function m_write_variable(ncfile,v,opt) % function m_write_variable(ncfile,v,opt) % % write data v to nc file ncfile % both ncfile and v are structures % % use optional third argument opt = 'nodata' if you want to create the variable in the % file but not put the data or the attributes if nargin < 3; opt = ' '; end % if ~isfield(v,'type') v.type = 'double'; end if ~isfield(v,'units') v.units = ' '; end if ~isfield(v,'data') | ~isfield(v,'name') error('m_write_variable: the variable argument must have fields data and name'); end if ~isfield(v,'type') v.type = class(; end s = size(; if length(s) > 2 error('m_write_variable Not set up to work with arrays with more than 2 dimensions yet'); end d1 = s(1); d2 = s(2); metadata = nc_infoqdim(; %refresh metadata ncfile.metadata = metadata; dimnames = m_unpack_dimnames(ncfile); krmatch = find(strncmp('nrows',dimnames,5)); kcmatch = find(strncmp('ncols',dimnames,5)); for k = 1:length(krmatch) rowname{k} = dimnames{krmatch(k)}; rowlength(k) = metadata.Dimension(krmatch(k)).Length; colname{k} = dimnames{kcmatch(k)}; collength(k) = metadata.Dimension(kcmatch(k)).Length; end if length(krmatch) ~= length(kcmatch) error('m_write_variable weird mismatch of dimension names - investigate further') end %now sort out the dimensions clear nrowsname ncolsname matchok = 0; if isempty(krmatch) %no nrows/ncols yet. make them nrowsname = 'nrows1'; ncolsname = 'ncols1'; nc_add_dimension(,nrowsname,d1); nc_add_dimension(,ncolsname,d2); matchok = 1; else % at least some rows/cols dimension names exist dim_file_pairs = [rowlength(:) collength(:)]; dim_new_pair = [d1 d2]; %find whether required dimension pair matches any existing pair for k = 1:size(dim_file_pairs,1) if (dim_new_pair(1) == dim_file_pairs(k,1) & dim_new_pair(2) == dim_file_pairs(k,2)) nrowsname = rowname{k}; ncolsname = colname{k}; matchok = 1; %we have found matching dimensions break end end if matchok == 0 % we must make the next set of names for k2 = 1:length(rowname) knam = rowname{k2}; if length(knam) > 5 suffix(k2) = str2num(knam(6:end)); else suffix(k2) = 1; end end newsuffix = max(suffix)+1; nrowsname = ['nrows' sprintf('%d',newsuffix)]; ncolsname = ['ncols' sprintf('%d',newsuffix)]; nc_add_dimension(,nrowsname,d1); nc_add_dimension(,ncolsname,d2); end end m_add_variable_name(ncfile,,{nrowsname ncolsname},v.type); if strcmp(opt,'nodata'); return; end if ~isempty(v.units); nc_attput(,,'units',v.units); end nc_varput(,,; m_uprlwr(ncfile,; return