Commit 3b6b7ca4 authored by jelt's avatar jelt
Browse files

Update README contents

parent d8fd1dbd
...@@ -7,21 +7,77 @@ facilitate configuration archival and sharing: ...@@ -7,21 +7,77 @@ facilitate configuration archival and sharing:
<pre> <pre>
| |----namelist_cfg | |___INITIAL_CONDITION
| |----namelist_ref | | |____initcd_vosaline.namelist
| | |____initcd_votemper.namelist
| | |____namelist_reshape_bilin_initcd_vosaline
| | |____namelist_reshape_bilin_initcd_votemper
| | |____sosie.x
| |
| | |____namelist_cfg
| | |____namelist_ref
| |
| |___TIDES
| | |____inputs_dst.ncml
| | |____inputs_src.ncml
| | |____namelist.bdy
| | |____run_script.pbs
| |
| |___f_files
| | |____bdyini.F90
| | |____diaharm.F90
| | |____diaharm_fast.F90
| | |____dommsk.F90
| | |____dtatsd.F90
| | |____par_oce.F90
| | |____sbctide.F90
| | |____step.F90
| | |____step_oce.F90
| | |____tide_FES14.h90
| | |____tide_mod.F90
| | |____tideini.F90
| |
| |___p_files
| | |____scrip.patch
| | |____scripgrid.patch
| | |____scripinterp.patch
| | |____scripinterp_mod.patch
| | |____scripshape.patch
| |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |____bdy_obc.m
| |____nemo_IC_temperature.m
| |____nemo_IC_salinity.m
| |____obc_Sal.m
| |____obc_U.m
| |____obc_V.m
| |____obc_Temp.m
| |____obc_SSH.m
| |____river_maker.m
| |____Coast_finder.m
| |____smooth2.m
| |
| |
</pre> </pre>
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