Creates Nemo Bdy netCDF file ready for population

Written by John Kazimierz Farey, started August 30, 2012
Port of Matlab code of James Harle
# pylint: disable=E1103
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import datetime
import logging

def CreateBDYNetcdfFile(filename, N, I, J, K, rw, h, orig, fv, calendar, grd, var_nam):
    """ This method creates a template of bdy netcdf files. A common for
    T, I, U, V, E grid types.
    if var_nam == 'tide_data' or var_nam[0] == 'votemper' or var_nam[0] == 'vosaline':
        logging.info('benchmark variables identified, using original variable names.......')
        gridNames = ['T', 'I', 'U', 'V', 'E', 'Z'] # All possible grids

        # Dimension Lengths
        xb_len = N
        yb_len = 1
        x_len = I
        y_len = J
        depth_len = K

        # Enter define mode
        ncid = Dataset(filename, 'w', clobber=True, format='NETCDF4')

        #define dimensions
        if grd in gridNames and grd != 'Z': # i.e grid NOT barotropic (Z)
            dimztID = ncid.createDimension('z', depth_len)
            logging.error('Grid tpye not known')
        dimxbID = ncid.createDimension('xb', xb_len)
        dimybID = ncid.createDimension('yb', yb_len)
        dimxID = ncid.createDimension('x', x_len)
        dimyID = ncid.createDimension('y', y_len)
        dimtcID = ncid.createDimension('time_counter', None)

        #define variable
        vartcID = ncid.createVariable('time_counter', 'f4', ('time_counter', ))
        varlonID = ncid.createVariable('nav_lon', 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
        varlatID = ncid.createVariable('nav_lat', 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))

        if grd in ['E']:
            varztID = ncid.createVariable('deptht', 'f4', ('z', 'yb', 'xb', ))
            varmskID = ncid.createVariable('bdy_msk', 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), fill_value=fv)
            varN1pID = ncid.createVariable('N1p', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            varN3nID = ncid.createVariable('N3n', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            varN5sID = ncid.createVariable('N5s', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ),
        elif grd in ['T', 'I']:
            varztID = ncid.createVariable('deptht', 'f4', ('z', 'yb', 'xb', ))
            varmskID = ncid.createVariable('bdy_msk', 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), fill_value=fv)
            # TODO: generic variable name assignment
            #vartmpID = ncid.createVariable('thetao', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ),fill_value=fv)
            vartmpID = ncid.createVariable('votemper', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ), fill_value=fv)
            varsalID = ncid.createVariable('vosaline', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ), fill_value=fv)
            #varsalID = ncid.createVariable('so', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ), fill_value=fv)
            if grd == 'I':
                varildID = ncid.createVariable('ileadfra', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb',),
                variicID = ncid.createVariable('iicethic', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb',),
                varisnID = ncid.createVariable('isnowthi', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb',),
        elif grd == 'U':
            varztID = ncid.createVariable('depthu', 'f4', ('z', 'yb', 'xb', ), fill_value=fv)
            varbtuID = ncid.createVariable('vobtcrtx', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            vartouID = ncid.createVariable('vozocrtx', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ),
        elif grd == 'V':
            varztID = ncid.createVariable('depthv', 'f4', ('z', 'yb', 'xb', ))
            varbtvID = ncid.createVariable('vobtcrty', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            vartovID = ncid.createVariable('vomecrty', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb',),
        elif grd == 'Z':
            varsshID = ncid.createVariable('sossheig', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            varmskID = ncid.createVariable('bdy_msk', 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), fill_value=fv)
            logging.error("Unknow Grid input")

        varnbiID = ncid.createVariable('nbidta', 'i4', ('yb', 'xb', ))
        varnbjID = ncid.createVariable('nbjdta', 'i4', ('yb', 'xb', ))
        varnbrID = ncid.createVariable('nbrdta', 'i4', ('yb', 'xb', ))
        #Global Attributes
        ncid.file_name = filename
        ncid.creation_date = str(datetime.datetime.now())
        ncid.rim_width = rw
        ncid.history = h
        ncid.institution = 'National Oceanography Centre, Livepool, U.K.'

