diff --git a/akeake/backup_core_local b/akeake/backup_core_local
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d939013f508ffb90c88de8c946cdca6141f7c2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/akeake/backup_core_local
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# DAS adapt from previous version for remote sync
+if ($#argv != 4) then
+ echo Wrong number of arguements
+  echo - root_path = $1
+  echo - sync_dir  = $2
+  echo - back_dir  = $3
+  echo - backuplog = $4
+set root_path = $1
+set sync_dir = $2
+set back_dir = $3
+set backuplog = $4
+if (-e $back_dir) then
+  echo $back_dir exists
+  exit
+  mkdir $back_dir
+if (-e $sync_dir) then
+  echo ' '
+  echo $sync_dir does not exist
+  exit
+# Sync all of the cruise directory
+echo Going to sync:  $root_path 
+echo to:  $sync_dir, 
+echo backup changed files to  $back_dir
+echo and record in logfile $backuplog,
+echo ' '
+echo -------------        >> $backuplog
+echo Syncing $root_path to $sync_dir >> $backuplog
+echo Start `date`          >> $backuplog
+rsync -v -a --delete -b --backup-dir=$back_dir $root_path $sync_dir  
+set how_much1 = `du -sm $sync_dir`
+set how_much2 = `du -sm $back_dir`
+echo done copying 
+echo Finish `date`          >> $backuplog
+echo Total size '(Mb)': $how_much1 >> $backuplog
+echo Total size '(Mb)': $how_much2 >> $backuplog
+echo -------------        >> $backuplog
diff --git a/akeake/mstar_backup b/akeake/mstar_backup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1ec7ec712f85570293749de88f277c716654726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/akeake/mstar_backup
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Backup script for use on RAPID cruises
+# Data is copied to an external connected to main workstation
+# Drive mounted in /media
+# This version by DAS Updated Tue 28th 2017.  Edited previous verions used 
+# for remote backup on RAPID cruises
+# 1)  syncs data from "cruise" directory, and creates a bakup of all changed files
+# 2)  syncs data from "rapid/osnap"  directory, and creates a bakup of all changed files
+# 3)  syncs data from "Desktop"  directory, and creates a bakup of all changed files
+# When change for a new cruise need to change
+# - drive names
+# - $root
+# - $cru
+# Variables for pathnames
+set cru  = jc145
+set CRU = JC145
+set root = /local/users/pstar/rpdmoc/
+set rapiddir = rapid   # Could be osnap
+set usersdir = users
+# Which drive are we using and is it there?
+echo ' '
+echo `date` ' Starting backup'
+echo ' '
+echo -n 'Which disk are you using?   Enter '1', '2', or '0': '
+set drq = $<
+echo $drq
+if ($drq == 1) then
+  set drive_name = ${CRU}_back_1
+else if  ($drq == 2) then
+  set drive_name = ${CRU}_back_22
+else if  ($drq == 0) then
+  set drive_name = ${CRU}_back
+  echo 'Input not recognised'
+  exit
+# Drive pathname
+set drive_path = '/media/'${drive_name}
+if (-e ${drive_path}) then
+   echo Drive connected
+   echo ${drive_path} ' Does not seem to be there'
+#   exit
+# Create a logfile for the backup
+set now = `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
+set backuplog = ${drive_path}/backup_logs/backup_log_${now}
+if (-e $backuplog) then
+  echo $backuplog exists
+  exit
+  touch $backuplog
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# First backup the cruise directory
+set root_path_cru = ${root}${cru}
+set sync_cru =  ${drive_path}/cruise_${cru}_sync_$drq
+set back_cru =  ${drive_path}/cruise_${cru}_back_$drq/backup_${now}
+# Call the main routine
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+backup_core_local $root_path_cru $sync_cru $back_cru $backuplog
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Sync all of the RAPID directory
+set now = `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
+set root_path_rap = $root$rapiddir
+set sync_rap =  ${drive_path}/${rapiddir}_${cru}_sync_$drq
+set back_rap =  ${drive_path}/${rapiddir}_${cru}_back_$drq/backup_${now}
+# Call the main routine
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+backup_core_local $root_path_rap $sync_rap $back_rap $backuplog
