diff --git a/inputs/namelist_cmems.bdy b/inputs/namelist_cmems.bdy
index 415d4f6af286691e7a46470f3a266715602bee5e..ae34aac19fded3b4926595b72a55b7f336aa87bb 100755
--- a/inputs/namelist_cmems.bdy
+++ b/inputs/namelist_cmems.bdy
@@ -93,18 +93,18 @@
     ln_mask_file   = .false.              !  =T : read mask from file
     cn_mask_file   = 'mask.nc'            !  name of mask file
                                           !  (if ln_mask_file=.TRUE.)
-    ln_dyn2d       = .true.              !  boundary conditions for
+    ln_dyn2d       = .false.              !  boundary conditions for
                                           !  barotropic fields
-    ln_dyn3d       = .true.              !  boundary conditions for
+    ln_dyn3d       = .false.              !  boundary conditions for
                                           !  baroclinic velocities
-    ln_tra         = .true.               !  boundary conditions for T and S
+    ln_tra         = .false.               !  boundary conditions for T and S
     ln_ice         = .false.              !  ice boundary condition
     nn_rimwidth    = 9                    !  width of the relaxation zone
 !  unstructured open boundaries tidal parameters
-    ln_tide        = .false.              !  =T : produce bdy tidal conditions
+    ln_tide        = .true.              !  =T : produce bdy tidal conditions
     sn_tide_model  = 'fes'                !  Name of tidal model (fes|tpxo)
     clname(1)      = 'M2'                 !  constituent name
     clname(2)      = 'S2'
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
     !clname(14)     = '2N2'
     !clname(15)     = 'MU2'
     ln_trans       = .false.                !  interpolate transport rather than velocities
-    ln_tide_checker = .true.                ! run tide checker on PyNEMO tide output
+    ln_tide_checker = .false.                ! run tide checker on PyNEMO tide output
     sn_ref_model    = 'fes'                 ! which model to check output against (FES only)
 !  Time information
diff --git a/pynemo/nemo_bdy_extr_tm3.py b/pynemo/nemo_bdy_extr_tm3.py
index 034dc0ffc36019fd3fcf652359f81994942a16be..ad9a62bd17f2172a3dc5dbf66b53079618206301 100644
--- a/pynemo/nemo_bdy_extr_tm3.py
+++ b/pynemo/nemo_bdy_extr_tm3.py
@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ class Extract:
         f_out = self.settings['dst_dir']+self.settings['fn']+ \
                 '_bdy'+self.g_type.upper()+ '_y'+str(year)+'m'+'%02d' % month+'.nc'
-        ncml_out = glob(self.settings['ncml_out']+'/*'+str(self.g_type.upper())+'.ncml')
+        ncml_out = glob(self.settings['ncml_out']+'/*'+'output_'+str(self.g_type.upper())+'.ncml')
         if len(ncml_out) == 0:
             raise RuntimeError('NCML out file for grid '+str(self.g_type.upper())+' missing, please add into NCML directory')
         ncml_out = ncml_out[0]
diff --git a/pynemo/output_NCML/NEMO_tide_U.ncml b/pynemo/output_NCML/NEMO_tide_U.ncml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c27e7020be221d27c9d99c5b197a630aaa03aa82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pynemo/output_NCML/NEMO_tide_U.ncml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2">
+  <dimension name="y" orgName="y" />
+  <dimension name="x" orgName="x" />
+  <dimension name="yb" orgName="yb" />
+  <dimension name="xb" orgName="xb" />
+  <dimension name="time_counter" orgName="time_counter" isUnlimited="true" />
+  <attribute name="institution" value="National Oceanography Centre, Livepool, U.K." />
+  <variable name="bdy_msk" orgName="bdy_msk" shape="y x" type="float">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="bdy_msk" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Structured boundary mask" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nav_lat" orgName="nav_lat" shape="y x" type="float">
+    <attribute name="axis" value="Latitude" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nav_lat" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="degrees_east" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Latitude" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nav_lon" orgName="nav_lon" shape="y x" type="float">
+    <attribute name="axis" value="Longitude" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nav_lon" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="degrees_east" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Longitude" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nbidta" orgName="nbidta" shape="yb xb" type="int">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nbidta" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Bdy i indices" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nbjdta" orgName="nbjdta" shape="yb xb" type="int">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nbjdta" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Bdy j indices" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nbrdta" orgName="nbrdta" shape="yb xb" type="int">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nbrdta" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Bdy discrete distance" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="u1" orgName="u1" shape="yb xb" type="float">
