""" OctTree ------- Constuctors for OctTree classes that can decrease the number of comparisons for detecting nearby records for example. This is an implementation that uses Haversine distances for comparisons between records for identification of neighbours. """ from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Optional import datetime from .distance_metrics import haversine, destination from .utils import LatitudeError, DateWarning from math import degrees, sqrt from warnings import warn class SpaceTimeRecord: """ ICOADS Record class. This is a simple instance of an ICOARDS record, it requires position and temporal data. It can optionally include a UID and extra data. The temporal component was designed to use `datetime` values, however all methods will work with numeric datetime information - for example a pentad, timestamp, julian day, etc. Note that any uses within an OctTree and SpaceTimeRectangle must also have timedelta values replaced with numeric ranges in this case. Equality is checked only on the required fields + UID if it is specified. Parameters ---------- lon : float Horizontal coordinate (longitude). lat : float Vertical coordinate (latitude). datetime : datetime.datetime Datetime of the record. Can also be a numeric value such as pentad. Comparisons between Records with datetime and Records with numeric datetime will fail. uid : str | None Unique Identifier. fix_lon : bool Force longitude to -180, 180 **data Additional data passed to the SpaceTimeRecord for use by other functions or classes. """ def __init__( self, lon: float, lat: float, datetime: datetime.datetime, uid: Optional[str] = None, fix_lon: bool = True, **data, ) -> None: self.lon = lon if fix_lon: # Move lon to -180, 180 self.lon = ((self.lon + 540) % 360) - 180 if lat < -90 or lat > 90: raise LatitudeError( "Expected latitude value to be between -90 and 90 degrees" ) self.lat = lat self.datetime = datetime self.uid = uid for var, val in data.items(): setattr(self, var, val) return None def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"SpaceTimeRecord(x = {self.lon}, y = {self.lat}, " + f"datetime = {self.datetime}, uid = {self.uid})" ) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, SpaceTimeRecord): return False if self.uid and other.uid: return self.uid == other.uid return ( self.lon == other.lon and self.lat == other.lat and self.datetime == other.datetime and (not (self.uid or other.uid) or self.uid == other.uid) ) def distance(self, other: object) -> float: """ Compute the Haversine distance to another SpaceTimeRecord. Only computes spatial distance. """ if not isinstance(other, SpaceTimeRecord): raise TypeError("Argument other must be an instance of Record") return haversine(self.lon, self.lat, other.lon, other.lat) class SpaceTimeRecords(List[SpaceTimeRecord]): """List of SpaceTimeRecords""" @dataclass class SpaceTimeRectangle: """ A simple Space Time SpaceTimeRectangle class. This constructs a simple Rectangle object. The defining coordinates are the centres of the box, and the extents are the full width, height, and time extent. Whilst the rectangle is assumed to lie on the surface of Earth, this is a projection as the rectangle is defined by a longitude/latitude range. The temporal components are defined in the same way as the spatial components, that is that the `datetime` component (t) is the "centre", and the time extent (dt) is the full time range of the box. Parameters ---------- west : float Western boundary of the Rectangle east : float Eastern boundary of the Rectangle south : float Southern boundary of the Rectangle north : float Northern boundary of the Rectangle start : datetime.datetime Start datetime of the Rectangle end : datetime.datetime End datetime of the Rectangle """ west: float east: float south: float north: float start: datetime.datetime end: datetime.datetime def __post_init__(self): if self.east > 180 or self.east < -180: self.east = ((self.east + 540) % 360) - 180 if self.west > 180 or self.west < -180: self.west = ((self.west + 540) % 360) - 180 if self.north > 90 or self.south < -90: raise LatitudeError( "Latitude bounds are out of bounds. " + f"{self.north = }, {self.south = }" ) if self.end < self.start: warn("End date is before start date. Swapping", DateWarning) self.start, self.end = self.end, self.start @property def lat_range(self) -> float: """Latitude range of the Rectangle""" return self.north - self.south @property def lat(self) -> float: """Centre latitude of the Rectangle""" return self.south + self.lat_range / 2 @property def lon_range(self) -> float: """Longitude range of the Rectangle""" if self.east < self.west: return self.east - self.west + 360 return self.east - self.west @property def lon(self) -> float: """Centre longitude of the Rectangle""" lon = self.west + self.lon_range / 2 return ((lon + 540) % 360) - 180 @property def edge_dist(self) -> float: """Approximate maximum distance from the centre to an edge""" corner_dist = max( haversine(self.lon, self.lat, self.east, self.north), haversine(self.lon, self.lat, self.east, self.south), ) if self.north * self.south < 0: corner_dist = max( corner_dist, haversine(self.lon, self.lat, self.east, 0), ) return