From 5df8d5881a62fd8bc3eaf531e927e80da3e0df85 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sbiri <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 09:34:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Deleted

--- | 491 ------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 491 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755

diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 22cb7bc..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import sys
-import logging
-from flux_subs import (kappa, CtoK, get_heights, cdn_calc, cd_calc, get_skin,
-                       psim_calc, psit_calc, ctcq_calc, ctcqn_calc, get_gust,
-                       gc, q_calc, qsea_calc, qsat26sea, qsat26air,
-                       visc_air, psit_26, psiu_26, psiu_40, cd_C35,
-                       charnock_C35)
-def flux_calc_v3(spd, T, SST, lat, RH, P, hin, hout, wcp, sigH, zi=600,
-                 Rl=None, Rs=None, jcool=1, meth="S88", n=10):
-    """ Calculates momentum and heat fluxes using different parameterizations
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-        meth : str
-            "S80","S88","LP82","YT96","UA","HEXOS","HEXOSwave",
-            "LY04","C30","C35","ERA5"
-        spd : float
-            relative wind speed in m/s (is assumed as magnitude difference
-            between wind and surface current vectors)
-        T : float
-            air temperature in K (will convert if < 200)
-        SST : float
-            sea surface temperature in K (will convert if < 200)
-        lat : float
-            latitude (deg)
-        RH : float
-            relative humidity in %
-        P : float
-            air pressure
-        hin : float
-            sensor heights in m (array of 1->3 values: 1 -> u=t=q; /
-            2 -> u,t=q; 3 -> u,t,q ) default 10m
-        hout : float
-            output height, default is 10m
-        wcp : float
-            phase speed of dominant waves (m/s) called in C35
-        sigH : float
-            significant wave height (m) called in C35
-        zi : int
-            PBL height (m) called in C35
-        Rl : float
-            downward longwave radiation (W/m^2)
-        Rs : float
-            downward shortwave radiation (W/m^2)
-        jcool : bool
-            0 if sst is true ocean skin temperature called in C35
-        n : int
-            number of iterations, for C35 set to 10
-        out : str
-            format in which to save output ('' or None)
-    Returns
-    -------
-        res : array that contains
-                       1. momentum flux (W/m^2)
-                       2. sensible heat (W/m^2)
-                       3. latent heat (W/m^2)
-                       4. Monin-Obhukov length (mb)
-                       5. drag coefficient (cd)
-                       6. neutral drag coefficient (cdn)
-                       7. heat exhange coefficient (ct)
-                       8. neutral heat exhange coefficient (ctn)
-                       9. moisture exhange coefficient (cq)
-                       10. neutral moisture exhange coefficient (cqn)
-                       11. star virtual temperature (tsrv)
-                       12. star temperature (tsr)
-                       13. star humidity (qsr)
-                       14. star velocity (usr)
-                       15. momentum stability function (psim)
-                       16. heat stability funciton (psit)
-                       17. 10m neutral velocity (u10n)
-                       18. 10m neutral temperature (t10n)
