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# No rights are reserved.
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Created on Wed Sep 12 08:02:46 2012

This Module defines the extraction of the data from the source grid and does 
the interpolation onto the destination grid. 

@author James Harle
@author John Kazimierz Farey
@author: Mr. Srikanth Nagella
$Last commit on:$

# pylint: disable=E1103
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

# External Imports
import copy
import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial as sp
from calendar import monthrange, isleap
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from netcdftime import datetime, utime
from pynemo import nemo_bdy_ncgen as ncgen
from pynemo import nemo_bdy_ncpop as ncpop

# Local Imports
from . import nemo_bdy_grid_angle as ga
from pynemo.reader.factory import GetFile
from pynemo.utils.nemo_bdy_lib import rot_rep, sub2ind

#TODO: Convert the 'F' ordering to 'C' to improve efficiency 
class Extract:

    def __init__(self, setup, SourceCoord, DstCoord, Grid, var_nam, grd, pair):
        Initialises the Extract object.

        Parent grid to child grid weights are defined along with rotation
        weightings for vector quantities.

            setup           (list) : settings for bdy
            SourceCoord     (obj)  : source grid information
            DstCoord        (obj)  : destination grid information
            Grid            (dict) : containing grid type 't', 'u', 'v'
                                     and source time
            var_name        (list) : netcdf file variable names (str)
            years           (list) : years to extract (default [1979])
            months          (list) : months to extract (default [11])                      

        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.g_type = grd
        self.settings = setup
        self.key_vec = False
        # TODO: Why are we deepcopying the coordinates???
        SC = copy.deepcopy(SourceCoord)
        DC = copy.deepcopy(DstCoord)
        bdy_r = copy.deepcopy(Grid[grd].bdy_r)
        # Extract time and variable information
        sc_time = Grid[grd].source_time
        self.var_nam = var_nam
        sc_z = SC.zt[:]
        sc_z_len = len(sc_z)
        self.jpj, self.jpi = DC.lonlat[grd]['lon'].shape
        self.jpk = DC.depths[grd]['bdy_z'].shape[0]
        # Set some constants
        # Make function of dst grid resolution (used in 1-2-1 weighting)
        # if the weighting can only find one addtional point this implies an 
        # point so fill the third point with itself as not to bias too much
        fr = 0.1

        # Set up any rotation that is required
        if pair == 'uv':
            if grd == 'u':
                self.rot_dir = 'i'
                self.key_vec = True
                self.fnames_2 = Grid['v'].source_time
            elif grd == 'v':
                self.rot_dir = 'j'
                self.key_vec = True
                self.fnames_2 = Grid['v'].source_time
                raise ValueError('Invalid rotation grid grid_type: %s' %grd)

        dst_lon = DC.bdy_lonlat[self.g_type]['lon']
        dst_lat = DC.bdy_lonlat[self.g_type]['lat']
            dst_dep = DC.depths[self.g_type]['bdy_z']
        except KeyError:
            dst_dep = np.zeros([1])
        self.isslab = len(dst_dep) == 1
        if dst_dep.size == len(dst_dep):
            dst_dep = np.ones([1, len(dst_lon)])

        # ??? Should this be read from settings?
        wei_121 = np.array([0.5, 0.25, 0.25])

        SC.lon = SC.lon.squeeze()
        SC.lat = SC.lat.squeeze()


        # Check that we're only dealing with one pair of vectors

        num_bdy = len(dst_lon)
        self.nvar = len(self.var_nam)
        if self.key_vec:
            self.nvar = self.nvar / 2
            if self.nvar != 1:
                self.logger.error('Code not written yet to handle more than\
                                   one pair of rotated vectors')

        self.logger.info('Extract __init__: variables to process')
        self.logger.info('nvar: %s', self.nvar)
        self.logger.info('key vec: %s', self.key_vec)

