Commit a7866927 authored by Dr Jeff Polton's avatar Dr Jeff Polton
Browse files

switch to non-penetrative convection: zdfnpc=T

parent 9d8a3774
...@@ -930,10 +930,10 @@ ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true. ! compute depth at initialisation from runoff file ...@@ -930,10 +930,10 @@ ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true. ! compute depth at initialisation from runoff file
rn_avt0 = 1.2e-5 ! vertical eddy diffusivity [m2/s] (background Kz if not "key_zdfcst") rn_avt0 = 1.2e-5 ! vertical eddy diffusivity [m2/s] (background Kz if not "key_zdfcst")
nn_avb = 0 ! profile for background avt & avm (=1) or not (=0) nn_avb = 0 ! profile for background avt & avm (=1) or not (=0)
nn_havtb = 0 ! horizontal shape for avtb (=1) or not (=0) nn_havtb = 0 ! horizontal shape for avtb (=1) or not (=0)
ln_zdfevd = .true. ! enhanced vertical diffusion (evd) (T) or not (F) ln_zdfevd = .false. ! enhanced vertical diffusion (evd) (T) or not (F)
nn_evdm = 0 ! evd apply on tracer (=0) or on tracer and momentum (=1) nn_evdm = 0 ! evd apply on tracer (=0) or on tracer and momentum (=1)
rn_avevd = 100. ! evd mixing coefficient [m2/s] rn_avevd = 100. ! evd mixing coefficient [m2/s]
ln_zdfnpc = .false. ! Non-Penetrative Convective algorithm (T) or not (F) ln_zdfnpc = .true. ! Non-Penetrative Convective algorithm (T) or not (F)
nn_npc = 1 ! frequency of application of npc nn_npc = 1 ! frequency of application of npc
nn_npcp = 365 ! npc control print frequency nn_npcp = 365 ! npc control print frequency
ln_zdfexp = .false. ! time-stepping: split-explicit (T) or implicit (F) time stepping ln_zdfexp = .false. ! time-stepping: split-explicit (T) or implicit (F) time stepping
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