corner_dist @property def time_range(self) -> datetime.timedelta: """The time extent of the Rectangle""" return self.end - self.start @property def centre_datetime(self) -> datetime.datetime: """The midpoint time of the Rectangle""" return self.start + (self.end - self.start) / 2 def _test_east_west(self, lon: float) -> bool: if self.lon_range >= 360: # Rectangle encircles earth return True if self.east > self.lon and self.west < self.lon: return lon <= self.east and lon >= self.west if self.east < self.lon: return not (lon > self.east and lon < self.west) if self.west > self.lon: return not (lon < self.east and lon > self.west) return False def _test_north_south(self, lat: float) -> bool: return lat <= self.north and lat >= self.south def contains(self, point: SpaceTimeRecord) -> bool: """Test if a point is contained within the SpaceTimeRectangle""" if point.datetime > self.end or point.datetime < self.start: return False return self._test_north_south(point.lat) and self._test_east_west( point.lon ) def intersects(self, other: object) -> bool: """Test if another Rectangle object intersects this Rectangle""" if not isinstance(other, SpaceTimeRectangle): raise TypeError( f"other must be a Rectangle class, got {type(other)}" ) if other.end < self.start or other.start > self.end: # Not in the same time range return False if other.south > self.north: # Other is fully north of self return False if other.north < self.south: # Other is fully south of self return False # Handle east / west edges return ( self._test_east_west(other.west) or self._test_east_west(other.east) # Fully contained within other or ( other._test_east_west(self.west) and other._test_east_west(self.east) ) ) def nearby( self, point: SpaceTimeRecord, dist: float, t_dist: datetime.timedelta, ) -> bool: """ Check if point is nearby the Rectangle Determines if a SpaceTimeRecord that falls on the surface of Earth is nearby to the rectangle in space and time. This calculation uses the Haversine distance metric. Distance from rectangle to point is challenging on the surface of a sphere, this calculation will return false positives as a check based on the distance from the centre of the rectangle to the corners, or to its Eastern edge (if the rectangle crosses the equator) is used in combination with the input distance. The primary use-case of this method is for querying an OctTree for nearby Records. Parameters ---------- point : SpaceTimeRecord dist : float, t_dist : datetime.timedelta Returns ------- bool : True if the point is <= dist + max(dist(centre, corners)) """ if ( point.datetime - t_dist > self.end or point.datetime + t_dist < self.start ): return False # QUESTION: Is this sufficient? Possibly it is overkill return ( haversine(self.lon, self.lat, point.lon, point.lat) <= dist + self.edge_dist ) class SpaceTimeEllipse: """ A simple Ellipse Class for an ellipse on the surface of a sphere. Parameters ---------- lon : float Horizontal centre of the ellipse lat : float Vertical centre of the ellipse a : float Length of the semi-major axis b : float Length of the semi-minor axis theta : float Angle of the semi-major axis from horizontal anti-clockwise in radians start : datetime.datetime Start date of the Ellipse end : datetime.datetime Send date of the Ellipse """ def __init__( self, lon: float, lat: float, a: float, b: float, theta: float, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime, ) -> None: self.a = a self.b = b self.lon = lon if self.lon > 180: self.lon = ((self.lon + 540) % 360) - 180 self.lat = lat self.start = start self.end = end if self.end < self.start: warn("End date is before start date. Swapping") self.start, self.end = self.end, self.start # theta is anti-clockwise angle from horizontal in radians self.theta = theta # bearing is angle clockwise from north in degrees self.bearing = (90 - degrees(self.theta)) % 360 a2 = self.a * self.a b2 = self.b * self.b self.c = sqrt(a2 - b2) self.p1_lon, self.p1_lat = destination( self.lon, self.lat, self.bearing, self.c, ) self.p2_lon, self.p2_lat = destination( self.lon, self.lat, (self.bearing - 180) % 360, self.c, ) def contains(self, point: SpaceTimeRecord) -> bool: """Test if a point is contained within the Ellipse""" if point.datetime > self.end or point.datetime < self.start: return False return ( haversine(self.p1_lon, self.p1_lat, point.lon, point.lat) + haversine(self.p2_lon, self.p2_lat, point.lon, point.lat) ) <= 2 * self.a def nearby_rect(self, rect: SpaceTimeRectangle) -> bool: """Test if a rectangle is near to the Ellipse""" if rect.start > self.end or rect.end < self.start: return False # TODO: Check corners, and 0 lat return ( haversine(self.p1_lon, self.p1_lat, rect.lon, rect.lat) <= rect.edge_dist + self.a and haversine(self.p2_lon, self.p2_lat, rect.lon, rect.lat) <= rect.edge_dist + self.a ) class OctTree: """ A Simple OctTree class for PyCOADS. Acts as a space-time OctTree on the surface of Earth, allowing for querying nearby points faster than searching a full DataFrame. As SpaceTimeRecords are added to the OctTree, the OctTree divides into 8 children as the capacity is reached. Additional SpaceTimeRecords are then added to the children where they fall within the