Commit 1d31627a authored by sbiri's avatar sbiri
Browse files

version that contains as in C35, UA

parent 34e27f88
......@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ class S88:
self.u10n[ind] = self.wind[ind]-self.usr[ind]/kappa/np.sqrt(
self.GustFact[ind])*(np.log(self.h_in[0, ind]/self.ref10) -
# temporary as in C35
# self.u10n[ind] = self.usr[ind]/kappa/self.GustFact[ind]*np.log(
# self.ref10/self.zo[ind])
# temporary as in UA
# self.u10n[ind] = self.usr[ind]/kappa/np.log(
# self.ref10/self.zo[ind])
if self.gust[0] == 2:
self.GustFact[ind] = 1
# option to not remove GustFact
......@@ -40,6 +46,12 @@ class S88:
# not sure this is needed - perhaps only to remove effects of
# initalisation of wind
self.wind[ind] = np.copy(self.spd[ind])
self.u10n[ind] = self.wind[ind]-self.usr[ind]/kappa*(
np.log(self.h_in[0, ind]/self.ref10)-self.psim[ind])
# temporary to check feed into iteration loop
# print('Mean GF: {} | Du {} | u10n {}'.format(
# np.nanmean(self.GustFact), np.nanmean(self.spd-self.wind),
# np.nanmean(self.u10n)))
def get_heights(self, hin, hout=10):
......@@ -367,6 +379,10 @@ class S88:
# self.tau = self.rho*np.power(self.usr, 2)
# self.sensible = self.rho*self.cp*self.usr*self.tsr
# self.latent = self.rho**self.usr*self.qsr
# temporary as in C35, UA
# self.tau = self.rho*np.power(self.usr, 2)/self.GustFact
# self.sensible = self.rho*self.cp*self.usr*self.tsr
# self.latent = self.rho**self.usr*self.qsr
# Set the new variables (for comparison against "old")
new = np.array([np.copy(getattr(self, i)) for i in new_vars])
......@@ -484,6 +500,39 @@ class S88:
self.qref = self.qair-self.qsr/kappa * \
(np.log(self.h_in[2]/self.h_out[2])-self.psiq +
psit_calc(self.h_out[2]/self.monob, self.meth))
# temporary as in C35
# self.uref = self.spd+self.usr/kappa/self.GustFact*(
# np.log(self.h_out[0]/self.h_in[0]) -
# psim_calc(self.h_out[0]/self.monob, self.meth) +
# psim_calc(self.h_in[0]/self.monob, self.meth))
# self.u10n = ((self.wind+self.usr/kappa*(
# np.log(self.ref10/self.h_in[0]) -
# psim_calc(self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth) +
# psim_calc(self.h_in[0]/self.monob, self.meth)))/self.GustFact +
# psim_calc(self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth) *
# self.usr/kappa/self.GustFact)
# self.tref = (self.T+self.tsr/kappa*(
# np.log(self.h_out[1]/self.h_in[1]) -
# psit_calc(self.h_out[1]/self.monob, self.meth) +
# psit_calc(self.h_in[1]/self.monob, self.meth)) +
# self.tlapse*(self.h_in[1]-self.h_out[1]))
# self.t10n = self.tref + \
# psit_calc(self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth)*self.tsr/kappa
# self.qref = self.qair+self.qsr/kappa*(
# np.log(self.h_out[2]/self.h_in[2])-psit_calc(
# self.h_out[2]/self.monob, self.meth)+psit_calc(
# self.h_in[1]/self.monob, self.meth))
# self.q10n = self.qref + \
# psit_calc(self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth)*self.qsr/kappa
# temporary as in UA
# self.uref = np.where(
# self.ref10/self.monob < 0, self.spd+(self.usr/kappa)*(
# np.log(self.ref10/self.h_in[0])-(psim_calc(
# self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth) -
# psim_calc(self.h_in[0]/self.monob, self.meth))),
# self.spd+(self.usr/kappa)*(np.log(self.ref10/self.h_in[0]) +
# 5*self.ref10/self.monob -
# 5*self.h_in[0]/self.monob))
if self.wl == 0:
self.dtwl = np.zeros(self.T.shape)*self.msk
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