-                       19. 10m neutral virtual temperature (tv10n)
-                       20. 10m neutral specific humidity (q10n)
-                       21. surface roughness length (zo)
-                       22. heat roughness length (zot)
-                       23. moisture roughness length (zoq)
-                       24. velocity at reference height (urefs)
-                       25. temperature at reference height (trefs)
-                       26. specific humidity at reference height (qrefs)
-                       27. number of iterations until convergence
-        ind : int
-            the indices in the matrix for the points that did not converge
-            after the maximum number of iterations
-    The code is based on bform.f and flux_calc.R modified by S. Biri
-    """
-    logging.basicConfig(filename='flux_calc.log',
-                        format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',level=logging.INFO)
-    ref_ht, tlapse = 10, 0.0098   # reference height, lapse rate
-    hh_in = get_heights(hin)      # heights of input measurements/fields
-    hh_out = get_heights(hout)    # desired height of output variables
-    if np.all(np.isnan(lat)):     # set latitude to 45deg if empty
-        lat=45*np.ones(np.shape(spd))
-    g = gc(lat, None)             # acceleration due to gravity
-    ctn, ct, cqn, cq = (np.zeros(spd.shape)*np.nan, np.zeros(spd.shape)*np.nan,
-                        np.zeros(spd.shape)*np.nan, np.zeros(spd.shape)*np.nan)
-    # if input values are nan break
-    if (np.all(np.isnan(spd)) or np.all(np.isnan(T)) or np.all(np.isnan(SST))):
-        sys.exit("input wind, T or SST is empty")
-        logging.debug('all input is nan')
-    if (np.all(np.isnan(RH)) and meth == "C35"):
-        RH = np.ones(np.shape(spd))*80  # if empty set to default for COARE3.5
-    else:
-        sys.exit("input RH is empty")
-        logging.debug('input RH is empty')
-    if (np.all(np.isnan(P)) and meth == "C35"):
-        P = np.ones(np.shape(spd))*1013  # if empty set to default for COARE3.5
-    else:
-        sys.exit("input P is empty")
-        logging.debug('input P is empty')
-    if (np.all(np.isnan(Rl)) and meth == "C35"):
-        Rl = np.ones(np.shape(spd))*370    # set to default for COARE3.5
-    if (np.all(np.isnan(Rs)) and meth == "C35"):
-        Rs = np.ones(np.shape(spd))*150  # set to default for COARE3.5
-    if (np.all(np.isnan(zi)) and meth == "C35"):
-        zi = 600  # set to default for COARE3.5
-    elif ((np.all(np.isnan(zi)) and meth == "ERA5") or
-          (np.all(np.isnan(zi)) and meth == "UA")):
-        zi = 1000
-    # additional parameters for C35
-    waveage, seastate = 1, 1
-    if np.isnan(wcp[0]):
-        wcp = np.ones(np.shape(spd))*np.nan
-        waveage = 0
-    if np.isnan(sigH[0]):
-        sigH = np.ones(np.shape(spd))*np.nan
-        seastate = 0
-    if waveage and seastate:
-        print('Using seastate dependent parameterization')
-'Using seastate dependent parameterization')
-    if waveage and ~seastate:
-        print('Using waveage dependent parameterization')
-'Using waveage dependent parameterization')
-    ####
-    Ta = np.where(np.nanmax(T) < 200, np.copy(T)+CtoK+tlapse*hh_in[1],
-                  np.copy(T)+tlapse*hh_in[1])  # convert to Kelvin if needed
-    sst = np.where(np.nanmax(SST) < 200, np.copy(SST)+CtoK, np.copy(SST))
-    if (meth == "C35"):
-        qsea = qsat26sea(sst, P)/1000  # surface water specific humidity (g/kg)
-        Q, _ = qsat26air(T, P, RH)     # specific humidity of air (g/kg)