        # Find subset of source data set required to produce bdy points

        ind_e  = SC.lon < np.amax(dst_lon); ind_w  = SC.lon > np.amin(dst_lon)
        ind_ew = np.logical_and(ind_e, ind_w)
        ind_s  = SC.lat > np.amin(dst_lat); ind_n  = SC.lat < np.amax(dst_lat)
        ind_sn = np.logical_and(ind_s, ind_n)

        ind    = np.where(np.logical_and(ind_ew, ind_sn) != 0)
        ind_s  = np.argsort(ind[1])

        sub_j  = ind[0][ind_s]
        sub_i  = ind[1][ind_s]
        # Find I/J range
        imin = np.maximum(np.amin(sub_i) - 2, 0)
        imax = np.minimum(np.amax(sub_i) + 2, len(SC.lon[0, :]) - 1) + 1
        jmin = np.maximum(np.amin(sub_j) - 2, 0)
        jmax = np.minimum(np.amax(sub_j) + 2, len(SC.lon[:, 0]) - 1) + 1

        # Summarise subset region
        self.logger.info('Extract __init__: subset region limits')
        self.logger.info(' \n imin: %d\n imax: %d\n jmin: %d\n jmax: %d\n', 
                          imin, imax, jmin, jmax)
        # Reduce the source coordinates to the sub region identified
        SC.lon = SC.lon[jmin:jmax, imin:imax]
        SC.lat = SC.lat[jmin:jmax, imin:imax]

        # Initialise gsin* and gcos* for rotation of vectors
        if self.key_vec:
            bdy_ind = Grid[grd].bdy_i
            maxI = DC.lonlat['t']['lon'].shape[1]
            maxJ = DC.lonlat['t']['lon'].shape[0]
            dst_gcos = np.ones([maxJ, maxI])
            dst_gsin = np.zeros([maxJ, maxI])
            # TODO: allow B-Grid Extraction
            # Extract the source rotation angles on the T-Points as the C-Grid 
            # U/V points naturally average onto these
            src_ga = ga.GridAngle(self.settings['src_hgr'], imin,
                                                         imax, jmin, jmax, 't')
            # Extract the rotation angles for the bdy velocities points
            dst_ga = ga.GridAngle(self.settings['dst_hgr'], 1,
                                                   maxI, 1, maxJ, grd)

            self.gcos = src_ga.cosval
            self.gsin = src_ga.sinval
            dst_gcos[1:, 1:] = dst_ga.cosval
            dst_gsin[1:, 1:] = dst_ga.sinval
            # Retain only boundary points rotation information
            tmp_gcos = np.zeros((1, bdy_ind.shape[0]))
            tmp_gsin = np.zeros((1, bdy_ind.shape[0]))
            # TODO: can this be converted to an ind op rather than a loop?
            for p in range(bdy_ind.shape[0]):
                tmp_gcos[:, p] = dst_gcos[bdy_ind[p, 1], bdy_ind[p, 0]]
                tmp_gsin[:, p] = dst_gsin[bdy_ind[p, 1], bdy_ind[p, 0]]

            self.dst_gcos = np.tile(tmp_gcos, (sc_z_len,1))
            self.dst_gsin = np.tile(tmp_gsin, (sc_z_len,1))
        # Determine size of source data subset
        dst_len_z = len(dst_dep[:, 0])

        source_dims = SC.lon.shape

        # Find nearest neighbour on the source grid to each dst bdy point
        # Ann Query substitute
        source_tree = None
            source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(SC.lon.ravel(order='F'),
                                     SC.lat.ravel(order='F'))), balanced_tree=False,compact_nodes=False)
        except TypeError: #added this fix to make it compatible with scipy 0.16.0
            source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(SC.lon.ravel(order='F'),
        dst_pts = list(zip(dst_lon[:].ravel(order='F'), dst_lat[:].ravel(order='F')))
        nn_dist, nn_id = source_tree.query(dst_pts, k=1)

        # Find surrounding points
        j_sp, i_sp = np.unravel_index(nn_id, source_dims, order='F')
        j_sp = np.vstack((j_sp, j_sp + 1, j_sp - 1))
        j_sp = np.vstack((j_sp, j_sp, j_sp))
        i_sp = np.vstack((i_sp, i_sp, i_sp))
        i_sp = np.vstack((i_sp, i_sp + 1, i_sp - 1))