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Sync all of the RAPID directory
+set now = `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
+set root_path_users = $root$usersdir
+set sync_users =  ${drive_path}/${usersdir}_${cru}_sync_$drq
+set back_users =  ${drive_path}/${usersdir}_${cru}_back_$drq/backup_${now}
+# Call the main routine
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+backup_core_local $root_path_users $sync_users $back_users $backuplog
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Sync all of the Desktop/dy054 directory
+set now = `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
+set deskdir = '../Desktop'
+set root_path_desk = $root$deskdir
+set sync_desk = ${drive_path}/desk_${cru}_sync_$drq
+set back_desk = ${drive_path}/desk_${cru}_back_$drq/backup_${now}
+# Call the main routine
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+backup_core_local $root_path_desk $sync_desk $back_desk $backuplog
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# And finally copy log of backup to oceanus
+set olog = /backup_logs
+# Don't want to time out on password so check ok now
+echo 'Press return to copy:' $backuplog $root_path_desk$olog
+set qqq = $<
+scp $backuplog $root_path_cru$olog
+echo ' '
+echo `date` - Backup finished
diff --git a/akeake/rapid_sync_from_noc b/akeake/rapid_sync_from_noc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11170b3e5058e5e79871f015b5ec970951130379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/akeake/rapid_sync_from_noc
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Where we will copy from
+set remote_fs = 'surman@neyman:'
+set fromDir = '/noc/mpoc/rpdmoc/'
+set local_path = '/local/users/pstar/rpdmoc'
+# Edit following to make list of things to copy
+set dirs2copy = 'doc_library bathym_data tide_model hydro CTD_archive jc145 dy039 jc103 d382 jc064 rapid mocha_ab1403 mocha_ab1705 mocha_ab1209 mocha_ab1104 waveglider_telem_trial_2018 Florida_Straits'
+# The now loop through the list
+foreach dd ($dirs2copy)
+  echo --- $fromDir$dd ---
+  set from_path = $remote_fs$fromDir$dd  
+  rsync -v -a  $from_path $local_path   
+  echo done copying 
+  echo Finish `date`        
+  echo -------------      
diff --git a/akeake/rmate b/akeake/rmate
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a813b0a4a83ea04a5b0ebee727cb410789ca53b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/akeake/rmate
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# encoding: UTF-8
+$VERBOSE = true                         # -w
+$KCODE   = "U" if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9"  # -KU
+require 'optparse'
+require 'socket'
+require 'tempfile'
+require 'yaml'
+require 'fileutils'
+module Rmate
+  DATE           = "2017-02-10"
+  VERSION        = "1.5.9"
+  VERSION_STRING = "rmate version #{Rmate::VERSION} (#{Rmate::DATE})"
+  class Settings
+    attr_accessor :host, :port, :unixsocket, :wait, :force, :verbose, :lines, :names, :types
+    def initialize
+      @host, @port, @unixsocket = 'localhost', 52698, '~/.rmate.socket'
+      @wait    = false
+      @force   = false
+      @verbose = false
+      @lines   = []
+      @names   = []
+      @types   = []
+      read_disk_settings
+      @host       = ENV['RMATE_HOST'].to_s       if ENV.has_key? 'RMATE_HOST'
+      @port       = ENV['RMATE_PORT'].to_i       if ENV.has_key? 'RMATE_PORT'
+      @unixsocket = ENV['RMATE_UNIXSOCKET'].to_s if ENV.has_key? 'RMATE_UNIXSOCKET'
+      parse_cli_options
+      @host = parse_ssh_connection if @host == 'auto'
+    end
+    def read_disk_settings
+      [ "/etc/rmate.rc", "/usr/local/etc/rmate.rc", "~/.rmate.rc"].each do |current_file|
+        file = File.expand_path current_file
+        if File.exist? file
+          params = YAML::load(File.open(file))
+          @host       = params["host"] unless params["host"].nil?
+          @port       = params["port"] unless params["port"].nil?
+          @unixsocket = params["unixsocket"] unless params["unixsocket"].nil?