        #Time axis attributes
        vartcID.axis = 'T'
        vartcID.standard_name = 'time'
        vartcID.units = 'seconds since '+orig
        vartcID.title = 'Time'
        vartcID.long_name = 'Time axis'
        vartcID.time_origin = orig
        vartcID.calendar = calendar

        #Longitude axis attributes
        varlonID.axis = 'Longitude'
        varlonID.short_name = 'nav_lon'
        varlonID.units = 'degrees_east'
        varlonID.long_name = 'Longitude'

        #Latitude axis attributes
        varlatID.axis = 'Latitude'
        varlatID.short_name = 'nav_lat'
        varlatID.units = 'degrees_east'
        varlatID.long_name = 'Latitude'

        #nbidta attributes
        varnbiID.short_name = 'nbidta'
        varnbiID.units = 'unitless'
        varnbiID.long_name = 'Bdy i indices'

        #nbjdta attributes
        varnbjID.short_name = 'nbjdta'
        varnbjID.units = 'unitless'
        varnbjID.long_name = 'Bdy j indices'

        #nbrdta attributes
        varnbrID.short_name = 'nbrdta'
        varnbrID.units = 'unitless'
        varnbrID.long_name = 'Bdy discrete distance'
        if grd == 'E':
            varztID.axis = 'Depth'
            varztID.short_name = 'deptht'
            varztID.units = 'm'
            varztID.long_name = 'Depth'

            varmskID.short_name = 'bdy_msk'
            varmskID.units = 'unitless'
            varmskID.long_name = 'Structured boundary mask'

            varN1pID.units = 'mmol/m^3'
            varN1pID.short_name = 'N1p'
            varN1pID.long_name = 'Phosphate'
            varN1pID.grid = 'bdyT'

            varN3nID.units = 'mmol/m^3'
            varN3nID.short_name = 'N3n'
            varN3nID.long_name = 'Nitrate'
            varN3nID.grid = 'bdyT'

            varN5sID.units = 'mmol/m^3'
            varN5sID.short_name = 'N5s'
            varN5sID.long_name = 'Silicate'
            varN5sID.grid = 'bdyT'

        if grd in ['T', 'I']:
            varztID.axis = 'Depth'
            varztID.short_name = 'deptht'
            varztID.units = 'm'
            varztID.long_name = 'Depth'

            varmskID.short_name = 'bdy_msk'
            varmskID.units = 'unitless'
            varmskID.long_name = 'Structured boundary mask'

            vartmpID.units = 'C'
            vartmpID.short_name = 'votemper'
            vartmpID.long_name = 'Temperature'
            vartmpID.grid = 'bdyT'

            varsalID.units = 'PSU'
            varsalID.short_name = 'vosaline'
            varsalID.long_name = 'Salinity'
            varsalID.grid = 'bdyT'

            if grd == 'I':
                varildID.units = '%'
                varildID.short_name = 'ildsconc'
                varildID.long_name = 'Ice lead fraction'
                varildID.grid = 'bdyT'

                variicID.units = 'm'
                variicID.short_name = 'iicethic'
                variicID.long_name = 'Ice thickness'
                variicID.grid = 'bdyT'

                varisnID.units = 'm'
                varisnID.short_name = 'isnowthi'
                varisnID.long_name = 'Snow thickness'
                varisnID.grid = 'bdyT'
        elif grd == 'U':
            varztID.axis = 'Depth'
            varztID.short_name = 'depthu'
            varztID.units = 'm'
            varztID.long_name = 'Depth'

            varbtuID.units = 'm/s'
            varbtuID.short_name = 'vobtcrtx'
            varbtuID.long_name = 'Thickness-weighted depth-averaged zonal Current'
            varbtuID.grid = 'bdyU'

            vartouID.units = 'm/s'
            vartouID.short_name = 'vozocrtx'
            vartouID.long_name = 'Zonal Current'
            vartouID.grid = 'bdyU'

        elif grd == 'V':
            varztID.axis = 'Depth'
            varztID.short_name = 'depthv'
            varztID.units = 'm'
            varztID.long_name = 'Depth'

            varbtvID.units = 'm/s'
            varbtvID.short_name = 'vobtcrty'
            varbtvID.long_name = 'Thickness-weighted depth-averaged meridional Current'
            varbtvID.grid = 'bdyV'

            vartovID.units = 'm/s'
            vartovID.short_name = 'vomecrty'
            vartovID.long_name = 'Meridional Current'
            vartovID.grid = 'bdyV'

        elif grd == 'Z':
            varsshID.units = 'm'
            varsshID.short_name = 'sossheig'
            varsshID.long_name = 'Sea Surface Height'
            varsshID.grid = 'bdyT'

            varmskID.short_name = 'bdy_msk'
            varmskID.units = 'unitless'
            varmskID.long_name = 'Structured boundary mask'

            logging.error('Unknown Grid')


    if var_nam[0] == 'thetao' or var_nam[0] == 'so' or var_nam[0] == 'uo' or var_nam[0] == 'vo':
        logging.info('CMEMS variables identified, using default CMEMS variables.....')
        gridNames = ['T', 'I', 'U', 'V', 'E', 'Z'] # All possible grids