        # Index out of bounds error check not implemented

        # Determine 9 nearest neighbours based on distance
        ind = sub2ind(source_dims, i_sp, j_sp)
        ind_rv = np.ravel(ind, order='F')
        sc_lon_rv = np.ravel(SC.lon, order='F')
        sc_lat_rv = np.ravel(SC.lat, order='F')
        sc_lon_ind = sc_lon_rv[ind_rv]

        diff_lon = sc_lon_ind - np.repeat(dst_lon, 9).T
        diff_lon = diff_lon.reshape(ind.shape, order='F')
        out = np.abs(diff_lon) > 180
        diff_lon[out] = -np.sign(diff_lon[out]) * (360 - np.abs(diff_lon[out]))

        dst_lat_rep = np.repeat(dst_lat.T, 9)
        diff_lon_rv = np.ravel(diff_lon, order='F')
        dist_merid = diff_lon_rv * np.cos(dst_lat_rep * np.pi / 180)
        dist_zonal = sc_lat_rv[ind_rv] - dst_lat_rep

        dist_tot = np.power((np.power(dist_merid, 2) +
                             np.power(dist_zonal, 2)), 0.5)
        dist_tot = dist_tot.reshape(ind.shape, order='F').T
        # Get sort inds, and sort
        dist_ind = np.argsort(dist_tot, axis=1, kind='mergesort')
        dist_tot = dist_tot[np.arange(dist_tot.shape[0])[:, None], dist_ind]

        # Shuffle ind to reflect ascending dist of source and dst points
        ind = ind.T
        for p in range(ind.shape[0]):
            ind[p, :] = ind[p, dist_ind[p, :]]

        if self.key_vec:
            self.gcos = self.gcos.flatten(1)[ind].reshape(ind.shape, order='F')
            self.gsin = self.gsin.flatten(1)[ind].reshape(ind.shape, order='F')

        sc_ind = {}
        sc_ind['ind'] = ind
        sc_ind['imin'], sc_ind['imax'] = imin, imax
        sc_ind['jmin'], sc_ind['jmax'] = jmin, jmax

        # Fig not implemented
        #Sri TODO::: key_vec compare to assign gcos and gsin
        # Determine 1-2-1 filter indices
        id_121 = np.zeros((num_bdy, 3), dtype=np.int64)
        for r in range(int(np.amax(bdy_r))+1):         
            r_id = bdy_r != r
            rr_id = bdy_r == r
            tmp_lon = dst_lon.copy()
            tmp_lon[r_id] = -9999
            tmp_lat = dst_lat.copy()
            tmp_lat[r_id] = -9999
            source_tree = None
                source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(tmp_lon.ravel(order='F'),
                                         tmp_lat.ravel(order='F'))), balanced_tree=False,compact_nodes=False)
            except TypeError: #fix for scipy 0.16.0
                source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(tmp_lon.ravel(order='F'),
            dst_pts = list(zip(dst_lon[rr_id].ravel(order='F'),
            junk, an_id = source_tree.query(dst_pts, k=3,
            id_121[rr_id, :] = an_id
#            id_121[id_121 == len(dst_lon)] = 0

        reptile = np.tile(id_121[:, 0], 3).reshape(id_121.shape, order='F')
        tmp_reptile = reptile * (id_121 == len(dst_lon))
        id_121[id_121 == len(dst_lon)] = 0
        tmp_reptile[tmp_reptile == len(dst_lon)] = 0
        id_121 = id_121+tmp_reptile
#        id_121 = id_121 + reptile * (id_121 == len(dst_lon))

        rep_dims = (id_121.shape[0], id_121.shape[1], sc_z_len)
        # These tran/tiles work like matlab. Tested with same Data.
        id_121 = id_121.repeat(sc_z_len).reshape(rep_dims).transpose(2, 0, 1)
        reptile = np.arange(sc_z_len).repeat(num_bdy).reshape(sc_z_len, 
        reptile = reptile.repeat(3).reshape(num_bdy, 3, sc_z_len, 
                                            order='F').transpose(2, 0, 1)

        id_121 = sub2ind((sc_z_len, num_bdy), id_121, reptile)

        tmp_filt = wei_121.repeat(num_bdy).reshape(num_bdy, len(wei_121),
        tmp_filt = tmp_filt.repeat(sc_z_len).reshape(num_bdy, len(wei_121),
                                                     sc_z_len).transpose(2, 0, 1)

