Commit e243f7d7 authored by thopri's avatar thopri
Browse files

ready for release 0.1 (hopefuly)

parent d5d9f5c9
......@@ -107,13 +107,23 @@
sn_tide_model = 'fes' ! Name of tidal model (fes|tpxo)
clname(1) = 'M2' ! constituent name
clname(2) = 'S2'
clname(3) = 'O1'
clname(4) = 'K1'
clname(5) = 'N2'
clname(3) = 'N2'
clname(4) = 'O1'
clname(5) = 'K1'
!clname(6) = 'K2'
!clname(7) = 'L2'
!clname(8) = 'NU2'
!clname(9) = 'M4'
!clname(10) = 'MS4'
!clname(11) = 'Q1'
!clname(12) = 'P1'
!clname(13) = 'S1'
!clname(14) = '2N2'
!clname(15) = 'MU2'
ln_trans = .false. ! interpolate transport rather than velocities
ln_tide_checker = .true. ! run tide checker on PyNEMO tide output
sn_ref_model = 'fes' ! which model to check output against (FES only)
nn_amp_thres = 0.30 ! amplitude thresold to compare against (m)
nn_amp_thres = 0.10 ! amplitude thresold to compare against (m)
! Time information
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ logging.basicConfig(filename='nrct.log', level=logging.INFO)
# TODO: add TPXO read and subset functionality currently only uses FES as "truth"
def main(bdy_file='inputs/namelist_cmems.bdy',amplitude_threshold = 0.25,model='fes',model_res=1/16):
def main(bdy_file='inputs/namelist_cmems.bdy',amplitude_threshold = 0.1,model='fes',model_res=1/16):'============================================')'Start Tide Test Logging: ' + time.asctime())'============================================')
......@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ def subset_reference(pynemo_out, reference):
idx_lon = idx_lon.astype(np.int64)
amp_sub = reference['amp'][idx_lat, idx_lon]
# surpress warnings due to NaNmean
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
for i in range(np.shape(amp_sub)[1]):
......@@ -271,6 +272,7 @@ def compare_tides(pynemo_out,subset,amp_thres,model_res):
exceed_sum = np.sum(exceed_lat+exceed_lon)
if exceed_sum > 0:
raise Exception('Dont Panic: Lat and/or Lon further away from model point than model resolution')
# surpress warnings as NaNs from averaging surrounding pixels can cause issues
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
# compare amp
......@@ -301,10 +303,12 @@ def compare_tides(pynemo_out,subset,amp_thres,model_res):
abs_ph_thres = abs_ph > phase_thres
err_pha = pynemo_out['phase'][abs_ph_thres[0,:]].tolist()
err_pha_amp = pynemo_out['amp'][abs_ph_thres].tolist()
err_pha_lats = pynemo_out['lat'][abs_ph_thres].tolist()
err_pha_lons = pynemo_out['lon'][abs_ph_thres].tolist()
err_ref_pha = subset['phase'][abs_ph_thres].tolist()
err_ref_pha_amp = subset['amp'][abs_ph_thres].tolist()
err_ref_lats_pha = subset['lat'][abs_ph_thres].tolist()
err_ref_lons_pha = subset['lon'][abs_ph_thres].tolist()
......@@ -312,9 +316,11 @@ def compare_tides(pynemo_out,subset,amp_thres,model_res):
max_len = max(lerr_pha, lerr_amp)
if not max_len == lerr_pha:
err_pha.extend([''] * (max_len - lerr_pha))
err_pha_amp.extend([''] * (max_len - lerr_pha))
err_pha_lats.extend([''] * (max_len - lerr_pha))
err_pha_lons.extend([''] * (max_len - lerr_pha))
err_ref_pha.extend([''] * (max_len - lerr_pha))
err_ref_pha_amp.extend([''] * (max_len - lerr_pha))
err_ref_lats_pha.extend([''] * (max_len - lerr_pha))
err_ref_lons_pha.extend([''] * (max_len - lerr_pha))
if not max_len == lerr_amp:
......@@ -334,7 +340,9 @@ def compare_tides(pynemo_out,subset,amp_thres,model_res):
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