+    <attribute name="units" value="m/s" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="u1" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Tidal east velocity: cosine" />
+    <attribute name="grid" value="bdyU" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="u2" orgName="u2" shape="yb xb" type="float">
+    <attribute name="units" value="m/s" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="u2" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Tidal east velocity: sine" />
+    <attribute name="grid" value="bdyU" />
+  </variable>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pynemo/output_NCML/NEMO_tide_V.ncml b/pynemo/output_NCML/NEMO_tide_V.ncml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38dc658d485d368a625d307a3e8b336e181abf3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pynemo/output_NCML/NEMO_tide_V.ncml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2">
+  <dimension name="y" orgName="y" />
+  <dimension name="x" orgName="x" />
+  <dimension name="yb" orgName="yb" />
+  <dimension name="xb" orgName="xb" />
+  <dimension name="time_counter" orgName="time_counter" isUnlimited="true" />
+  <attribute name="institution" value="National Oceanography Centre, Livepool, U.K." />
+  <variable name="bdy_msk" orgName="bdy_msk" shape="y x" type="float">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="bdy_msk" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Structured boundary mask" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nav_lat" orgName="nav_lat" shape="y x" type="float">
+    <attribute name="axis" value="Latitude" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nav_lat" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="degrees_east" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Latitude" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nav_lon" orgName="nav_lon" shape="y x" type="float">
+    <attribute name="axis" value="Longitude" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nav_lon" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="degrees_east" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Longitude" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nbidta" orgName="nbidta" shape="yb xb" type="int">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nbidta" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Bdy i indices" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nbjdta" orgName="nbjdta" shape="yb xb" type="int">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nbjdta" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Bdy j indices" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nbrdta" orgName="nbrdta" shape="yb xb" type="int">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nbrdta" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Bdy discrete distance" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="v1" orgName="v1" shape="yb xb" type="float">
+    <attribute name="units" value="m/s" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="v1" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Tidal north velocity: cosine" />
+    <attribute name="grid" value="bdyV" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="v2" orgName="v2" shape="yb xb" type="float">
+    <attribute name="units" value="m/s" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="v2" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Tidal north velocity: sine" />
+    <attribute name="grid" value="bdyV" />
+  </variable>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pynemo/output_NCML/NEMO_tide_Z.ncml b/pynemo/output_NCML/NEMO_tide_Z.ncml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db96b6c2632d52f718faa761417039cbb268e839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pynemo/output_NCML/NEMO_tide_Z.ncml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2">
+  <dimension name="y" orgName="y" />
+  <dimension name="x" orgName="x" />
+  <dimension name="yb" orgName="yb" />
+  <dimension name="xb" orgName="xb" />
+  <dimension name="time_counter" orgName="time_counter" isUnlimited="true" />
+  <attribute name="institution" value="National Oceanography Centre, Livepool, U.K." />
+  <variable name="bdy_msk" orgName="bdy_msk" shape="y x" type="float">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="bdy_msk" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Structured boundary mask" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nav_lat" orgName="nav_lat" shape="y x" type="float">
+    <attribute name="axis" value="Latitude" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nav_lat" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="degrees_east" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Latitude" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nav_lon" orgName="nav_lon" shape="y x" type="float">