-        qair = Q/1000
-        del Q
-'method %s | qsea:%s, qair:%s', meth,
-           [~np.isnan(qsea)]),
-           [~np.isnan(qair)]))
-    else:
-        qsea = qsea_calc(sst, P)
-        qair = q_calc(Ta, RH, P)
-'method %s | qsea:%s, qair:%s', meth,
-           [~np.isnan(qsea)]),
-           [~np.isnan(qair)]))
-    if (np.all(np.isnan(qsea)) or np.all(np.isnan(qair))):
-        print("qsea and qair cannot be nan")
-        logging.debug('method %s qsea and qair cannot be nan | sst:%s, Ta:%s,'
-                      'P:%s, RH:%s', meth,[~np.isnan(sst)]),
-            [~np.isnan(Ta)]),
-            [~np.isnan(P)]),
-            [~np.isnan(RH)]))
-    # first guesses
-    inan = np.where(np.isnan(spd+T+SST+lat+RH+P))
-    t10n, q10n = np.copy(Ta), np.copy(qair)
-    tv10n = t10n*(1 + 0.61*q10n)
-    rho = (0.34838*P)/(tv10n)
-    rhoa = P*100/(287.1*(T+CtoK)*(1+0.61*qair))
-    lv = (2.501-0.00237*SST)*1e6
-    dt = sst - Ta
-    dq = qsea - qair
-    if (meth == "C35"):
-        cp = 1004.67  # cpa  = 1004.67, cpv  = cpa*(1+0.84*Q)
-        wetc = 0.622*lv*qsea/(287.1*sst**2)
-        ug = 0.5*np.ones(np.shape(spd))
-        wind = np.sqrt(np.copy(spd)**2+ug**2)
-        dter = 0.3*np.ones(np.shape(spd))  # cool skin temperature depression
-        dqer = wetc*dter
-        Rnl = 0.97*(5.67e-8*(SST-dter*jcool+CtoK)**4-Rl)
-        u10 = wind*np.log(10/1e-4)/np.log(hh_in[0]/1e-4)
-        usr = 0.035*u10
-        u10n = np.copy(u10)
-        zo = 0.011*usr**2/g + 0.11*visc_air(T)/usr
-        cdn = (kappa/np.log(10/zo))**2
-        cqn = 0.00115*np.ones(np.shape(spd))
-        ctn = cqn/np.sqrt(cdn)
-        cd = (kappa/np.log(hh_in[0]/zo))**2
-        ct = kappa/np.log(hh_in[1]/10/np.exp(kappa/ctn))
-        CC = kappa*ct/cd
-        Ribcu = -hh_in[0]/zi/0.004/1.2**3
-        Ribu = (-g*hh_in[0]/(T+CtoK)*((dt-dter*jcool)+0.61*(T+CtoK)*(dq)) /
-                wind**2)
-        zetu = np.where(Ribu < 0, CC*Ribu/(1+Ribu/Ribcu),
-                        CC*Ribu*(1+27/9*Ribu/CC))
-        k50 = np.where(zetu > 50)  # stable, very thin M-O relative to zu
-        monob = hh_in[0]/zetu
-        gf = wind/spd
-        usr = wind*kappa/(np.log(hh_in[0]/zo)-psiu_40(hh_in[0]/monob))
-        tsr = (-(dt-dter*jcool)*kappa/(np.log(hh_in[1]/10/np.exp(kappa/ctn)) -
-               psit_26(hh_in[1]/monob)))
-        qsr = (-(dq-wetc*dter*jcool)*kappa/(np.log(hh_in[2]/10 /
-               np.exp(kappa/ctn))-psit_26(hh_in[2]/monob)))
-        tsrv = tsr+0.61*(T+CtoK)*qsr
-        ac = np.zeros((len(spd), 3))
-        charn = 0.011*np.ones(np.shape(spd))
-        charn = np.where(wind > 10, 0.011+(wind-10)/(18-10)*(0.018-0.011),
-                         np.where(wind > 18, 0.018, 0.011))
-        ac[:, 0] = charn
-    else:
-        cp = 1004.67*(1 + 0.00084*qsea)
-        u10n = np.copy(spd)
-        monob = -100*np.ones(u10n.shape)  # Monin-Obukhov length
-        monob[inan] = np.nan
-        cdn = cdn_calc(u10n, Ta, None, meth)
-        psim, psit, psiq = (np.zeros(u10n.shape), np.zeros(u10n.shape),
-                            np.zeros(u10n.shape))
-        psim[inan], psit[inan], psiq[inan] = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
-        cd = cd_calc(cdn, hh_in[0], ref_ht, psim)
-        tsr, tsrv = np.zeros(u10n.shape), np.zeros(u10n.shape)
-        qsr = np.zeros(u10n.shape)
-        tsr[inan], tsrv[inan], qsr[inan] = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
-        if (meth == "UA"):
-            wind = np.sqrt(np.power(np.copy(spd),2)+np.power(0.5,2))