child OctTree's boundary. SpaceTimeRecords already part of the OctTree before divided are not distributed to the children OctTrees. Whilst the OctTree has a temporal component, and was designed to utilise datetime / timedelta objects, numeric values and ranges can be used. This usage must be consistent for the boundary and all SpaceTimeRecords that are part of the OctTree. This allows for usage of pentad, timestamp, Julian day, etc. as datetime values. Parameters ---------- boundary : SpaceTimeRectangle The bounding SpaceTimeRectangle of the QuadTree capacity : int The capacity of each cell, if max_depth is set then a cell at the maximum depth may contain more points than the capacity. depth : int The current depth of the cell. Initialises to zero if unset. max_depth : int | None The maximum depth of the QuadTree. If set, this can override the capacity for cells at the maximum depth. """ def __init__( self, boundary: SpaceTimeRectangle, capacity: int = 5, depth: int = 0, max_depth: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: self.boundary = boundary self.capacity = capacity self.depth = depth self.max_depth = max_depth self.points = SpaceTimeRecords() self.divided: bool = False return None def __str__(self) -> str: indent = " " * self.depth out = f"{indent}OctTree:\n" out += f"{indent}- boundary: {self.boundary}\n" out += f"{indent}- capacity: {self.capacity}\n" out += f"{indent}- depth: {self.depth}\n" if self.max_depth: out += f"{indent}- max_depth: {self.max_depth}\n" if self.points: out += f"{indent}- contents:\n" out += f"{indent}- number of elements: {len(self.points)}\n" for p in self.points: out += f"{indent} * {p}\n" if self.divided: out += f"{indent}- with children:\n" out += f"{self.northwestback}" out += f"{self.northeastback}" out += f"{self.southwestback}" out += f"{self.southeastback}" out += f"{self.northwestfwd}" out += f"{self.northeastfwd}" out += f"{self.southwestfwd}" out += f"{self.southeastfwd}" return out def len(self, _current_len: int = 0) -> int: """Get the number of points in the OctTree""" _current_len += len(self.points) print(_current_len) if not self.divided: return _current_len _current_len = self.northeastback.len(_current_len) _current_len = self.northwestback.len(_current_len) _current_len = self.southeastback.len(_current_len) _current_len = self.southwestback.len(_current_len) _current_len = self.northeastfwd.len(_current_len) _current_len = self.northwestfwd.len(_current_len) _current_len = self.southeastfwd.len(_current_len) _current_len = self.southwestfwd.len(_current_len) return _current_len def divide(self): """Divide the QuadTree""" self.northwestfwd = OctTree( SpaceTimeRectangle( self.boundary.west, self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.lat, self.boundary.north, self.boundary.centre_datetime, self.boundary.end, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.northeastfwd = OctTree( SpaceTimeRectangle( self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.east, self.boundary.lat, self.boundary.north, self.boundary.centre_datetime, self.boundary.end, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.southwestfwd = OctTree( SpaceTimeRectangle( self.boundary.west, self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.south, self.boundary.lat, self.boundary.centre_datetime, self.boundary.end, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.southeastfwd = OctTree( SpaceTimeRectangle( self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.east, self.boundary.south, self.boundary.lat, self.boundary.centre_datetime, self.boundary.end, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.northwestback = OctTree( SpaceTimeRectangle( self.boundary.west, self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.lat, self.boundary.north, self.boundary.start, self.boundary.centre_datetime, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.northeastback = OctTree( SpaceTimeRectangle( self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.east, self.boundary.lat, self.boundary.north, self.boundary.start, self.boundary.centre_datetime, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.southwestback = OctTree( SpaceTimeRectangle( self.boundary.west, self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.south, self.boundary.lat, self.boundary.start, self.boundary.centre_datetime, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.southeastback = OctTree( SpaceTimeRectangle( self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.east, self.boundary.south, self.boundary.lat, self.boundary.start, self.boundary.centre_datetime, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.divided = True def insert(self, point: SpaceTimeRecord) -> bool: # noqa: C901 """ Insert a SpaceTimeRecord into the QuadTree. Note that the SpaceTimeRecord can have numeric datetime values if that is consistent with the OctTree. """ if not self.boundary.contains(point): return False elif self.max_depth and self.depth == self.max_depth: self.points.append(point) return True elif len(self.points) < self.capacity: self.points.append(point) return True else: if not self.divided: self.divide() if self.northwestback.insert(point): return True elif