""" Constuctors for QuadTree classes that can decrease the number of comparisons for detecting nearby records for example """ from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from .distance_metrics import haversine, destination from .utils import LatitudeError from math import degrees, sqrt class Record: """ ICOADS Record class This is a simple instance of an ICOARDS record, it requires position data. It can optionally include datetime, a UID, and extra data passed as keyword arguments. Equality is checked only on the required fields + UID if it is specified. Parameters ---------- lon : float Horizontal coordinate lat : float Vertical coordinate datetime : datetime | None Datetime of the record uid : str | None Unique Identifier fix_lon : bool Force longitude to -180, 180 **data Additional data passed to the Record for use by other functions or classes. """ def __init__( self, lon: float, lat: float, datetime: datetime | None = None, uid: str | None = None, fix_lon: bool = True, **data, ) -> None: self.lon = lon if fix_lon: # Move lon to -180, 180 self.lon = ((self.lon + 540) % 360) - 180 if lat < -90 or lat > 90: raise LatitudeError( "Expected latitude value to be between -90 and 90 degrees" ) self.lat = lat self.datetime = datetime self.uid = uid for var, val in data.items(): setattr(self, var, val) return None def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Record(lon = {self.lon}, lat = {self.lat}, datetime = {self.datetime}, uid = {self.uid})" def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Record): return False if self.uid and other.uid: return self.uid == other.uid return ( self.lon == other.lon and self.lat == other.lat and self.datetime == other.datetime and (not (self.uid or other.uid) or self.uid == other.uid) ) def distance(self, other: object) -> float: """Compute the Haversine distance to another Record""" if not isinstance(other, Record): raise TypeError("Argument other must be an instance of Record") return haversine(self.lon, self.lat, other.lon, other.lat) @dataclass class Rectangle: """ A simple Rectangle class Parameters ---------- west : float Western boundary of the Rectangle east : float Eastern boundary of the Rectangle south : float Southern boundary of the Rectangle north : float Northern boundary of the Rectangle """ west: float east: float south: float north: float def __post_init__(self): if self.east > 180 or self.east < -180: self.east = ((self.east + 540) % 360) - 180 if self.west > 180 or self.west < -180: self.west = ((self.west + 540) % 360) - 180 if self.north > 90 or self.south < -90: raise LatitudeError( "Latitude bounds are out of bounds. " + f"{self.north = }, {self.south = }" ) @property def lat_range(self) -> float: """Latitude range of the Rectangle""" return self.north - self.south @property def lat(self) -> float: """Centre latitude of the Rectangle""" return self.south + self.lat_range / 2 @property def lon_range(self) -> float: """Longitude range of the Rectangle""" if self.east < self.west: return self.east - self.west + 360 return self.east - self.west @property def lon(self) -> float: """Centre longitude of the Rectangle""" lon = self.west + self.lon_range / 2 return ((lon + 540) % 360) - 180 @property def edge_dist(self) -> float: """Approximate maximum distance from the centre to an edge""" corner_dist = max( haversine(self.lon, self.lat, self.east, self.north), haversine(self.lon, self.lat, self.east, self.south), ) if self.north * self.south < 0: corner_dist = max( corner_dist, haversine(self.lon, self.lat, self.east, 0), ) return corner_dist def _test_east_west(self, lon: float) -> bool: if self.lon_range >= 360: # Rectangle encircles earth return True if self.east > self.lon and self.west < self.lon: return lon <= self.east and lon >= self.west if self.east < self.lon: return not (lon > self.east and lon < self.west) if self.west > self.lon: return not (lon < self.east and lon > self.west) return False def _test_north_south(self, lat: float) -> bool: return lat <= self.north and lat >= self.south def contains(self, point: Record) -> bool: """Test if a point is contained within the Rectangle""" return self._test_north_south(point.lat) and self._test_east_west( point.lon ) def intersects(self, other: object) -> bool: """Test if another Rectangle object intersects this Rectangle""" if not isinstance(other, Rectangle): raise TypeError( f"other must be a Rectangle class, got {type(other)}" ) if other.south > self.north: # Other is fully north of self return False if other.north < self.south: # Other is fully south of self return False # Handle east / west edges return ( self._test_east_west(other.west) or self._test_east_west(other.east) # Fully contained within other or ( other._test_east_west(self.west) and other._test_east_west(self.east) ) ) def nearby( self, point: Record, dist: float, ) -> bool: """Check if point is nearby the Rectangle""" # QUESTION: Is this sufficient? Possibly it is overkill return ( haversine(self.lon, self.lat, point.lon, point.lat) <= dist + self.edge_dist ) class Ellipse: """ A simple Ellipse Class for an ellipse on the surface of a sphere. Parameters ---------- lon : float Horizontal centre of the ellipse lat : float Vertical centre of the ellipse a : float Length of the semi-major axis b : float Length of the semi-minor axis theta : float Angle of the semi-major axis from horizontal anti-clockwise in radians """ def __init__( self, lon: float, lat: