file % = techsas_fn; nc_attput(,nc_global,'dataname',dataname); %set the dataname nc_attput(,nc_global,'instrument_identifier',instrument); nc_attput(,nc_global,'platform_type',MEXEC_G.PLATFORM_TYPE); %eg 'ship' nc_attput(,nc_global,'platform_identifier',MEXEC_G.PLATFORM_IDENTIFIER); %eg 'James_Cook' nc_attput(,nc_global,'platform_number',MEXEC_G.PLATFORM_NUMBER); %eg 'Cruise 31' % [tdata tunits] = msload(tstream,dn1,dn2,loadvlist); % techsas_names = m_unpack_varnames(techsas_in); techsas_names =fieldnames(tdata); % techsas_time_dim = nc_getdiminfo(,'time'); % bak jc032 need to know present number of records in growing techsas file % techsas_time_length = techsas_time_dim.Length; % % m = ['About to read ' sprintf('%d',techsas_time_length) ' records']; % fprintf(MEXEC_A.Mfidterm,'%s\n',m); for k = 1:length(techsas_names) if ~MEXEC_G.quiet m = ['Writing variable ' techsas_names{k}]; fprintf(MEXEC_A.Mfidterm,'%s\n',m) end clear techsas_data techsas_units v % techsas_data = nc_varget(,techsas_names{k},0,techsas_time_length); % techsas_units = nc_attget(,techsas_names{k},'units'); cmd = ['techsas_data = tdata.' techsas_names{k} ';']; eval(cmd); cmd = ['techsas_units = tunits.' techsas_names{k} ';']; eval(cmd); % adjust time to a more conventional mstar time if strcmp(techsas_names{k},'time') techsas_data = 86400*(techsas_data + MEXEC_G.uway_torg - datenum(MEXEC_G.MDEFAULT_DATA_TIME_ORIGIN)); techsas_units = 'seconds'; end = techsas_names{k}; = techsas_data; v.units = techsas_units; m_write_variable(ncfile,v); end yyyy = MEXEC_G.MDEFAULT_DATA_TIME_ORIGIN(1); mo = MEXEC_G.MDEFAULT_DATA_TIME_ORIGIN(2); dd = MEXEC_G.MDEFAULT_DATA_TIME_ORIGIN(3); hh = MEXEC_G.MDEFAULT_DATA_TIME_ORIGIN(4); mm = MEXEC_G.MDEFAULT_DATA_TIME_ORIGIN(5); ss = MEXEC_G.MDEFAULT_DATA_TIME_ORIGIN(6); m_set_data_time_origin(ncfile,yyyy,mo,dd,hh,mm,ss) nowstring = datestr(now,31); m_add_comment(ncfile,'This mstar file created from scs stream'); m_add_comment(ncfile,tstream); m_add_comment(ncfile,['at ' nowstring]); m_add_comment(ncfile,['Time converted from matlab day number to seconds after mstar time origin']); m_finis(ncfile); h = m_read_header(ncfile); m_print_header(h); hist = h; hist.filename =; MEXEC_A.Mhistory_ot{1} = hist; % fake the input file details so that write_history works histin = h; % histin.filename =; histin.filename = []; histin.dataname = []; histin.version = []; histin.mstar_site = []; MEXEC_A.Mhistory_in{1} = histin; m_write_history; return