-            zo, zot = 0.0001*np.ones(u10n.shape), 0.0001*np.ones(u10n.shape)
-            zol = hh_in[0]/monob
-        elif (meth == "ERA5"):
-            wind = np.sqrt(np.power(np.copy(spd),2)+np.power(0.5,2))
-            usr = np.sqrt(cd*wind**2)
-            Ribu = ((g*hh_in[0]*((2*(Ta-sst))/(Ta+sst-g*hh_in[0]) +
-                    0.61*(qair-qsea)))/np.power(wind, 2))
-            zo = 0.11*visc_air(Ta)/usr+0.018*np.power(usr, 2)/g
-            zot = 0.40*visc_air(Ta)/usr
-            zol = (Ribu*((np.log((hh_in[0]+zo)/zo)-psim_calc((hh_in[0]+zo) /
-                   monob, meth)+psim_calc(zo/monob, meth)) /
-                   (np.log((hh_in[0]+zo)/zot) -
-                   psit_calc((hh_in[0]+zo)/monob, meth) +
-                   psit_calc(zot/monob, meth))))
-        else:
-            wind = np.copy(spd)
-            zo = 0.0001*np.ones(u10n.shape)
-            zo[inan] = np.nan
-        usr = np.sqrt(cd * wind**2)
-    # tolerance for u,t,q,usr,tsr,qsr
-    tol = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 5e-05, 0.005, 0.001, 5e-07])
-    it = 0
-    ind = np.where(spd > 0)
-    ii = True
-    itera = np.zeros(spd.shape)*np.nan
-    while np.any(ii):
-        it += 1
-#        print('iter: '+str(it)+', p: '+str(np.shape(ind)[1]))
-        if it > n:
-            break
-        if (meth == "C35"):
-            old = np.array([np.copy(u10n[ind]), np.copy(usr[ind]),
-                           np.copy(tsr[ind]), np.copy(qsr[ind])])
-            zet = (kappa*g[ind]*hh_in[0]/(T[ind]+CtoK)*(tsr[ind]+0.61 *
-                   (T[ind]+CtoK)*qsr[ind])/(usr[ind]**2))
-            monob[ind] = hh_in[0]/zet
-            zo[ind], cd[ind], ct[ind], cq[ind] = cd_C35(u10n[ind], wind[ind],
-                                                        usr[ind], ac[ind,0],
-                                                        monob[ind],
-                                                        (T[ind]+CtoK), hh_in,
-                                                        lat[ind])
-            usr[ind] = wind[ind]*cd[ind]
-            qsr[ind] = -(dq[ind]-wetc[ind]*dter[ind]*jcool)*cq[ind]
-            tsr[ind] = -(dt[ind]-dter[ind]*jcool)*ct[ind]
-            tsrv[ind] = tsr[ind]+0.61*(T[ind]+CtoK)*qsr[ind]
-            ug[ind] = get_gust(1.2, (T[ind]+CtoK), usr[ind], tsrv[ind],
-                               zi, lat[ind])  # gustiness
-            wind[ind] = np.sqrt(np.copy(spd[ind])**2 + ug[ind]**2)
-            gf = wind/spd
-            dter[ind], dqer[ind] = get_skin(sst[ind], qsea[ind], rhoa[ind],
-                                            Rl[ind], Rs[ind], Rnl[ind], cp,
-                                            lv[ind], usr[ind], tsr[ind],
-                                            qsr[ind], lat[ind])
-            Rnl = 0.97*(5.67e-8*(SST-dter*jcool+CtoK)**4-Rl)
-            if it == 1:  # save first iteration solution for case of zetu>50
-                usr50, tsr50, qsr50, L50 = (usr[k50], tsr[k50], qsr[k50],
-                                            monob[k50])
-                dter50, dqer50 = dter[k50], dqer[k50]
-            u10n[ind] = usr[ind]/kappa/gf[ind]*np.log(10/zo[ind])
-            ac[ind][:] = charnock_C35(wind[ind], u10n[ind], usr[ind], seastate,
-                                      waveage, wcp[ind], sigH[ind], lat[ind])
-            new = np.array([np.copy(u10n[ind]), np.copy(usr[ind]),
-                           np.copy(tsr[ind]), np.copy(qsr[ind])])
-            d = np.abs(new-old)
-            ind = np.where((d[0,:] > tol[0])+(d[1,:] > tol[3]) +