+    <attribute name="axis" value="Longitude" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nav_lon" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="degrees_east" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Longitude" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nbidta" orgName="nbidta" shape="yb xb" type="int">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nbidta" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Bdy i indices" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nbjdta" orgName="nbjdta" shape="yb xb" type="int">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nbjdta" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Bdy j indices" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="nbrdta" orgName="nbrdta" shape="yb xb" type="int">
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="nbrdta" />
+    <attribute name="units" value="unitless" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Bdy discrete distance" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="z1" orgName="z1" shape="yb xb" type="float">
+    <attribute name="units" value="m" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="z1" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Tidal elevation: cosine" />
+    <attribute name="grid" value="bdyT" />
+  </variable>
+  <variable name="z2" orgName="z2" shape="yb xb" type="float">
+    <attribute name="units" value="m" />
+    <attribute name="short_name" value="z2" />
+    <attribute name="long_name" value="Tidal elevation: sine" />
+    <attribute name="grid" value="bdyT" />
+  </variable>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pynemo/profile.py b/pynemo/profile.py
index 3d0d9e50aaa584870c6e47fc1cea9ba340d68dcc..49a49adb092c7aae3c0c597046adfca067d3712d 100644
--- a/pynemo/profile.py
+++ b/pynemo/profile.py
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import numpy as np
 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
 from calendar import monthrange
 import sys
+from glob import glob
 #Local imports
@@ -650,30 +651,36 @@ def write_tidal_data(setup_var, dst_coord_var, grid, tide_cons, cons):
                         setup_var.settings['fn']+                  \
                         '_bdytide_'+const_name+'_grd_'+            \
+            ncml_out = glob(setup_var.settings['ncml_out'] + '/*' + 'tide_'+str(val['nam'].upper()) + '.ncml')
+            if len(ncml_out) == 0:
+                raise RuntimeError(
+                    'NCML out tide file for grid ' + str(val['nam'].upper()) + ' missing, please add into NCML directory')
+            ncml_out = ncml_out[0]
-                            setup_var.settings['fv'], key.upper())
+                            setup_var.settings['fv'], key.upper(),ncml_out)
             ncpop.write_data_to_file(fout_tide, val['nam']+'1', 
-                                     cons['cos'][val['nam']][indx])
+                                     cons['cos'][val['nam']][indx],ncml_out)
             ncpop.write_data_to_file(fout_tide, val['nam']+'2', 
-                                     cons['sin'][val['nam']][indx])
+                                     cons['sin'][val['nam']][indx],ncml_out)
             ncpop.write_data_to_file(fout_tide, 'bdy_msk',
-                                     dst_coord_var.bdy_msk)
+                                     dst_coord_var.bdy_msk,ncml_out)
             ncpop.write_data_to_file(fout_tide, 'nav_lon',
-                                     dst_coord_var.lonlat['t']['lon'])
+                                     dst_coord_var.lonlat['t']['lon'],ncml_out)
             ncpop.write_data_to_file(fout_tide, 'nav_lat',
-                                     dst_coord_var.lonlat['t']['lat'])
+                                     dst_coord_var.lonlat['t']['lat'],ncml_out)
             ncpop.write_data_to_file(fout_tide, 'nbidta',
-                                     grid[key].bdy_i[val['ind'], 0]+1)
+                                     grid[key].bdy_i[val['ind'], 0]+1,ncml_out)
             ncpop.write_data_to_file(fout_tide, 'nbjdta',
-                                     grid[key].bdy_i[val['ind'], 1]+1)
+                                     grid[key].bdy_i[val['ind'], 1]+1,ncml_out)
             ncpop.write_data_to_file(fout_tide, 'nbrdta',
-                                     grid[key].bdy_r[val['ind']]+1)
+                                     grid[key].bdy_r[val['ind']]+1,ncml_out)
         # Iterate over constituents
diff --git a/pynemo/tide/nemo_bdy_tide_ncgen.py b/pynemo/tide/nemo_bdy_tide_ncgen.py
index f6701f3b1148eff7815602a79f63515deab68ffa..9a832b5058796094e84e0716f06480be5c4705fb 100644
--- a/pynemo/tide/nemo_bdy_tide_ncgen.py
+++ b/pynemo/tide/nemo_bdy_tide_ncgen.py
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ Creates Tide netcdf file ready for population
 from netCDF4 import Dataset 
 import datetime
 import logging
+from pynemo import nemo_ncml_parse as ncml_parse