        # Dimension Lengths
        xb_len = N
        yb_len = 1
        x_len = I
        y_len = J
        depth_len = K

        # Enter define mode
        ncid = Dataset(filename, 'w', clobber=True, format='NETCDF4')

        #define dimensions
        if grd in gridNames and grd != 'Z': # i.e grid NOT barotropic (Z)
            dimztID = ncid.createDimension('z', depth_len)
            logging.error('Grid tpye not known')
        dimxbID = ncid.createDimension('xb', xb_len)
        dimybID = ncid.createDimension('yb', yb_len)
        dimxID = ncid.createDimension('x', x_len)
        dimyID = ncid.createDimension('y', y_len)
        dimtcID = ncid.createDimension('time_counter', None)

        #define variable
        vartcID = ncid.createVariable('time_counter', 'f4', ('time_counter', ))
        varlonID = ncid.createVariable('nav_lon', 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
        varlatID = ncid.createVariable('nav_lat', 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))

        if grd in ['E']:
            varztID = ncid.createVariable('deptht', 'f4', ('z', 'yb', 'xb', ))
            varmskID = ncid.createVariable('bdy_msk', 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), fill_value=fv)
            varN1pID = ncid.createVariable('N1p', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            varN3nID = ncid.createVariable('N3n', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            varN5sID = ncid.createVariable('N5s', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ),
        elif grd in ['T', 'I']:
            varztID = ncid.createVariable('deptht', 'f4', ('z', 'yb', 'xb', ))
            varmskID = ncid.createVariable('bdy_msk', 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), fill_value=fv)
            # TODO: generic variable name assignment
            vartmpID = ncid.createVariable('thetao', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            varsalID = ncid.createVariable('so', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ), fill_value=fv)
            varsshID = ncid.createVariable('zos', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb',), fill_value=fv)
            if grd == 'I':
                varildID = ncid.createVariable('ileadfra', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb',),
                variicID = ncid.createVariable('iicethic', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb',),
                varisnID = ncid.createVariable('isnowthi', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb',),
        elif grd == 'U':
            varztID = ncid.createVariable('depthu', 'f4', ('z', 'yb', 'xb', ), fill_value=fv)
            varbtuID = ncid.createVariable('vobtcrtx', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            vartouID = ncid.createVariable('uo', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb', ),
        elif grd == 'V':
            varztID = ncid.createVariable('depthv', 'f4', ('z', 'yb', 'xb', ))
            varbtvID = ncid.createVariable('vobtcrty', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            vartovID = ncid.createVariable('vo', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'z', 'yb', 'xb',),
        elif grd == 'Z':
            varsshID = ncid.createVariable('zos', 'f4', ('time_counter', 'yb', 'xb', ),
            varmskID = ncid.createVariable('bdy_msk', 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), fill_value=fv)
            logging.error("Unknow Grid input")

        varnbiID = ncid.createVariable('nbidta', 'i4', ('yb', 'xb', ))
        varnbjID = ncid.createVariable('nbjdta', 'i4', ('yb', 'xb', ))
        varnbrID = ncid.createVariable('nbrdta', 'i4', ('yb', 'xb', ))
        #Global Attributes
        ncid.file_name = filename
        ncid.creation_date = str(datetime.datetime.now())
        ncid.rim_width = rw
        ncid.history = h
        ncid.institution = 'National Oceanography Centre, Livepool, U.K.'