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def parse_cli_options
+      OptionParser.new do |o|
+        o.on(           '--host=name',       "Connect to host.", "Use 'auto' to detect the host from SSH.", "Defaults to #{@host}.") { |v| @host       = v       }
+        o.on('-s',      '--unixsocket=name', "UNIX socket path.", "Takes precedence over host/port if the file exists", \
+                                                                  "Default #{@unixsocket}")                                          { |v| @unixsocket = v       }
+        o.on('-p',      '--port=#', Integer, "Port number to use for connection.", "Defaults to #{@port}.")                          { |v| @port       = v       }
+        o.on('-w',      '--[no-]wait',       'Wait for file to be closed by TextMate.')                                              { |v| @wait       = v       }
+        o.on('-l',      '--line [NUMBER]',   'Place caret on line [NUMBER] after loading file.')                                     { |v| @lines      <<= v     }
+        o.on('-m',      '--name [NAME]',     'The display name shown in TextMate.')                                                  { |v| @names      <<= v     }
+        o.on('-t',      '--type [TYPE]',     'Treat file as having [TYPE].')                                                         { |v| @types      <<= v     }
+        o.on('-f',      '--force',           'Open even if the file is not writable.')                                               { |v| @force      = v       }
+        o.on('-v',      '--verbose',         'Verbose logging messages.')                                                            { |v| @verbose    = v       }
+        o.on_tail('-h', '--help',            'Show this message.')                                                                   { puts o; exit              }
+        o.on_tail(      '--version',         'Show version.')                                                                        { puts VERSION_STRING; exit }
+        o.parse!
+      end
+    end
+    def parse_ssh_connection
+      ENV['SSH_CONNECTION'].nil? ? 'localhost' : ENV['SSH_CONNECTION'].split(' ').first
+    end
+  end
+  class Command
+     def initialize(name)
+       @command   = name
+       @variables = {}
+       @data      = nil
+       @size      = nil
+     end
+     def []=(name, value)
+       @variables[name] = value
+     end
+     def read_file(path)
+       @size = File.size(path)
+       @data = File.open(path, "rb") { |io| io.read(@size) }
+     end
+     def read_stdin
+       @data = $stdin.read
+       @size = @data.bytesize
+     end
+     def send(socket)
+       socket.puts @command
+       @variables.each_pair do |name, value|
+         value = 'yes' if value === true
+         socket.puts "#{name}: #{value}"
+       end
+       if @data
+         socket.puts "data: #{@size}"
+         socket.puts @data
+       end
+       socket.puts
+     end
+  end
+  module_function
+  def handle_save(socket, variables, data)
+    path = variables["token"]
+    if File.writable?(path) || !File.exist?(path)
+      $stderr.puts "Saving #{path}" if $settings.verbose
+      begin
+        backup_path = "#{path}~"
+        backup_path = "#{backup_path}~" while File.exist? backup_path
+        FileUtils.cp(path, backup_path, :preserve => true) if File.exist?(path)
+        open(path, 'wb') { |file| file << data }
+        File.unlink(backup_path) if File.exist? backup_path
+      rescue
+        # TODO We probably want some way to notify the server app that the save failed
+        $stderr.puts "Save failed! #{$!}" if $settings.verbose
+      end
+    else
+      $stderr.puts "Skipping save, file not writable." if $settings.verbose
+    end
+  end
+  def handle_close(socket, variables, data)
+    path = variables["token"]
+    $stderr.puts "Closed #{path}" if $settings.verbose
+  end
+  def handle_cmd(socket)
+    cmd = socket.readline.chomp
+    variables = {}
+    data = ""
+    while line = socket.readline.chomp
+      break if line.empty?
+      name, value     = line.split(': ', 2)
+      variables[name] = value
+      data << socket.read(value.to_i) if name == "data"
+    end
+    variables.delete("data")
+    case cmd
+    when "save"   then handle_save(socket, variables, data)
+    when "close"  then handle_close(socket, variables, data)
+    else          abort "Received unknown command “#{cmd}”, exiting."
+    end
+  end
+  def connect_and_handle_cmds(host, port, unixsocketpath, cmds)
+    socket = nil
+    unixsocketpath = File.expand_path(unixsocketpath) unless unixsocketpath.nil?
+    if unixsocketpath.nil? || !File.exist?(unixsocketpath)
+      $stderr.puts "Using TCP socket to connect: ‘#{host}:#{port}’" if $settings.verbose
+      begin
+        socket = TCPSocket.new(host, port)
+      rescue Exception => e
+        abort "Error connecting to ‘#{host}:#{port}’: #{e.message}"
+      end
+    else
+      $stderr.puts "Using UNIX socket to connect: ‘#{unixsocketpath}’" if $settings.verbose
+      socket = UNIXSocket.new(unixsocketpath)
+    end
+    server_info = socket.readline.chomp
+    $stderr.puts "Connect: ‘#{server_info}’" if $settings.verbose
+    cmds.each { |cmd| cmd.send(socket) }
+    socket.puts "."