        # Fig not implemented

        if self.isslab != 1: # TODO or no vertical interpolation required
            # Determine vertical weights for the linear interpolation 
            # onto Dst grid
            # Allocate vertical index array
            dst_dep_rv = dst_dep.ravel(order='F')
            z_ind = np.zeros((num_bdy * dst_len_z, 2), dtype=np.int64)
            source_tree = None
                source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(sc_z.ravel(order='F'))), balanced_tree=False,compact_nodes=False)
            except TypeError: #fix for scipy 0.16.0
                source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(sc_z.ravel(order='F'))))

            junk, nn_id = source_tree.query(list(zip(dst_dep_rv)), k=1)

            # WORKAROUND: the tree query returns out of range val when
            # dst_dep point is NaN, causing ref problems later.
            nn_id[nn_id == sc_z_len] = sc_z_len-1
            # Find next adjacent point in the vertical
            z_ind[:, 0] = nn_id
            z_ind[sc_z[nn_id] > dst_dep_rv[:], 1] = nn_id[sc_z[nn_id] >
                                                          dst_dep_rv[:]] - 1
            z_ind[sc_z[nn_id] <= dst_dep_rv[:], 1] = nn_id[sc_z[nn_id] <=
                                                           dst_dep_rv[:]] + 1
            # Adjust out of range values
            z_ind[z_ind == -1] = 0
            z_ind[z_ind == sc_z_len] = sc_z_len - 1

            # Create weightings array
            z_dist = np.abs(sc_z[z_ind] - dst_dep.T.repeat(2).reshape(len(dst_dep_rv), 2))
            rat = np.sum(z_dist, axis=1)
            z_dist = 1 - (z_dist / rat.repeat(2).reshape(len(rat), 2))

            # Update z_ind for the dst array dims and vector indexing
            # Replicating this part of matlab is difficult without causing
            # a Memory Error. This workaround may be +/- brilliant
            # In theory it maximises memory efficiency
            z_ind[:, :] += (np.arange(0, (num_bdy) * sc_z_len, sc_z_len)
            z_ind = np.zeros([1,1])
            z_dist = np.zeros([1,1])
        # End self.isslab
        # Set instance attributes
        self.first = True
        self.nav_lon = DC.lonlat[grd]['lon']
        self.nav_lat = DC.lonlat[grd]['lat']
        self.z_ind = z_ind
        self.z_dist = z_dist
        self.sc_ind = sc_ind
        self.dst_dep = dst_dep
        self.num_bdy = num_bdy
        self.id_121 = id_121
        if not self.isslab:
            self.bdy_z = DC.depths[self.g_type]['bdy_H']
            self.bdy_z = np.zeros([1])
        self.dst_z = dst_dep
        self.sc_z_len = sc_z_len
        self.sc_time = sc_time
        self.tmp_filt = tmp_filt
        self.dist_tot = dist_tot

        self.d_bdy = {}
        for v in range(self.nvar):
            self.d_bdy[self.var_nam[v]] = {}
    def extract_month(self, year, month):
        """Extracts monthly data and interpolates onto the destination grid
        Keyword arguments:
        year -- year of data to be extracted
        month -- month of the year to be extracted
        self.logger.info('extract_month function called')
        # Check year entry exists in d_bdy, if not create it.
        for v in range(self.nvar):
            except KeyError:        
                self.d_bdy[self.var_nam[v]][year] = {'data': None, 'date': {}}
        i_run = np.arange(self.sc_ind['imin'], self.sc_ind['imax']) 
        j_run = np.arange(self.sc_ind['jmin'], self.sc_ind['jmax'])
        extended_i = np.arange(self.sc_ind['imin'] - 1, self.sc_ind['imax'])
        extended_j = np.arange(self.sc_ind['jmin'] - 1, self.sc_ind['jmax'])
        ind = self.sc_ind['ind']
        sc_time = self.sc_time
        sc_z_len = self.sc_z_len
        # define src/dst cals
        sf, ed = self.cal_trans(sc_time.calendar, #sc_time[0].calendar 
                                self.settings['dst_calendar'], year, month)
        DstCal = utime('seconds since %d-1-1' %year, 
        dst_start = DstCal.date2num(datetime(year, month, 1))
        dst_end = DstCal.date2num(datetime(year, month, ed, 23, 59, 59))

        self.S_cal = utime(sc_time.units, sc_time.calendar)#sc_time[0].units,sc_time[0].calendar)

        self.D_cal = utime('seconds since %d-1-1' %self.settings['base_year'], 

        src_date_seconds = np.zeros(len(sc_time.time_counter))
        for index in range(len(sc_time.time_counter)):
            tmp_date = self.S_cal.num2date(sc_time.time_counter[index])
            src_date_seconds[index] = DstCal.date2num(tmp_date) * sf