-def CreateBDYTideNetcdfFile(filename, N,I,J,h,fv,grd):
+def CreateBDYTideNetcdfFile(filename, N,I,J,h,fv,grd,ncml_out):
     gridNames = ['T', 'U', 'V']
     # Dimension Lengths
@@ -21,106 +22,124 @@ def CreateBDYTideNetcdfFile(filename, N,I,J,h,fv,grd):
     ncid = Dataset(filename, 'w', clobber=True, format='NETCDF4')
     #define dimensions
-    dimxbID = ncid.createDimension('xb',xb_len)
-    dimybID = ncid.createDimension('yb',yb_len)
-    dimxID  = ncid.createDimension('x', x_len)
-    dimyID  = ncid.createDimension('y', y_len)
+    xb = ncml_parse.dst_dims(ncml_out, 'xb')
+    dimxbID = ncid.createDimension(xb,xb_len)
+    yb = ncml_parse.dst_dims(ncml_out, 'yb')
+    dimybID = ncid.createDimension(yb,yb_len)
+    x = ncml_parse.dst_dims(ncml_out, 'x')
+    dimxID  = ncid.createDimension(x, x_len)
+    y = ncml_parse.dst_dims(ncml_out, 'y')
+    dimyID  = ncid.createDimension(y, y_len)
+    #define variable
+    lon_var = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out, 'nav_lon')
+    varlonID = ncid.createVariable(lon_var['name'], lon_var['type'], (lon_var['shape'][0], lon_var['shape'][1], ))
+    lat_var = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out, 'nav_lat')
+    varlatID = ncid.createVariable(lat_var['name'], lat_var['type'], (lat_var['shape'][0], lat_var['shape'][1], ))
-    #define variable  
-    varlonID = ncid.createVariable('nav_lon','f4',('y','x',))
-    varlatID = ncid.createVariable('nav_lat','f4',('y','x',))
     if grd =='T':
-        varmskID = ncid.createVariable('bdy_msk','f4',('y','x',),fill_value=fv)
-        varz1ID = ncid.createVariable('z1','f4',('yb','xb',),fill_value=fv)
-        varz2ID = ncid.createVariable('z2','f4',('yb','xb',),fill_value=fv)
+        bdy_msk = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out, 'bdy_msk')
+        varmskID = ncid.createVariable(bdy_msk['name'], bdy_msk['type'], (bdy_msk['shape'][0], bdy_msk['shape'][1],),fill_value=fv)
+        z1 = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out,'z1')
+        varz1ID = ncid.createVariable(z1['name'],z1['type'],(z1['shape'][0],z1['shape'][1],),fill_value=fv)
+        z2 = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out,'z2')
+        varz2ID = ncid.createVariable(z2['name'],z2['type'],(z2['shape'][0],z2['shape'][1],),fill_value=fv)
     elif grd == 'U':
-        varmskID = ncid.createVariable('bdy_msk', 'f4', ('y', 'x',), fill_value=fv)
-        varu1ID = ncid.createVariable('u1','f4',('yb','xb',),fill_value=fv)
-        varu2ID = ncid.createVariable('u2','f4',('yb','xb',),fill_value=fv)
+        bdy_msk = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out, 'bdy_msk')
+        varmskID = ncid.createVariable(bdy_msk['name'], bdy_msk['type'], (bdy_msk['shape'][0], bdy_msk['shape'][1],),fill_value=fv)
+        u1 = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out,'u1')
+        varu1ID = ncid.createVariable(u1['name'],u1['type'],(u1['shape'][0],u1['shape'][1],),fill_value=fv)
+        u2 = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out,'u2')
+        varu2ID = ncid.createVariable(u2['name'],u2['type'],(u2['shape'][0],u2['shape'][1],),fill_value=fv)
     elif grd == 'V':
-        varmskID = ncid.createVariable('bdy_msk', 'f4', ('y', 'x',), fill_value=fv)
-        varv1ID = ncid.createVariable('v1','f4',('yb','xb',),fill_value=fv)
-        varv2ID = ncid.createVariable('v2','f4',('yb','xb',),fill_value=fv)
+        bdy_msk = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out, 'bdy_msk')
+        varmskID = ncid.createVariable(bdy_msk['name'], bdy_msk['type'], (bdy_msk['shape'][0], bdy_msk['shape'][1],),fill_value=fv)
+        v1 = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out,'v1')
+        varv1ID = ncid.createVariable(v1['name'],v1['type'],(v1['shape'][0],v1['shape'][1],),fill_value=fv)
+        v2 = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out,'v2')
+        varv2ID = ncid.createVariable(v2['name'],v2['type'],(v2['shape'][0],v2['shape'][1],),fill_value=fv)
     else :
         logging.error("Unknown Grid input")
-    varnbiID = ncid.createVariable('nbidta','i4',('yb','xb',))
-    varnbjID = ncid.createVariable('nbjdta','i4',('yb','xb',))
-    varnbrID = ncid.createVariable('nbrdta','i4',('yb','xb',))
+    nbidta = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out,'nbidta')
+    varnbiID = ncid.createVariable(nbidta['name'], nbidta['type'], (nbidta['shape'][0], nbidta['shape'][1], ))
+    nbjdta = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out,'nbjdta')
+    varnbjID = ncid.createVariable(nbjdta['name'], nbjdta['type'], (nbjdta['shape'][0], nbjdta['shape'][1], ))
+    nbrdta = ncml_parse.dst_var(ncml_out, 'nbrdta')
+    varnbrID = ncid.createVariable(nbrdta['name'], nbrdta['type'], (nbrdta['shape'][0], nbrdta['shape'][1], ))
     #Global Attributes
     ncid.file_name = filename
     ncid.creation_date = str(datetime.datetime.now())
     ncid.history = h
-    ncid.institution = 'National Oceanography Centre, Livepool, U.K.'
