''' This file contains all the logged errors from MOTU client, these are added over time. The MOTU client is prone to errors that only may need a restart to complete. To add an error the key needs to be the error code returned by MOTU, this is ususally a number or set of numbers. The dictionary entry is an explantion of the error. Only the key is checked so make sure it is written correctly. ''' # errors that are worth retrying download, e,g, error in netcdfwriter finish MOTU_retry = {'004-27': 'Error in NetcdfWriter finish', 'Errno 60': '[Errno 60] Operation timed out', 'Excp 11': 'Execution failed: [Excp 11] "Dataset retrival incomplete.' } # errors that are not worth retrying e.g. cmems network is down MOTU_critical = {'Errno 50': 'Network Down'} # FTP specific errors FTP_retry = {'999': 'add ftp retry errors here' } FTP_critical = {'999': 'add ftp critical errors here' }