self.northeastback.insert(point): return True elif self.southwestback.insert(point): return True elif self.southeastback.insert(point): return True elif self.northwestfwd.insert(point): return True elif self.northeastfwd.insert(point): return True elif self.southwestfwd.insert(point): return True elif self.southeastfwd.insert(point): return True return False def remove(self, point: SpaceTimeRecord) -> bool: # noqa: C901 """ Remove a SpaceTimeRecord from the OctTree if it is in the OctTree. Returns True if the SpaceTimeRecord is removed. """ if not self.boundary.contains(point): return False if point in self.points: self.points.remove(point) return True if not self.divided: return False if self.northwestback.remove(point): return True elif self.northeastback.remove(point): return True elif self.southwestback.remove(point): return True elif self.southeastback.remove(point): return True elif self.northwestfwd.remove(point): return True elif self.northeastfwd.remove(point): return True elif self.southwestfwd.remove(point): return True elif self.southeastfwd.remove(point): return True return False def query( self, rect: SpaceTimeRectangle, points: Optional[SpaceTimeRecords] = None, ) -> SpaceTimeRecords: """Get points that fall in a SpaceTimeRectangle""" if not points: points = SpaceTimeRecords() if not self.boundary.intersects(rect): return points for point in self.points: if rect.contains(point): points.append(point) if self.divided: points = self.northwestfwd.query(rect, points) points = self.northeastfwd.query(rect, points) points = self.southwestfwd.query(rect, points) points = self.southeastfwd.query(rect, points) points = self.northwestback.query(rect, points) points = self.northeastback.query(rect, points) points = self.southwestback.query(rect, points) points = self.southeastback.query(rect, points) return points def query_ellipse( self, ellipse: SpaceTimeEllipse, points: Optional[SpaceTimeRecords] = None, ) -> SpaceTimeRecords: """Get points that fall in an ellipse.""" if not points: points = SpaceTimeRecords() if not ellipse.nearby_rect(self.boundary): return points for point in self.points: if ellipse.contains(point): points.append(point) if self.divided: points = self.northwestfwd.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) points = self.northeastfwd.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) points = self.southwestfwd.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) points = self.southeastfwd.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) points = self.northwestback.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) points = self.northeastback.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) points = self.southwestback.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) points = self.southeastback.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) return points def nearby_points( self, point: SpaceTimeRecord, dist: float, t_dist: datetime.timedelta, points: Optional[SpaceTimeRecords] = None, ) -> SpaceTimeRecords: """ Get all points that are nearby another point. Query the OctTree to find all SpaceTimeRecords within the OctTree that are nearby to the query SpaceTimeRecord. This search should be faster than searching through all records, since only OctTree children whose boundaries are close to the query SpaceTimeRecord are evaluated. Parameters ---------- point : SpaceTimeRecord The query point. dist : float The distance for comparison. Note that Haversine distance is used as the distance metric as the query SpaceTimeRecord and OctTree are assumed to lie on the surface of Earth. t_dist : datetime.timedelta Max time gap between SpaceTimeRecords within the OctTree and the query SpaceTimeRecord. Can be numeric if the OctTree boundaries, SpaceTimeRecords, and query SpaceTimeRecord have numeric datetime values and ranges. points : SpaceTimeRecords | None List of SpaceTimeRecords already found. Most use cases will be to not set this value, since it's main use is for passing onto the children OctTrees. Returns ------- SpaceTimeRecords : A list of SpaceTimeRecords whose distance to the query SpaceTimeRecord is <= dist, and the datetimes of the SpaceTimeRecords fall within the datetime range of the query SpaceTimeRecord. """ if not points: points = SpaceTimeRecords() if not self.boundary.nearby(point, dist, t_dist): return points for test_point in self.points: if ( haversine(point.lon, point.lat, test_point.lon, test_point.lat) <= dist and test_point.datetime <= point.datetime + t_dist and test_point.datetime >= point.datetime - t_dist ): points.append(test_point) if self.divided: points = self.northwestback.nearby_points( point, dist, t_dist, points ) points = self.northeastback.nearby_points( point, dist, t_dist, points ) points = self.southwestback.nearby_points( point, dist, t_dist, points ) points = self.southeastback.nearby_points( point, dist, t_dist, points ) points = self.northwestfwd.nearby_points( point, dist, t_dist, points ) points = self.northeastfwd.nearby_points( point, dist, t_dist, points ) points = self.southwestfwd.nearby_points( point, dist, t_dist, points ) points = self.southeastfwd.nearby_points( point, dist, t_dist, points ) return points