+    ncid.institution = ncml_parse.dst_glob_attrib(ncml_out,'institution')
     #Longitude axis attributes
-    varlonID.axis = 'Longitude'
-    varlonID.short_name = 'nav_lon'
-    varlonID.units = 'degrees_east'
-    varlonID.long_name = 'Longitude'
+    varlonID.axis = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,lon_var['name'],'axis')
+    varlonID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,lon_var['name'],'short_name')
+    varlonID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,lon_var['name'],'units')
+    varlonID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,lon_var['name'],'long_name')
     #Latitude axis attributes
-    varlatID.axis = 'Latitude'
-    varlatID.short_name = 'nav_lat'
-    varlatID.units = 'degrees_east'
-    varlatID.long_name = 'Latitude'
+    varlatID.axis = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,lat_var['name'],'axis')
+    varlatID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,lat_var['name'],'short_name')
+    varlatID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,lat_var['name'],'units')
+    varlatID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,lat_var['name'],'long_name')
     #nbidta attributes
-    varnbiID.short_name = 'nbidta'
-    varnbiID.units = 'unitless'
-    varnbiID.long_name = 'Bdy i indices'
+    varnbiID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,nbidta['name'],'short_name')
+    varnbiID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,nbidta['name'],'units')
+    varnbiID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,nbidta['name'],'long_name')
     #nbjdta attributes
-    varnbjID.short_name = 'nbjdta'
-    varnbjID.units = 'unitless'
-    varnbjID.long_name = 'Bdy j indices'
+    varnbjID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,nbjdta['name'],'short_name')
+    varnbjID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,nbjdta['name'],'units')
+    varnbjID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,nbjdta['name'],'long_name')
     #nbrdta attributes
-    varnbrID.short_name = 'nbrdta'
-    varnbrID.units = 'unitless'
-    varnbrID.long_name = 'Bdy discrete distance'
+    varnbrID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,nbrdta['name'],'short_name')
+    varnbrID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,nbrdta['name'],'units')
+    varnbrID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,nbrdta['name'],'long_name')
     if grd == 'T' :
-        varmskID.short_name = 'bdy_msk'
-        varmskID.units = 'unitless'
-        varmskID.long_name = 'Structured boundary mask'
+        varmskID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varmskID.name,'short_name')
+        varmskID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varmskID.name,'units')
+        varmskID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varmskID.name,'long_name')
-        varz1ID.units = 'm'
-        varz1ID.short_name = 'z1'
-        varz1ID.long_name = 'tidal elevation: cosine'
-        varz1ID.grid = 'bdyT'
+        varz1ID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varz1ID.name,'units')
+        varz1ID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varz1ID.name,'short_name')
+        varz1ID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varz1ID.name,'long_name')
+        varz1ID.grid = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varz1ID.name,'grid')
-        varz2ID.units = 'm'
-        varz2ID.short_name = 'z2'
-        varz2ID.long_name = 'tidal elevation: sine'
-        varz2ID.grid = 'bdyT'
+        varz2ID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varz2ID.name,'units')
+        varz2ID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varz2ID.name,'short_name')
+        varz2ID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varz2ID.name,'long_name')
+        varz2ID.grid = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varz2ID.name,'grid')
     elif grd == 'U' :
-        varu1ID.units = 'm/s'
-        varu1ID.short_name = 'u1'
-        varu1ID.long_name = 'tidal east velocity: cosine'
-        varu1ID.grid = 'bdyU'
+        varu1ID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varu1ID.name,'units')
+        varu1ID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varu1ID.name,'short_name')
+        varu1ID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varu1ID.name,'long_name')
+        varu1ID.grid = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varu1ID.name,'grid')
-        varu2ID.units = 'm/s'
-        varu2ID.short_name = 'u2'
-        varu2ID.long_name = 'tidal east velocity: sine'
-        varu2ID.grid = 'bdyU'
+        varu2ID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varu2ID.name,'units')
+        varu2ID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varu2ID.name,'short_name')
+        varu2ID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varu2ID.name,'long_name')
+        varu2ID.grid = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varu2ID.name,'grid')
     elif grd == 'V':
-        varv1ID.units = 'm/s'
-        varv1ID.short_name = 'v1'
-        varv1ID.long_name = 'tidal north velocity: cosine'
-        varv1ID.grid = 'bdyV'
+        varv1ID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varv1ID.name,'units')
+        varv1ID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varv1ID.name,'short_name')
+        varv1ID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varv1ID.name,'long_name')
+        varv1ID.grid = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varv1ID.name,'grid')
-        varv2ID.units = 'm/s'
-        varv2ID.short_name = 'v2'
-        varv2ID.long_name = 'tidal north velocity: sine'
-        varv2ID.grid = 'bdyV'
+        varv2ID.units = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varv2ID.name,'units')
+        varv2ID.short_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varv2ID.name,'short_name')
+        varv2ID.long_name = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varv2ID.name,'long_name')
+        varv2ID.grid = ncml_parse.dst_var_attrib(ncml_out,varv2ID.name,'grid')
     else :
         logging.error('Unknown Grid')