#!/bin/csh -f # #run this after editing the .xls files to add a sampnum column and saving as .csv on #the ship machine # #copies salinometer logs from the ship machine, makes links, and converts to unix format #then concatenates all the .csv_linux files into sal_jc159_01.csv # #if run with three input arguments: crate number, day, month (of analysis), it #will copy and convert only the files with name JC159*CTDnn*dd*mmm*.* #if run with no input arguments, it will copy and convert everything, clobbering #the existing .csv_linux files, which means that if you are going to make edits #you should make them in the original .xls or .csv files i #(or introduce them in cruise_options/opt_jc159.m) cd /local/users/pstar/cruise/data/ctd/BOTTLE_SAL set cpre = JC159*CTD set cruise = jc159 set rloc = /local/users/pstar/mounts/mnt_cruise_data/Specific_Equipment/CTD/Autosal if (-e $1) #do all files rsync -av ${rloc}/*.csv ./ rsync -av ${rloc}/*.xls ./ foreach i (`ls ${cpre}*.csv`) set n foreach i (`ls ${cpre}_???_Align_CTM.cnv`) set num = `awk -v nm="$i" 'BEGIN {print substr(nm,index(nm,"_Align")-3,3)}'` set linkfile = ctd_${cruise}_${num}_ctm.cnv echo $linkfile if (! -e $linkfile) then echo Making link $linkfile for raw file $i ln -s $i $linkfile endif end foreach i (`ls ${cpre}_???.bl`) set num = `awk -v nm="$i" 'BEGIN {print substr(nm,index(nm,".bl")-3,3)}'` set linkfile = ctd_${cruise}_${num}.bl if (! -e $linkfile) then echo Making link $linkfile for raw file $i ln -s $i $linkfile endif end cd ../..