-                           (d[2,:] > tol[4])+(d[3,:] > tol[5]))
-            itera[ind] = np.ones(1)*it
-            if np.shape(ind)[0] == 0:
-               break
-            else:
-               ii = ((d[0,:] > tol[0])+(d[1,:] > tol[3])+(d[2,:] > tol[4]) +
-                     (d[3,:] > tol[5]))
-        else:
-            old = np.array([np.copy(u10n[ind]), np.copy(t10n[ind]),
-                           np.copy(q10n[ind]), np.copy(usr[ind]),
-                           np.copy(tsr[ind]), np.copy(qsr[ind])])
-            cdn[ind] = cdn_calc(u10n[ind], Ta[ind], None, meth)
-            if (np.all(np.isnan(cdn))):
-                break  # sys.exit("cdn cannot be nan")
-                logging.debug('break %s at iteration %s cdn<0', meth, it)
-            zo[ind] = ref_ht/np.exp(kappa/np.sqrt(cdn[ind]))
-            psim[ind] = psim_calc(hh_in[0]/monob[ind], meth)
-            cd[ind] = cd_calc(cdn[ind], hh_in[0], ref_ht, psim[ind])
-            ctn[ind], cqn[ind] = ctcqn_calc(hh_in[1]/monob[ind], cdn[ind],
-                                            u10n[ind], zo[ind], Ta[ind], meth)
-            psit[ind] = psit_calc(hh_in[1]/monob[ind], meth)
-            psiq[ind] = psit_calc(hh_in[2]/monob[ind], meth)
-            ct[ind], cq[ind] = ctcq_calc(cdn[ind], cd[ind], ctn[ind], cqn[ind],
-                                         hh_in[1], hh_in[2], ref_ht,
-                                         psit[ind], psiq[ind])
-            usr[ind] = np.sqrt(cd[ind]*wind[ind]**2)
-            tsr[ind] = ct[ind]*wind[ind]*(-dt[ind])/usr[ind]
-            qsr[ind] = cq[ind]*wind[ind]*(-dq[ind])/usr[ind]
-            if (meth == "UA"):
-                zot[ind] = 10/(np.exp(kappa**2/(ctn[ind]*np.log(10/zo[ind]))))
-                zol[ind] = hh_in[0]/monob[ind]
-                t10n[ind] = np.where(zol[ind]<-0.465,Ta[ind]-(tsr[ind]/kappa) *
-                                     (np.log((-0.465*monob[ind])/zot[ind]) -
-                                     psit_calc(-0.465,meth)+0.8 *
-                                     (np.power(0.465,-1/3) -
-                                     np.power(-zol[ind],-1/3))), \
-                                     np.where((zol[ind]>-0.465) & (zol[ind]<0),
-                                     Ta[ind]-(tsr[ind]/kappa) *
-                                     (np.log(hh_in[1]/zot[ind]) -
-                                     psit_calc(zol[ind],meth)), \
-                                     np.where((zol[ind]>0) & (zol[ind]<1),
-                                     Ta[ind]-(tsr[ind]/kappa) *
-                                     (np.log(hh_in[1]/zot[ind])+5*monob[ind]),
-                                     Ta[ind]-(tsr[ind]/kappa) *
-                                     (np.log(monob[ind]/zot[ind])+5 +
-                                     5*np.log(monob[ind])+monob[ind]-1))))
-                                     # Zeng et al. 1998 (11-14)
-                q10n[ind] = np.where(zol[ind]<-0.465,qair[ind] -
-                                     (qsr[ind]/kappa) *
-                                     (np.log((-0.465*monob[ind])/zot[ind]) -
-                                     psit_calc(-0.465,meth)+0.8 *
-                                     (np.power(0.465,-1/3) -
-                                     np.power(-zol[ind],-1/3))), \
-                                     np.where((zol[ind]>-0.465) & (zol[ind]<0),
-                                     qair[ind]-(qsr[ind]/kappa) *
-                                     (np.log(hh_in[1]/zot[ind]) -
-                                     psit_calc(zol[ind],meth)), \