        # Get first and last date within range, init to cover entire range
        first_date = 0
        last_date = len(sc_time.time_counter) - 1 
        rev_seq = list(range(len(sc_time.time_counter)))
        for date in rev_seq:
            if src_date_seconds[date] < dst_start:
                first_date = date
        for date in range(len(sc_time.time_counter)):
            if src_date_seconds[date] > dst_end:
                last_date = date

        self.logger.info('first/last dates: %s %s', first_date, last_date)

        if self.first:
            nc_3 = GetFile(self.settings['src_msk'])
            varid_3 = nc_3['tmask']
            t_mask = varid_3[:1, :sc_z_len, j_run, i_run]
            if self.key_vec:
                varid_3 = nc_3['umask']
                u_mask = varid_3[:1, :sc_z_len, j_run, extended_i]
                varid_3 = nc_3['vmask']
                v_mask = varid_3[:1, :sc_z_len, extended_j, i_run]

        # Identify missing values and scale factors if defined
        meta_data = []
        meta_range = self.nvar
        if self.key_vec:
            meta_range += 1 
        for v in range(meta_range):
            for x in 'mv', 'sf', 'os', 'fv':
                meta_data[v][x] = np.ones((self.nvar, 1)) * np.NaN

        for v in range(self.nvar):
#            meta_data[v] = self._get_meta_data(sc_time[first_date].file_name, 
#                                               self.var_nam[v], meta_data[v])
            meta_data[v] = sc_time.get_meta_data(self.var_nam[v], meta_data[v])

        if self.key_vec:
            n = self.nvar
#            meta_data[n] = self.fnames_2[first_date].get_meta_data(self.var_nam[n], meta_data[n])
            meta_data[n] = self.fnames_2.get_meta_data(self.var_nam[n], meta_data[n])

        for vn in range(self.nvar):
            self.d_bdy[self.var_nam[vn]]['date'] = sc_time.date_counter[first_date:last_date + 1] 

        # Loop over identified files
        for f in range(first_date, last_date + 1):
            sc_array = [None, None]
            sc_alt_arr = [None, None]
            #self.logger.info('opening nc file: %s', sc_time[f].file_name)            
            # Counters not implemented

            sc_bdy = np.zeros((len(self.var_nam), sc_z_len, ind.shape[0], 

            # Loop over time entries from file f
            for vn in range(self.nvar):
                # Extract sub-region of data
                self.logger.info('var_nam = %s',self.var_nam[vn])
                varid = sc_time[self.var_nam[vn]]
                # If extracting vector quantities open second var
                if self.key_vec:
                    varid_2 = self.fnames_2[self.var_nam[vn+1]]#nc_2.variables[self.var_nam[vn + 1]]

                # Extract 3D scalar variables
                if not self.isslab and not self.key_vec:
                    self.logger.info(' 3D source array ')
                    sc_array[0] = varid[f:f+1 , :sc_z_len, j_run, i_run]
                # Extract 3D vector variables
                elif self.key_vec:
                    # For u vels take i-1
                    sc_alt_arr[0] = varid[f:f+1, :sc_z_len, j_run, extended_i]
                    # For v vels take j-1
                    sc_alt_arr[1] = varid_2[f:f+1, :sc_z_len, extended_j, i_run]
                # Extract 2D scalar vars
                    self.logger.info(' 2D source array ')
                    sc_array[0] = varid[f:f+1, j_run, i_run].reshape([1,1,j_run.size,i_run.size])

                # Average vector vars onto T-grid
                if self.key_vec:
                    # First make sure land points have a zero val
                    sc_alt_arr[0] *= u_mask
                    sc_alt_arr[1] *= v_mask
                    # Average from to T-grid assuming C-grid stagger
                    sc_array[0] = 0.5 * (sc_alt_arr[0][:,:,:,:-1] + 
                    sc_array[1] = 0.5 * (sc_alt_arr[1][:,:,:-1,:] +