        #Time axis attributes
        vartcID.axis = 'T'
        vartcID.standard_name = 'time'
        vartcID.units = 'seconds since '+orig
        vartcID.title = 'Time'
        vartcID.long_name = 'Time axis'
        vartcID.time_origin = orig
        vartcID.calendar = calendar

        #Longitude axis attributes
        varlonID.axis = 'Longitude'
        varlonID.short_name = 'nav_lon'
        varlonID.units = 'degrees_east'
        varlonID.long_name = 'Longitude'

        #Latitude axis attributes
        varlatID.axis = 'Latitude'
        varlatID.short_name = 'nav_lat'
        varlatID.units = 'degrees_east'
        varlatID.long_name = 'Latitude'

        #nbidta attributes
        varnbiID.short_name = 'nbidta'
        varnbiID.units = 'unitless'
        varnbiID.long_name = 'Bdy i indices'

        #nbjdta attributes
        varnbjID.short_name = 'nbjdta'
        varnbjID.units = 'unitless'
        varnbjID.long_name = 'Bdy j indices'

        #nbrdta attributes
        varnbrID.short_name = 'nbrdta'
        varnbrID.units = 'unitless'
        varnbrID.long_name = 'Bdy discrete distance'
        if grd == 'E':
            varztID.axis = 'Depth'
            varztID.short_name = 'deptht'
            varztID.units = 'm'
            varztID.long_name = 'Depth'

            varmskID.short_name = 'bdy_msk'
            varmskID.units = 'unitless'
            varmskID.long_name = 'Structured boundary mask'

            varN1pID.units = 'mmol/m^3'
            varN1pID.short_name = 'N1p'
            varN1pID.long_name = 'Phosphate'
            varN1pID.grid = 'bdyT'

            varN3nID.units = 'mmol/m^3'
            varN3nID.short_name = 'N3n'
            varN3nID.long_name = 'Nitrate'
            varN3nID.grid = 'bdyT'

            varN5sID.units = 'mmol/m^3'
            varN5sID.short_name = 'N5s'
            varN5sID.long_name = 'Silicate'
            varN5sID.grid = 'bdyT'

        if grd in ['T', 'I']:
            varztID.axis = 'Depth'
            varztID.short_name = 'deptht'
            varztID.units = 'm'
            varztID.long_name = 'Depth'

            varmskID.short_name = 'bdy_msk'
            varmskID.units = 'unitless'
            varmskID.long_name = 'Structured boundary mask'

            vartmpID.units = 'C'
            vartmpID.short_name = 'votemper'
            vartmpID.long_name = 'Temperature'
            vartmpID.grid = 'bdyT'

            varsalID.units = 'PSU'
            varsalID.short_name = 'vosaline'
            varsalID.long_name = 'Salinity'
            varsalID.grid = 'bdyT'

            if grd == 'I':
                varildID.units = '%'
                varildID.short_name = 'ildsconc'
                varildID.long_name = 'Ice lead fraction'
                varildID.grid = 'bdyT'

                variicID.units = 'm'
                variicID.short_name = 'iicethic'
                variicID.long_name = 'Ice thickness'
                variicID.grid = 'bdyT'

                varisnID.units = 'm'
                varisnID.short_name = 'isnowthi'
                varisnID.long_name = 'Snow thickness'
                varisnID.grid = 'bdyT'
        elif grd == 'U':
            varztID.axis = 'Depth'
            varztID.short_name = 'depthu'
            varztID.units = 'm'
            varztID.long_name = 'Depth'

            varbtuID.units = 'm/s'
            varbtuID.short_name = 'vobtcrtx'
            varbtuID.long_name = 'Thickness-weighted depth-averaged zonal Current'
            varbtuID.grid = 'bdyU'

            vartouID.units = 'm/s'
            vartouID.short_name = 'vozocrtx'
            vartouID.long_name = 'Zonal Current'
            vartouID.grid = 'bdyU'

        elif grd == 'V':
            varztID.axis = 'Depth'
            varztID.short_name = 'depthv'
            varztID.units = 'm'
            varztID.long_name = 'Depth'

            varbtvID.units = 'm/s'
            varbtvID.short_name = 'vobtcrty'
            varbtvID.long_name = 'Thickness-weighted depth-averaged meridional Current'
            varbtvID.grid = 'bdyV'

            vartovID.units = 'm/s'
            vartovID.short_name = 'vomecrty'
            vartovID.long_name = 'Meridional Current'
            vartovID.grid = 'bdyV'

        elif grd == 'Z':
            varsshID.units = 'm'
            varsshID.short_name = 'sossheig'
            varsshID.long_name = 'Sea Surface Height'
            varsshID.grid = 'bdyT'

            varmskID.short_name = 'bdy_msk'
            varmskID.units = 'unitless'
            varmskID.long_name = 'Structured boundary mask'

            logging.error('Unknown Grid')