+    handle_cmd(socket) while !socket.eof?
+    socket.close
+    $stderr.puts "Done" if $settings.verbose
+  end
+## MAIN
+$settings = Rmate::Settings.new
+## Parse arguments.
+cmds = []
+ARGV << '-' if ARGV.empty? and (!$stdin.tty? or $settings.wait)
+ARGV.each_index do |idx|
+  path = ARGV[idx]
+  if path == '-'
+    $stderr.puts "Reading from stdin, press ^D to stop" if $stdin.tty?
+  else
+    abort "'#{path}' is a directory! Aborting." if File.directory? path
+    abort "File #{path} is not writable! Use -f/--force to open anyway." unless $settings.force or File.writable? path or not File.exist? path
+    $stderr.puts "File #{path} is not writable. Opening anyway." if not File.writable? path and File.exist? path and $settings.verbose
+  end
+  cmd                 = Rmate::Command.new("open")
+  cmd['display-name'] = "#{Socket.gethostname}:untitled (stdin)" if path == '-'
+  cmd['display-name'] = "#{Socket.gethostname}:#{path}" unless path == '-'
+  cmd['display-name'] = $settings.names[idx] if $settings.names.length > idx
+  cmd['real-path']    = File.expand_path(path) unless path == '-'
+  cmd['data-on-save'] = true
+  cmd['re-activate']  = true
+  cmd['token']        = path
+  cmd['selection']    = $settings.lines[idx] if $settings.lines.length > idx
+  cmd['file-type']    = 'txt'                if path == '-'
+  cmd['file-type']    = $settings.types[idx] if $settings.types.length > idx
+  cmd.read_stdin                    if path == '-'
+  cmd.read_file(path)               if path != '-' and File.exist? path
+  cmd['data']         = "0"     unless path == '-' or  File.exist? path
+  cmds << cmd
+unless $settings.wait
+  pid = fork do
+    Rmate::connect_and_handle_cmds($settings.host, $settings.port, $settings.unixsocket, cmds)
+  end
+  Process.detach(pid)
+  Rmate::connect_and_handle_cmds($settings.host, $settings.port, $settings.unixsocket, cmds)
diff --git a/akeake/sync_2_data_from_noc b/akeake/sync_2_data_from_noc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83928cd098b1d84ee1d020f3533445fc697cb2a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/akeake/sync_2_data_from_noc
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Where we will copy from
+set remote_fs = 'surman@neyman:'
+set fromDir = '/noc/mpoc/rpdmoc/'
+set local_path = '/data/pstar'
+# Edit following to make list of things to copy
+set dirs2copy = 'cd170 cd177 d279 d304 d324 d333.tar d334 d344 d345 d346 d359 en517 kn182 kn200-4 oc459 p343 p345 rb0602 rb0701 rb0901 rb1009 rb1201 sj0614 sj08' 
+# The now loop through the list
+foreach dd ($dirs2copy)
+  echo --- $fromDir$dd ---
+  set from_path = $remote_fs$fromDir$dd  
+  rsync -v -a  $from_path $local_path   
+  echo done copying 
+  echo Finish `date`        
+  echo -------------      
+rsync -a -v ${remote_fs}/noc/mpoc/drake/jc159/backup_20180411170013/ ${local_path}/jc159
+rsync -a -v --exclude 'bim'  ${remote_fs}/noc/mpoc/rpdmoc/users ${local_path}
diff --git a/commands/mstar_dotlogin b/commands/mstar_dotlogin
index ccd5386e21b05775da50354a2995a48bd341df1b..5ef699e34d251ec1a5a526ed47851b3b1bfa8aa8 100755
--- a/commands/mstar_dotlogin
+++ b/commands/mstar_dotlogin
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 # Clean up by DAS September 2018
 # Almsot all in .cshrc not sure need anything here
 # This script executed on each login - will be after .cshrc
 # Load modules - these will be put at front of path
 # #module load matlab/2015b
-module load matlab/2011a
+module load matlab/2011b
 #module load anaconda2
diff --git a/mexec_cruise_backup b/mexec_cruise_backup
index 6f6020abf1d6b740b91931882c53bb82bed3b7a6..b6499b1572319107958cf0799b83d53c365c4b90 100755