                # Set land points to NaN and adjust with any scaling
                # Factor offset
                # Note using isnan/sum is relatively fast, but less than 
                # bottleneck external lib
                self.logger.info('SC ARRAY MIN MAX : %s %s', np.nanmin(sc_array[0]), np.nanmax(sc_array[0]))
                sc_array[0][t_mask == 0] = np.NaN
                self.logger.info( 'SC ARRAY MIN MAX : %s %s', np.nanmin(sc_array[0]), np.nanmax(sc_array[0]))
                if not np.isnan(np.sum(meta_data[vn]['sf'])):
                    sc_array[0] *= meta_data[vn]['sf']
                if not np.isnan(np.sum(meta_data[vn]['os'])):
                    sc_array[0] += meta_data[vn]['os']

                if self.key_vec:
                    sc_array[1][t_mask == 0] = np.NaN
                    if not np.isnan(np.sum(meta_data[vn + 1]['sf'])):
                        sc_array[1] *= meta_data[vn + 1]['sf']
                    if not np.isnan(np.sum(meta_data[vn + 1]['os'])):
                        sc_array[1] += meta_data[vn + 1]['os']

                # Now collapse the extracted data to an array 
                # containing only nearest neighbours to dest bdy points
                # Loop over the depth axis
                for dep in range(sc_z_len):
                    tmp_arr = [None, None]
                    # Consider squeezing
                    tmp_arr[0] = sc_array[0][0,dep,:,:].flatten(1) #[:,:,dep]
                    if not self.key_vec:
                        sc_bdy[vn, dep, :, :] = self._flat_ref(tmp_arr[0], ind)
                        tmp_arr[1] = sc_array[1][0,dep,:,:].flatten(1) #[:,:,dep]
                        # Include in the collapse the rotation from the
                        # grid to real zonal direction, ie ij -> e
                        sc_bdy[vn, dep, :] = (tmp_arr[0][ind[:]] * self.gcos -
                                              tmp_arr[1][ind[:]] * self.gsin)
                        # Include... meridinal direction, ie ij -> n
                        sc_bdy[vn+1, dep, :] = (tmp_arr[1][ind[:]] * self.gcos +
                                                tmp_arr[0][ind[:]] * self.gsin)

                # End depths loop
                self.logger.info(' END DEPTHS LOOP ')
            # End Looping over vars
            self.logger.info(' END VAR LOOP ')
            # ! Skip sc_bdy permutation

            x = sc_array[0]
            y = np.isnan(x)
            z = np.invert(np.isnan(x))
            x[y] = 0
            self.logger.info('nans: %s', np.sum(y[:]))
            #x = x[np.invert(y)]
            self.logger.info('%s %s %s %s', x.shape, np.sum(x[z], dtype=np.float64), np.amin(x), np.amax(x))

            # Calculate weightings to be used in interpolation from
            # source data to dest bdy pts. Only need do once.
            if self.first:
                # identify valid pts
                data_ind = np.invert(np.isnan(sc_bdy[0,:,:,:]))
                # dist_tot is currently 2D so extend along depth
                # axis to allow single array calc later, also remove
                # any invalid pts using our eldritch data_ind
                self.logger.info('DIST TOT ZEROS BEFORE %s', np.sum(self.dist_tot == 0))
                self.dist_tot = (np.repeat(self.dist_tot, sc_z_len).reshape(
                            self.dist_tot.shape[1], sc_z_len)).transpose(2,0,1)
                self.dist_tot *= data_ind
                self.logger.info('DIST TOT ZEROS %s', np.sum(self.dist_tot == 0))

                self.logger.info('DIST IND ZEROS %s', np.sum(data_ind == 0))

                # Identify problem pts due to grid discontinuities 
                # using dists >  lat
                over_dist = np.sum(self.dist_tot[:] > 4)
                if over_dist > 0:
                    raise RuntimeError('''Distance between source location
                                          and new boundary points is greater
                                          than 4 degrees of lon/lat''')