-                                     np.where((zol[ind]>0) & (zol[ind]<1), \
-                                     qair[ind]-(qsr[ind]/kappa) *
-                                     (np.log(hh_in[1]/zot[ind])+5*monob[ind]),
-                                     qair[ind]-(qsr[ind]/kappa) *
-                                     (np.log(monob[ind]/zot[ind])+5 +
-                                     5*np.log(monob[ind])+monob[ind]-1))))
-            else:
-                fact = (np.log(hh_in[1]/ref_ht)-psit[ind])/kappa
-                t10n[ind] = Ta[ind] - (tsr[ind]*fact)
-                fact = (np.log(hh_in[2]/ref_ht)-psiq[ind])/kappa
-                q10n[ind] = qair[ind] - (qsr[ind]*fact)
-            tv10n[ind] = t10n[ind]*(1+0.61*q10n[ind])
-            tsrv[ind] = tsr[ind]+0.61*t10n[ind]*qsr[ind]
-            if (meth == "ERA5"):
-                zol[ind] = (kappa*g[ind]*hh_in[0]/Ta[ind]*(tsr[ind] +
-                        0.61*Ta[ind]*qsr[ind])/(usr[ind]**2))
-                monob[ind] = hh_in[0]/zol[ind]
-            else:
-                monob[ind] = (tv10n[ind]*usr[ind]**2)/(g[ind]*kappa*tsrv[ind])
-            psim[ind] = psim_calc(hh_in[0]/monob[ind], meth)
-            psit[ind] = psit_calc(hh_in[1]/monob[ind], meth)
-            psiq[ind] = psit_calc(hh_in[2]/monob[ind], meth)
-            if (meth == "UA"):
-                u10n[ind] = np.where(zol[ind]<-1.574,(usr[ind]/kappa) *
-                                     ((np.log(-1.574*monob[ind]/zo[ind]) -
-                                     psim_calc(-1.574,meth))+1.14 *
-                                     (np.power(-monob[ind],1/3) -
-                                     np.power(1.574,1/3))), \
-                                     np.where((zol[ind]>-1.574) & (zol[ind]<0),
-                                     (usr[ind]/kappa)*(np.log(ref_ht/zo[ind]) -
-                                     psim_calc(zol[ind])), \
-                                     np.where((zol[ind]>0) & (zol[ind]<1),
-                                     (usr[ind]/kappa)*(np.log(ref_ht/zo[ind]) +
-                                     5*zol[ind]),(usr[ind]/kappa) *
-                                     (np.log(monob[ind]/zo[ind])+5 +
-                                     5*np.log(zol[ind])+zol[ind]-1))))
-                                     # Zeng et al. 1998 (7-10)
-                u10n[u10n<0] = np.nan
-                wind[ind] = np.sqrt(np.power(np.copy(spd[ind]),2) +
-                                    np.power(get_gust(1,Ta[ind], usr[ind],
-                                    tsrv[ind],zi,lat[ind]),2))
-                                    # Zeng et al. 1998 (20)
-            elif (meth == "ERA5"):
-                wind[ind] = np.sqrt(np.copy(spd[ind])**2 +
-                                    (get_gust(1, Ta[ind], usr[ind], tsrv[ind],
-                                    zi, lat[ind]))**2)
-                u10n[ind] = (wind[ind]-(usr[ind]/kappa)*(np.log(hh_in[0] /
-                             ref_ht)-psim[ind]))
-                u10n[u10n < 0] = np.nan
-            else:
-                u10n[ind] = (wind[ind]-(usr[ind]/kappa)*(np.log(hh_in[0] /
-                             ref_ht)-psim[ind]))
-                u10n[u10n < 0] = np.nan  # 0.5*old[0,np.where(u10n<0)]
-            new = np.array([np.copy(u10n[ind]), np.copy(t10n[ind]),
-                           np.copy(q10n[ind]), np.copy(usr[ind]),
-                           np.copy(tsr[ind]), np.copy(qsr[ind])])
-            d = np.abs(new-old)
-            ind = np.where((d[0, :] > tol[0])+(d[1, :] > tol[1]) +