--- a/mexec_cruise_backup
+++ b/mexec_cruise_backup
@@ -56,11 +56,15 @@ echo Date `date`          >> $backuplog
 echo start copying mexec software >> $backuplog
 echo ------               >> $backuplog
 cd $root
-rsync -a sw/mexec/ ${backupdir}/
+rsync -a ~/programs/mexec_v3 ${backupdir}/
 echo -------------        >> $backuplog
 echo Date `date`          >> $backuplog
 echo done copying mexec software >> $backuplog
 echo ------               >> $backuplog
+rsync -a ~/programs/mexec-exec ${backupdir}/
+echo ------------         >> $backuplog
+echo Date `date`          >> $backuplog
+echo done copying mexec shell scripts >> $backuplog
 # backup everything in data
 echo -------------        >> $backuplog
@@ -68,13 +72,13 @@ echo Date `date`          >> $backuplog
 echo start copy to disk of data   >> $backuplog
 echo ------               >> $backuplog
 cd $root
-rsync -aL --exclude legwork --exclude scs_raw --exclude jcrfs --exclude netcdf_files_rawdir_ship data ${backupdir}
+rsync -aL --exclude legwork --exclude scs_raw --exclude jcrfs --exclude netcdf_files_rawdir_ship --exclude from_public data ${backupdir}
 echo -------------        >> $backuplog
 echo Date `date`          >> $backuplog
 echo done copy to disk of data   >> $backuplog
 echo ------               >> $backuplog
-echo general_sw, legdata and legwork not backed up
+echo general_sw, legdata, legwork, public, scs/techsas raw not backed up
diff --git a/uhdas_00_linkmerge b/uhdas_00_linkmerge
index 432fc1dd142375101ea5397d408078f94d9ca78f..1b202d24fd78fe96b8abd5ff6f501cdd42ba1f12 100755
--- a/uhdas_00_linkmerge
+++ b/uhdas_00_linkmerge
@@ -3,15 +3,12 @@
 # bak in Amsterdam before start of jc184 uhdas trial
 # 3 July 2019
-# 1) rsync uhdas data from uhdas server to local machine
+# prepare for reprocessing of single-ping data (i.e. running 
+# quick_adcp.py)
+# make links to contents of atsea and copy over config files
+# as a starting point
-# 2) ensure postprocessing directories exist
-# If the script hasn't been run recently, there will 
-# be a lot of files to sync across. The processing on the uhdas
-# server updates plenty of things in routine processing every few minutes.
-# If the script is then immediately run again, there will be a few files
-# that are updated every ping.
+# run after uhdas_01!  
 # List of cruise segments to be processed is found in
 # ~/cruise/data/vmadcp/cruise_segments
diff --git a/uhdas_01_syncraw b/uhdas_01_syncraw
index 1bdcc173bc0f888652edc8812a855722cb14f9aa..a024b98910d18dee7fe74bff106ce267352f3628 100755
--- a/uhdas_01_syncraw
+++ b/uhdas_01_syncraw
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # bak in Amsterdam before start of jc184 uhdas trial
 # 3 July 2019
-# 1) rsync uhdas data from uhdas server to local machine
+# 1) rsync uhdas data from uhdas server to local machine directory atsea
 # 2) ensure postprocessing directories exist
diff --git a/uhdas_02_sync_postprocessing_from_raw b/uhdas_02_sync_postprocessing_from_raw
index ceb78f04eb95010bbf627ee7f9fbe2ebf8c56dce..7e299f3504b3b7379ed02b857b8953e03b16e398 100755
--- a/uhdas_02_sync_postprocessing_from_raw
+++ b/uhdas_02_sync_postprocessing_from_raw
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 # bak in Amsterdam before start of jc184 uhdas trial
 # 3 July 2019
-# 1) rsync proc directory from the local atsea copy to the editing directory
+# 1) rsync proc directory from the local atsea copy to the 
+# editing directory, postprocessing/proc_editing
 # If the script hasn't been run recently, there will 
 # be a lot of files to sync across. The processing on the uhdas