[build-system] requires = [ "setuptools>=42", "wheel", "setuptools_scm[toml]>=3.4", "setuptools_scm_git_archive" ] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [tool.setuptools] packages = ["GeoSpatialTools"] [project] name = "GeoSpatialTools" version = "0.4.1" dependencies = [ "numpy", ] requires-python = ">=3.11" authors = [ {name = "Joseph Siddons", email = "josidd@noc.ac.uk"}, {name = "Richard Cornes", email = "rcornes@noc.ac.uk"}, ] maintainers = [ {name = "Joseph Siddons", email = "josidd@noc.ac.uk"}, ] description = "Tools for processing geo spatial data." readme = "README.md" license = {file = "LICENSE"} keywords = [ "spatial", "geospatial", "quadtree", "octtree", "nearest neighbour", ] classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 1 - PreAlpha", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ] [project.optional-dependencies] notebooks = [ "ipykernel", "polars" ] test = [ "pytest", ] [tool.ruff] line-length = 80 indent-width = 4 target-version = "py311" exclude = [ ".eggs", ".git", ".venv", "build", "venv", ] [tool.ruff.lint] extend-select = [ "RUF022" # unsorted-dunder-all ] ignore = [ "D205", # blank-line-after-summary "D400", # ends-in-period "D401" # non-imperative-mood ] preview = true select = [ "C90", # mccabe-complexity "D", # docstrings "E", # pycodestyle errors "F", # pyflakes "N802", # invalid-function-name "S", # bandit "W" # pycodestyle warnings ] [tool.ruff.format] quote-style = "double" # Like Black, use double quotes for strings. indent-style = "space" # Like Black, indent with spaces, rather than tabs. skip-magic-trailing-comma = false # Like Black, respect magic trailing commas. line-ending = "auto" # Like Black, automatically detect the appropriate line ending. [tool.ruff.lint.pydocstyle] convention = "numpy" [tool.ruff.lint.flake8-import-conventions.aliases] "matplotlib.pyplot" = "plt" numpy = "np" pandas = "pd" polars = "pl" scipy = "sp" xarray = "xr" [project.urls] Repository = "https://git.noc.ac.uk/josidd/geospatialtools"