From b0f9e28d36e035e1d725fad66ace775d3f0e887a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Harle <>
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2019 21:28:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Adding namelist and example ncml file

 inputs/namelist.bdy  | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 inputs/src_data.ncml | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 152 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 inputs/namelist.bdy
 create mode 100644 inputs/src_data.ncml

diff --git a/inputs/namelist.bdy b/inputs/namelist.bdy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f90b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inputs/namelist.bdy
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+!! NEMO/OPA  : namelist for BDY generation tool
+!!             User inputs for generating open boundary conditions
+!!             employed by the BDY module in NEMO. Boundary data
+!!             can be set up for v3.2 NEMO and above.
+!!             More info here.....
+!   vertical coordinate
+   ln_zco      = .false.   !  z-coordinate - full    steps   (T/F)  
+   ln_zps      = .true.    !  z-coordinate - partial steps   (T/F)
+   ln_sco      = .false.   !  s- or hybrid z-s-coordinate    (T/F)
+   rn_hmin     =   -10     !  min depth of the ocean (>0) or 
+                           !  min number of ocean level (<0)
+!   s-coordinate or hybrid z-s-coordinate
+   rn_sbot_min =   10.     !  minimum depth of s-bottom surface (>0) (m)
+   rn_sbot_max = 7000.     !  maximum depth of s-bottom surface 
+                           !  (= ocean depth) (>0) (m)
+   ln_s_sigma  = .false.   !  hybrid s-sigma coordinates
+   rn_hc       =  150.0    !  critical depth with s-sigma
+!  grid information 
+   sn_src_hgr = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_low_res_C/'   !  /grid/
+   sn_src_zgr = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_low_res_C/'
+   sn_dst_hgr = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_C/'
+   sn_dst_zgr = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_C/'
+   sn_src_msk = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_low_res_C/'
+   sn_bathy   = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_C/'
+!  I/O 
+   sn_src_dir = 'src_data.ncml'       ! src_files/'
+   sn_dst_dir = '/Users/jdha/Data/scratch/'
+   sn_fn      = 'NNA_R12'                 ! prefix for output files
+   nn_fv      = -1e20                     !  set fill value for output files
+   nn_src_time_adj = 0					  ! src time adjustment
+   sn_dst_metainfo = 'EB bdy files produced by jdha from ORCA0083-N001 gloabl run provided by acc'
+!  unstructured open boundaries                         
+    ln_coords_file = .true.               !  =T : produce bdy coordinates files
+    cn_coords_file = '' !  name of bdy coordinates files (if ln_coords_file=.TRUE.)
+    ln_mask_file   = .false.              !  =T : read mask from file
+    cn_mask_file   = 'F:/NEMO_bdy_tools/scratch/'                   !  name of mask file (if ln_mask_file=.TRUE.)
+    ln_dyn2d       = .false.               !  boundary conditions for barotropic fields
+    ln_dyn3d       = .false.               !  boundary conditions for baroclinic velocities
+    ln_tra         = .true.               !  boundary conditions for T and S
+    ln_ice         = .false.               !  ice boundary condition   
+    nn_rimwidth    = 9                    !  width of the relaxation zone
+!  unstructured open boundaries tidal parameters                        
+    ln_tide        = .false.               !  =T : produce bdy tidal conditions
+    clname(1)      = 'M2'                 ! constituent name
+    clname(2)      = 'S2'         
+    clname(3)      = 'K2'        
+    ln_trans       = .true.
+!  Time information
+    nn_year_000     = 1979        !  year start
+    nn_year_end     = 1979        !  year end
+    nn_month_000    = 11           !  month start (default = 1 is years>1)
+    nn_month_end    = 11          !  month end (default = 12 is years>1)
+    sn_dst_calendar = 'gregorian' !  output calendar format
+    nn_base_year    = 1960        !  base year for time counter
+	sn_tide_grid   = 'F:/NEMO_bdy_tools/bdy_matlab/bdy_matlab/tmd/DATA/'
+	sn_tide_h	   = 'F:/NEMO_bdy_tools/bdy_matlab/bdy_matlab/tmd/DATA/'
+	sn_tide_u	   = 'F:/NEMO_bdy_tools/bdy_matlab/bdy_matlab/tmd/DATA/'
+!  Additional parameters
+    nn_wei  = 1                   !  smoothing filter weights 
+    rn_r0   = 0.041666666         !  decorrelation distance use in gauss
+                                  !  smoothing onto dst points. Need to 
+                                  !  make this a funct. of dlon
+    sn_history  = 'EB bdy files produced by jofa from ORCA0083-N001 for testing'
+                                  !  history for netcdf file
+    ln_nemo3p4  = .true.          !  else presume v3.2 or v3.3
+    nn_alpha    = 0               !  Euler rotation angle
+    nn_beta     = 0               !  Euler rotation angle
+    nn_gamma    = 0               !  Euler rotation angle
+	rn_mask_max_depth = 100.0	  !  Maximum depth to be ignored for the mask
+	rn_mask_shelfbreak_dist = 20000.0    !  Distance from the shelf break
diff --git a/inputs/src_data.ncml b/inputs/src_data.ncml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f307d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inputs/src_data.ncml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<netcdf title="aggregation example" xmlns=""> 
+  <aggregation type="union" >
+     <netcdf xmlns="">
+        <aggregation type="joinExisting" dimName="time_counter" >
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />                              
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />  
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           		   		   
+        </aggregation>
+     </netcdf>
+     <netcdf xmlns="">
+        <aggregation type="joinExisting" dimName="time_counter" >
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />                              
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />  
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           		   		   
+        </aggregation>
+     </netcdf>
+     <netcdf xmlns="">
+        <aggregation type="joinExisting" dimName="time_counter" >
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />                              
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />  
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           		   		   
+        </aggregation>
+     </netcdf>
+     <netcdf xmlns="">
+        <aggregation type="joinExisting" dimName="time_counter" >
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />                              
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />  
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           
+           <netcdf location="/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/data/" />           		   		   
+        </aggregation>
+     </netcdf>	 
+  </aggregation>