-                           (d[2, :] > tol[2])+(d[3, :] > tol[3]) +
-                           (d[4, :] > tol[4])+(d[5, :] > tol[5]))
-            itera[ind] = np.ones(1)*it
-            if np.shape(ind)[0] == 0:
-                break
-            else:
-                ii = ((d[0, ind] > tol[0])+(d[1, ind] > tol[1]) +
-                      (d[2, ind] > tol[2])+(d[3, ind] > tol[3]) +
-                      (d[4, ind] > tol[4])+(d[5, ind] > tol[5]))
-    # calculate output parameters
-    if (meth == "C35"):
-        usr[k50], tsr[k50], qsr[k50], monob[k50] = usr50, tsr50, qsr50, L50
-        dter[k50], dqer[k50] = dter50, dqer50
-        rhoa = P*100/(287.1*(T+CtoK)*(1+0.61*qair))
-        rr = zo*usr/visc_air(T+CtoK)
-        zoq = np.where(5.8e-5/rr**0.72 > 1.6e-4, 1.6e-4, 5.8e-5/rr**0.72)
-        zot = zoq
-        psiT = psit_26(hh_in[1]/monob)
-        psi10T = psit_26(10/monob)
-        psi = psiu_26(hh_in[0]/monob)
-        psirf = psiu_26(hh_out[0]/monob)
-        q10 = qair + qsr/kappa*(np.log(10/hh_in[2])-psi10T+psiT)
-        tau = rhoa*usr*usr/gf
-        sensible = -rhoa*cp*usr*tsr
-        latent = -rhoa*lv*usr*qsr
-        cd = tau/rhoa/wind/np.where(spd < 0.1, 0.1, spd)
-        cdn = 1000*kappa**2/np.log(10/zo)**2
-        ct = -usr*tsr/wind/(dt-dter*jcool)
-        ctn = 1000*kappa**2/np.log(10/zo)/np.log(10/zot)
-        cq = -usr*qsr/(dq-dqer*jcool)/wind
-        cqn = 1000*kappa**2/np.log(10/zo)/np.log(10/zoq)
-        psim = psiu_26(hh_in[0]/monob)
-        psit = psit_26(hh_in[1]/monob)
-        u10n = u10+psiu_26(10/monob)*usr/kappa/gf
-        t10n = (T+tsr/kappa*(np.log(10/hh_in[1])-psi10T+psiT) +
-                tlapse*(hh_in[1]-10)+psi10T*tsr/kappa)
-        q10n = q10 + psi10T*qsr/kappa
-        tv10n = t10n*(1+0.61*q10n)
-        urefs = spd + usr/kappa/gf*(np.log(hh_out[0]/hh_in[0])-psirf+psi)
-        trefs = (T+tsr/kappa*(np.log(hh_out[1]/hh_in[1]) -
-                 psit_26(hh_out[1]/monob)+psiT)+tlapse*(hh_in[1]-hh_out[1]))
-        qrefs = (qair+qsr/kappa*(np.log(hh_out[2]/hh_in[2]) -
-                 psit_26(hh_out[2]/monob)+psiT))
-    else:
-        rho = (0.34838*P)/(tv10n)
-        t10n = t10n-(273.16+tlapse*ref_ht)
-        sensible = -1*tsr*usr*cp*rho
-        latent = -1*qsr*usr*lv*rho
-        tau = 1*rho*usr**2
-        zo = ref_ht/np.exp(kappa/cdn**0.5)
-        zot = ref_ht/(np.exp(kappa**2/(ctn*np.log(ref_ht/zo))))
-        zoq = ref_ht/(np.exp(kappa**2/(cqn*np.log(ref_ht/zo))))
-        urefs = (spd-(usr/kappa)*(np.log(hh_in[0]/hh_out[0])-psim +
-                 psim_calc(hh_out[0]/monob, meth)))
-        trefs = (Ta-(tsr/kappa)*(np.log(hh_in[1]/hh_out[1])-psit +
-                 psit_calc(hh_out[0]/monob, meth)))
-        trefs = trefs-(273.16+tlapse*hh_out[1])
-        qrefs = (qair-(qsr/kappa)*(np.log(hh_in[2]/hh_out[2]) -
-                 psit+psit_calc(hh_out[2]/monob, meth)))
-    res = np.zeros((27, len(spd)))
-    res[0][:] = tau
-    res[1][:] = sensible
-    res[2][:] = latent
-    res[3][:] = monob
-    res[4][:] = cd
-    res[5][:] = cdn
-    res[6][:] = ct
-    res[7][:] = ctn
-    res[8][:] = cq
-    res[9][:] = cqn
-    res[10][:] = tsrv
-    res[11][:] = tsr
-    res[12][:] = qsr
-    res[13][:] = usr
-    res[14][:] = psim
-    res[15][:] = psit
-    res[16][:] = u10n
-    res[17][:] = t10n
-    res[18][:] = tv10n
-    res[19][:] = q10n
-    res[20][:] = zo
-    res[21][:] = zot
-    res[22][:] = zoq
-    res[23][:] = urefs
-    res[24][:] = trefs
-    res[25][:] = qrefs
-    res[26][:] = itera
-    return res, ind