float, a: float, b: float, theta: float, ) -> None: self.a = a self.b = b self.lon = lon self.lat = lat # theta is anti-clockwise angle from horizontal in radians self.theta = theta # bearing is angle clockwise from north in degrees self.bearing = (90 - degrees(self.theta)) % 360 a2 = self.a * self.a b2 = self.b * self.b self.c = sqrt(a2 - b2) self.p1_lon, self.p1_lat = destination( self.lon, self.lat, self.bearing, self.c, ) self.p2_lon, self.p2_lat = destination( self.lon, self.lat, (self.bearing - 180) % 360, self.c, ) def contains(self, point: Record) -> bool: """Test if a point is contained within the Ellipse""" return ( haversine(self.p1_lon, self.p1_lat, point.lon, point.lat) + haversine(self.p2_lon, self.p2_lat, point.lon, point.lat) ) <= 2 * self.a def nearby_rect(self, rect: Rectangle) -> bool: """Test if a rectangle is near to the Ellipse""" return ( haversine(self.p1_lon, self.p1_lat, rect.lon, rect.lat) <= rect.edge_dist + self.a and haversine(self.p2_lon, self.p2_lat, rect.lon, rect.lat) <= rect.edge_dist + self.a ) class QuadTree: """ A Simple QuadTree class for PyCOADS Parameters ---------- boundary : Rectangle The bounding Rectangle of the QuadTree capacity : int The capacity of each cell, if max_depth is set then a cell at the maximum depth may contain more points than the capacity. depth : int The current depth of the cell. Initialises to zero if unset. max_depth : int | None The maximum depth of the QuadTree. If set, this can override the capacity for cells at the maximum depth. """ def __init__( self, boundary: Rectangle, capacity: int = 5, depth: int = 0, max_depth: int | None = None, ) -> None: self.boundary = boundary self.capacity = capacity self.depth = depth self.max_depth = max_depth self.points: list[Record] = list() self.divided: bool = False return None def __str__(self) -> str: indent = " " * self.depth out = f"{indent}QuadTree:\n" out += f"{indent}- boundary: {self.boundary}\n" out += f"{indent}- capacity: {self.capacity}\n" out += f"{indent}- depth: {self.depth}\n" if self.max_depth: out += f"{indent}- max_depth: {self.max_depth}\n" out += f"{indent}- contents: {self.points}\n" if self.divided: out += f"{indent}- with children:\n" out += f"{self.northwest}" out += f"{self.northeast}" out += f"{self.southwest}" out += f"{self.southeast}" return out def divide(self): """Divide the QuadTree""" self.northwest = QuadTree( Rectangle( self.boundary.west, self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.lat, self.boundary.north, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.northeast = QuadTree( Rectangle( self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.east, self.boundary.lat, self.boundary.north, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.southwest = QuadTree( Rectangle( self.boundary.west, self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.south, self.boundary.lat, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.southeast = QuadTree( Rectangle( self.boundary.lon, self.boundary.east, self.boundary.south, self.boundary.lat, ), capacity=self.capacity, depth=self.depth + 1, max_depth=self.max_depth, ) self.divided = True def insert(self, point: Record) -> bool: """Insert a point into the QuadTree""" if not self.boundary.contains(point): return False elif self.max_depth and self.depth == self.max_depth: self.points.append(point) return True elif len(self.points) < self.capacity: self.points.append(point) return True else: if not self.divided: self.divide() if self.northwest.insert(point): return True elif self.northeast.insert(point): return True elif self.southwest.insert(point): return True elif self.southeast.insert(point): return True return False def query( self, rect: Rectangle, points: list[Record] | None = None, ) -> list[Record]: """Get points that fall in a rectangle""" if not points: points = list() if not self.boundary.intersects(rect): return points for point in self.points: if rect.contains(point): points.append(point) if self.divided: points = self.northwest.query(rect, points) points = self.northeast.query(rect, points) points = self.southwest.query(rect, points) points = self.southeast.query(rect, points) return points def query_ellipse( self, ellipse: Ellipse, points: list[Record] | None = None, ) -> list[Record]: """Get points that fall in an ellipse.""" if not points: points = list() if not ellipse.nearby_rect(self.boundary): return points for point in self.points: if ellipse.contains(point): points.append(point) if self.divided: points = self.northwest.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) points = self.northeast.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) points = self.southwest.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) points = self.southeast.query_ellipse(ellipse, points) return points def nearby_points( self, point: Record, dist: float, points: list[Record] | None = None, ) -> list[Record]: """Get all points that are nearby another point""" if not points: points = list() if not self.boundary.nearby(point, dist): return points for test_point in self.points: if ( haversine(point.lon, point.lat, test_point.lon, test_point.lat) <= dist ): points.append(test_point) if self.divided: points = self.northwest.nearby_points(point, dist, points) points = self.northeast.nearby_points(point, dist, points) points = self.southwest.nearby_points(point, dist, points) points = self.southeast.nearby_points(point, dist, points) return points