#!/bin/csh -f # # script by bak 3 dec 2014 for cook to allow for techsas files to be sorted into a directory # # modded by bak at nocs on eriu for dy031 15 may 2015, modded to run as a crontab task #* * * * 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 /local/users/pstar/cruise/data/exec/techsas_linkscript >> & /dev/null cd /local/users/pstar #~/h # cludge on eriu when pstar home directory is wrong cd cruise/data/techsas cd netcdf_files_links_mac set now = `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` set link_log = /local/users/pstar/cruise/data/techsas/techsas_link_logs/techsas_link_log_mac_${now} echo " " >>! $link_log echo `date` >>! $link_log foreach i (`/bin/ls ../netcdf_files_rawdir_mac/*/*`) set i1 = `echo $i | awk '{print index($1,"/")}'` set i2 = `echo $i $i1| awk '{print substr($1,$2+1)}'` set i3 = `echo $i2 | awk '{print index($1,"/")}'` set i4 = `echo $i2 $i3| awk '{print substr($1,$2+1)}'` set i5 = `echo $i4 | awk '{print index($1,"/")}'` set i6 = `echo $i4 $i5| awk '{print substr($1,$2+1)}'` set i7 = `echo $i | awk '{print substr($1,1,22)}'` set i8 = `echo $i | awk '{print substr($1,23,length($1))}'` set i9 = `echo $i7$i8` set linkfile = $i6 set techfile = $i9 if (! -e $linkfile) then if ( -s $i) then set sss = ` /bin/ls -l $i` set ss2 = `echo $sss | awk '{print $5}'` echo $sss echo $ss2 if ($ss2 > 10000) then echo " making link $linkfile for raw file $i " >>! $link_log ln -s $techfile $linkfile else echo " ignoring $linkfile length $ss2 is less than 10k bytes " >>! $link_log endif else echo " ignoring $linkfile has zero length " >>! $link_log endif endif end