Commit eca2acc6 authored by thopri's avatar thopri
Browse files

meta_data test script

parent 30b1faa3
...@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ ...@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
cn_coords_file = '' ! name of bdy coordinates files cn_coords_file = '' ! name of bdy coordinates files
! (if ln_coords_file=.TRUE.) ! (if ln_coords_file=.TRUE.)
ln_mask_file = .false. ! =T : read mask from file ln_mask_file = .false. ! =T : read mask from file
cn_mask_file = '/Users/thopri/Projects/PyNEMO/inputs/' ! name of mask file cn_mask_file = '' ! name of mask file
! (if ln_mask_file=.TRUE.) ! (if ln_mask_file=.TRUE.)
ln_dyn2d = .false. ! boundary conditions for ln_dyn2d = .false. ! boundary conditions for
! barotropic fields ! barotropic fields
...@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ class Mask(object): ...@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ class Mask(object):
self.lon = np.asarray(self.bathy_nc.variables['nav_lon']) self.lon = np.asarray(self.bathy_nc.variables['nav_lon']) = np.asarray(self.bathy_nc.variables['nav_lat']) = np.asarray(self.bathy_nc.variables['nav_lat'])
except: except:
self.lon = np.asarray(self.bathy_nc.variables['lon']) self.lon = np.asarray(self.bathy_nc.variables['longitude']) = np.asarray(self.bathy_nc.variables['lat']) = np.asarray(self.bathy_nc.variables['latitude'])
# expand lat and lon 1D arrays into 2D array matching nav_lat nav_lon # expand lat and lon 1D arrays into 2D array matching nav_lat nav_lon
self.lon = np.tile(self.lon, (np.shape([0], 1)) self.lon = np.tile(self.lon, (np.shape([0], 1)) = np.tile(, (np.shape(self.lon)[1], 1)) = np.tile(, (np.shape(self.lon)[1], 1))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Set of functions to download CMEMS files using FTP (for static mask data) and MOTU (for subsetted variable data).
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import re
# list of datasets to check
datasets = [ "",
# list of strings to catagorise variable names... each entry can have multiple entries.
# NOTE list in each dict entry is in priority order so most likely parameter should be first, e.g. latitude
# DOUBLE NOTE order in dict is also important as it can result in false ID's e.g. ice data for some reason has long name
# sea surface height so if SSH is in dict before ice variables it will assign ice variable names to SSH.
chk_list = {'temperature': ['temp'],
'salinity': ['sal'],
'ice_thic': ['icethic'],
'snow_thic': ['snowthi'],
'ileadfra': ['leadfra'],
'SSH': ['surface', 'sea'],
'depth': ['depth'],
'time': ['time', 'counter'],
'latitude': ['latitude', 'y', 'nav_lat'],
'longitude': ['longitude', 'x', 'nav_lon'],
'depth': ['depth'],
'U': ['zonal', 'current'],
'V': ['meridional', 'current'],
# function to use regex to find if string is in variable name or if not check long name. Case of string is ignored
# Attribute errors are common due to long name not existing in some datasets at the moment this error is passed (maybe log?)
def data_chk(data, str, key):
for i in range(len(str)):
chk =[i], data[key].name, re.IGNORECASE)
if chk is None:
chk =[i], data[key].long_name, re.IGNORECASE)
return chk
except AttributeError:
i = 0
meta_dataset = {}
for dat in datasets:
# open netcdf dataset
F = Dataset(dat)
# extract variable meta data and dimension meta data
meta = F.variables
dims = F.dimensions
# create empty dict to save catagorised data
meta_dataset['dataset'+str(i)] = {}
meta_dataset['dataset'+str(i)]['var_names'] = {}
meta_dataset['dataset'+str(i)]['dim_names'] = {}
# for all variable names, compare strings on chk list and write key to meta dict on first match
for key in meta:
for chk_key,chk in chk_list.items():
var_match = data_chk(meta,chk,key)
if var_match is not None:
meta_dataset['dataset'+str(i)]['var_names'][chk_key] = key
# for all dimension names, compare strings on chk list and write key to meta dict on first match
for key in dims:
for chk_key,chk in chk_list.items():
dim_match = data_chk(dims,chk,key)
if dim_match is not None:
meta_dataset['dataset'+str(i)]['dim_names'][chk_key] = key
i = i + 1
# close netcdf file and print meta dict
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