                # Calculate guassian weighting with correlation dist
                r0 = self.settings['r0']
                dist_wei = (1/(r0 * np.power(2 * np.pi, 0.5)))*(np.exp( -0.5 *np.power(self.dist_tot / r0, 2)))
                # Calculate sum of weightings
                dist_fac = np.sum(dist_wei * data_ind, 2)
                # identify loc where all sc pts are land
                nan_ind = np.sum(data_ind, 2) == 0
                self.logger.info('NAN IND : %s ', np.sum(nan_ind))
                # Calc max zlevel to which data available on sc grid
                data_ind = np.sum(nan_ind == 0, 0) - 1
                # set land val to level 1 otherwise indexing problems
                # may occur- should not affect later results because
                # land is masked in weightings array
                data_ind[data_ind == -1] = 0
                # transform depth levels at each bdy pt to vector
                # index that can be used to speed up calcs
                data_ind += np.arange(0, sc_z_len * self.num_bdy, sc_z_len)

                # ? Attribute only used on first run so clear. 
                del self.dist_tot

            # weighted averaged onto new horizontal grid
            for vn in range(self.nvar):
                self.logger.info(' sc_bdy %s %s', np.nanmin(sc_bdy), np.nanmax(sc_bdy))
                dst_bdy = (np.nansum(sc_bdy[vn,:,:,:] * dist_wei, 2) /
                self.logger.info(' dst_bdy %s %s', np.nanmin(dst_bdy), np.nanmax(dst_bdy))
                # Quick check to see we have not got bad values
                if np.sum(dst_bdy == np.inf) > 0:
                    raise RuntimeError('''Bad values found after 
                                          weighted averaging''')
                # weight vector array and rotate onto dest grid
                if self.key_vec:
                    # [:,:,:,vn+1]
                    dst_bdy_2 = (np.nansum(sc_bdy[vn+1,:,:,:] * dist_wei, 2) /
                    self.logger.info('time to to rot and rep ')
                    self.logger.info('%s %s',  np.nanmin(dst_bdy), np.nanmax(dst_bdy))
                    self.logger.info( '%s en to %s %s' , self.rot_str,self.rot_dir, dst_bdy.shape)
                    dst_bdy = rot_rep(dst_bdy, dst_bdy_2, self.rot_str,
                                      'en to %s' %self.rot_dir, self.dst_gcos, self.dst_gsin)
                    self.logger.info('%s %s', np.nanmin(dst_bdy), np.nanmax(dst_bdy))
                # Apply 1-2-1 filter along bdy pts using NN ind self.id_121
                if self.first:
                    tmp_valid = np.invert(np.isnan(
                    # Finished first run operations
                    self.first = False

                dst_bdy = (np.nansum(dst_bdy.flatten(1)[self.id_121] * 
                           self.tmp_filt, 2) / np.sum(self.tmp_filt *
                           tmp_valid, 2))
                # Set land pts to zero

                self.logger.info(' pre dst_bdy[nan_ind] %s %s', np.nanmin(dst_bdy), np.nanmax(dst_bdy))
                dst_bdy[nan_ind] = 0
                self.logger.info(' post dst_bdy %s %s', np.nanmin(dst_bdy), np.nanmax(dst_bdy))
                # Remove any data on dst grid that is in land
                dst_bdy[:,np.isnan(self.bdy_z)] = 0
                self.logger.info(' 3 dst_bdy %s %s', np.nanmin(dst_bdy), np.nanmax(dst_bdy))

                # If we have depth dimension
                if not self.isslab:
                    # If all else fails fill down using deepest pt
                    dst_bdy = dst_bdy.flatten(1)
                    dst_bdy += ((dst_bdy == 0) *
                    # Weighted averaged on new vertical grid
                    dst_bdy = (dst_bdy[self.z_ind[:,0]] * self.z_dist[:,0] +
                               dst_bdy[self.z_ind[:,1]] * self.z_dist[:,1])
                    data_out = dst_bdy.reshape(self.dst_dep.shape, order='F')

                    # If z-level replace data below bed !!! make stat
                    # of this as could be problematic
                    ind_z = self.bdy_z.repeat(len(self.dst_dep))
                    ind_z = ind_z.reshape(len(self.dst_dep),
                                          len(self.bdy_z), order='F')
                    ind_z -= self.dst_dep
                    ind_z = ind_z < 0

                    data_out[ind_z] = np.NaN
                    data_out = dst_bdy
                    data_out[np.isnan(self.bdy_z)] = np.NaN
                entry = self.d_bdy[self.var_nam[vn]][year]
                if entry['data'] is None:
                    # Create entry with singleton 3rd dimension
                    entry['data'] = np.array([data_out])
                    entry['data'] = np.concatenate((entry['data'],
        # Need stats on fill pts in z and horiz + missing pts...
    # end month
#end year
# End great loop of crawling chaos

