#!/bin/csh # copy the raw .000 ladcp data into cruise/data/ladcp/raw/ # then make links to those files using the filename format expected by IX processing cd /local/users/pstar/cruise/data/ladcp/rawdata rsync -av /mnt/data/jcr/current/ladcp/* . #make links for IX foreach i (`ls JR18002_*.000`) set num = `awk -v nm="$i" 'BEGIN {print substr(nm,index(nm,".000")-3,3)}'` set linkfile = ${num}DL000.000 if(! -e ../ix/raw/$num) then echo Making directory $num for raw file $i mkdir -p ../ix/raw/$num endif cd ../ix/raw/$num if (! -e $linkfile) then echo Making link $linkfile for raw file $i ln -s ../../../rawdata/$i $linkfile endif cd ../../../rawdata end cd ../..