From 9efb63c87190f2197e4f7d36254728caeccfa769 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SURVEY Team Datamanager <>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 17:09:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Changes made during JC192

 backup_core_local       |  2 +-
 commands/mstar_dotcshrc |  2 +-
 ctd_linkscript          | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 keep_akeake_in_sync     |  6 +++---
 rapid_backup            |  6 +++---
 rapid_get_weather       | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 rapid_get_weather

diff --git a/backup_core_local b/backup_core_local
index 047df4c..5b41c92 100755
--- a/backup_core_local
+++ b/backup_core_local
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ echo -------------        >> $backuplog
 echo Syncing $root_path to $sync_dir >> $backuplog
 echo Start `date`          >> $backuplog
-rsync -v -a --delete -b --backup-dir=$back_dir $root_path $sync_dir  
+rsync -v -a --delete --exclude '._*' --exclude '.DS_Store' -b --backup-dir=$back_dir $root_path $sync_dir  
 set how_much1 = `du -sm $sync_dir`
 set how_much2 = `du -sm $back_dir`
diff --git a/commands/mstar_dotcshrc b/commands/mstar_dotcshrc
index c8d62a4..e683f2a 100755
--- a/commands/mstar_dotcshrc
+++ b/commands/mstar_dotcshrc
@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ set dhome = /local/users/pstar/cruise
 if (! $?cdpath )set cdpath
 set cdpath = (. $dhome/data $dhome $cdpath)
-set prompt="$user@`hostname` %/ > "
+set prompt="$user@`hostname` %c3 > "
diff --git a/ctd_linkscript b/ctd_linkscript
index e395a3b..e2d09bf 100755
--- a/ctd_linkscript
+++ b/ctd_linkscript
@@ -2,25 +2,24 @@
 #copy the raw and SBE-processed CTD files from the ship machine
 #then make links to the files to be ingested by mexec using the expected name format
 cd /local/users/pstar/cruise/data
-set cpre = 'CTD_JC191'
-set cruise = jc191
-#set ctdloc = /local/users/pstar/mounts/mnt_cruise_data/Specific_Equipment/CTD/
-set ctdloc = /local/users/pstar/mounts/mnt_cruise_data/Specific_Equipment/CTD/CTD # jc191 CTD appears twice in the directory name
+# May need to edit the following lines on a new cruise
+#set cpre = 'CTD_JC192'
+set cpre = 'JC192_CTD'
+set cruise = jc192
+set ctdloc = /local/users/pstar/mounts/mnt_cruise_data/Specific_Equipment/CTD/
+#set ctdloc = /local/users/pstar/mounts/mnt_cruise_data/Specific_Equipment/CTD/CTD # jc191 CTD appears twice in the directory name
 #bak jc191 we don't want all the cnvs with derived quantities, so explicitly pick up the raw and align_ctm
-rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Processed\ Data/${cpre}_???.cnv ctd/ASCII_FILES/
+rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Processed\ data/${cpre}_???.cnv ctd/ASCII_FILES/
 #rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Processed\ Data/${cpre}_???_Align.cnv ctd/ASCII_FILES/
-rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Processed\ Data/${cpre}_???_Align_CTM.cnv ctd/ASCII_FILES/
-rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Raw\ Data/*.bl ctd/ASCII_FILES/
-rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Processed\ Data/${cpre}*.ros ctd/ASCII_FILES/
-rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Raw\ Data/*.hex ctd/RAW_CTD_FILES/
-rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Raw\ Data/*.XMLCON ctd/RAW_CTD_FILES/
-rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Raw\ Data/*.hdr ctd/RAW_CTD_FILES/
-rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Processed\ Data/${cpre}*.btl ctd/ASCII_FILES/
+rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Processed\ data/${cpre}_???_Align_CTM.cnv ctd/ASCII_FILES/
+rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Raw\ data/*.bl ctd/ASCII_FILES/
+rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Processed\ data/${cpre}*.ros ctd/ASCII_FILES/
+rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Raw\ data/*.hex ctd/RAW_CTD_FILES/
+rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Raw\ data/*.XMLCON ctd/RAW_CTD_FILES/
+rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Raw\ data/*.hdr ctd/RAW_CTD_FILES/
+rsync -av ${ctdloc}/Processed\ data/${cpre}*.btl ctd/ASCII_FILES/
+rsync -av ${ctdloc}/SBE35\ data/SBE35_???.cap ctd/ASCII_FILES/SBE35
 foreach i (`ls ${cpre}_???_Align_CTM.cnv`)
@@ -53,4 +52,13 @@ foreach i (`ls ${cpre}_???.cnv`)
-cd ../..
+cd SBE35
+foreach i (`ls SBE35_???.cap`)
+   set num = `awk -v nm="$i" 'BEGIN {print substr(nm,index(nm,".cap")-3,3)}'`
+   set linkfile = sbe35_${cruise}_${num}.asc
+  #echo $linkfile
+   if (! -e $linkfile) then
+      echo Making link $linkfile for raw file $i
+     ln -s $i $linkfile
+   endif
diff --git a/keep_akeake_in_sync b/keep_akeake_in_sync
index 13be668..51860fd 100755
--- a/keep_akeake_in_sync
+++ b/keep_akeake_in_sync
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # The directores to sync
-set dir_list = 'jc174 rapid users'
+set dir_list = 'jc192 rapid users'
 set local_path = /local/users/pstar/rpdmoc/
 set remote_fs = 'pstar@akeake:'
 set remote_path = /local/users/pstar/rpdmoc/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ foreach dd ($dir_list)
   echo Going to sync:  $local_path$dd 
   echo to:  $remote_fs$remote_path
   echo Start `date`     
-  rsync -v -a --delete $local_path$dd $remote_fs$remote_path
+  rsync -v -a --exclude '._*' --exclude '.DS_Store' --delete $local_path$dd $remote_fs$remote_path
 # Sync all of the  programs directory
@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ echo ' -------------- '
 echo Going to sync:  $local_path
 echo to:  $remote_fs$remote_path
 echo Start `date`
-rsync -v -a --delete $local_path $remote_fs$remote_path
+rsync -v -a --exclude '._*' --exclude '.DS_Store' --delete $local_path $remote_fs$remote_path
diff --git a/rapid_backup b/rapid_backup
index 0f60828..e095917 100755
--- a/rapid_backup
+++ b/rapid_backup
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
 # - $cru
 # Variables for pathnames
-set cru  = jc174
-set CRU = JC174
+set cru  = jc192
+set CRU = JC192
 set root = /local/users/pstar/
 set rapiddir = 'rapid'   # Could be osnap
 set usersdir = 'users'
 set progdir = 'programs'
 set deskdir = 'Desktop'
-set exec_loc = ${root}cruise/data/exec/rapid/
+set exec_loc = ${root}programs/mexec-exec/
 # Which drive are we using and is it there?
 echo ' '
diff --git a/rapid_get_weather b/rapid_get_weather
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c0b38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rapid_get_weather
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Get some weather forecasts
+# Map choices are
+# - "canaries" - for the easetern boundary
+# - "arc" - from EB1 to WB6
+# - "Florida" - for the western boundary
+# Other options are
+# "azores", "biscay", ....
+set mapc = 'biscay'
+cd /local/users/pstar/Public/jc192_weather
+set now =  `date +%Y`-`date +%m`-`date +%d`-`date +%H`
+echo $now
+mkdir $now
+cd $now
+# Whole North Atlantic Pressure 
+# Then our chosen area
+# Now organsie the plots
+mkdir pressure
+mv *.png pressure
+mkdir wind
+mv *.png wind
+mkdir waves
+mv *.png waves