    # Allows reference of two equal sized but misshapen arrays
    # equivalent to Matlab alpha(beta(:)) 
    def _flat_ref(self, alpha, beta):
        """Extract input index elements from array and order them in Fotran array
        and returns the new array
        Keywork arguments:
        alpha -- input array
        beta -- index array 
        return alpha.flatten(1)[beta.flatten(1)].reshape(
                                                   beta.shape, order='F')

    # Convert numeric date from source to dest
 #   def convert_date(self, date):
 #       val = self.S_cal.num2date(date)
 #       return self.D_cal.date2num(val)

    def cal_trans(self, source, dest, year, month):
        """Translate between calendars and return scale factor and number of days in month
        Keyword arguments:
        source -- source calendar
        dest -- destination calendar
        year -- input year
        month -- input month  
        vals = {'gregorian': 365. + isleap(year), 'noleap': 
                365., '360_day': 360.}
        if source not in list(vals.keys()):
            raise ValueError('Unknown source calendar type: %s' %source)
        # Get month length
        if dest == '360_day':
            ed = 30
            ed = monthrange(year, month)[1]
        # Calculate scale factor
        sf = vals[source] / vals[dest]
        return sf, ed

    # BEWARE FORTRAN V C ordering
    # Replicates and tiles an array
    #def _trig_reptile(self, trig, size):
    #    trig = np.transpose(trig, (2, 1, 0)) # Matlab 2 0 1
    #    return np.tile(trig, (1, size, 1)) # Matlab size 1 1

    def time_interp(self, year, month):
        Perform a time interpolation of the BDY data.
        This method performs a time interpolation (if required). This is necessary 
        if the time frequency is not a factor of monthly output or the input and
        output calendars differ. CF compliant calendar options accepted: gregorian
        | standard, proleptic_gregorian, noleap | 365_day, 360_day or julian.*
        # Extract time information 
        # TODO: check that we can just use var_nam[0]. Rational is that if 
        # we're grouping variables then they must all have the same date stamps
        nt           = len(self.d_bdy[self.var_nam[0]]['date'])
        time_counter = np.zeros([nt])
        tmp_cal      = utime('seconds since %d-1-1' %year,
        for t in range(nt):
            time_counter[t] = tmp_cal.date2num(self.d_bdy[self.var_nam[0]]['date'][t])
        date_000 = datetime(year, month, 1, 12, 0, 0)
        if month < 12:
            date_end = datetime(year, month+1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
            date_end = datetime(year+1, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
        time_000 = tmp_cal.date2num(date_000)
        time_end = tmp_cal.date2num(date_end)
        # Take the difference of the first two time enteries to get delta t
        del_t = time_counter[1] - time_counter[0]
        dstep = 86400 / np.int(del_t)
        # TODO: put in a test to check all deltaT are the same otherwise throw 
        # an exception
        # If time freq. is greater than 86400s 
        # TODO put in an error handler for the unlikely event of frequency not a
        # multiple of 86400 | data are annual means
        if del_t >= 86400.:
            for v in self.var_nam:    
                intfn = interp1d(time_counter, self.d_bdy[v][1979]['data'][:,:,:], axis=0,
                self.d_bdy[v][1979]['data'] = intfn(np.arange(time_000, time_end, 86400))
            for v in self.var_nam: 
                for t in range(dstep):
                    intfn = interp1d(time_counter[t::dstep], 
                       self.d_bdy[v].data[t::dstep,:,:], axis=0, bounds_error=True)
                    self.d_bdy[v].data[t::dstep,:,:] = intfn(np.arange(time_000, 
                                                                  time_end, 86400)) 
        self.time_counter = time_counter
    def write_out(self, year, month, ind, unit_origin):
        Writes monthy BDY data to netCDF file.
        This method writes out all available variables for a given grid along with
        any asscoaied metadata. Currently data are only written out as monthly 
            year         (int) : year to write out
            month        (int) : month to write out
            ind          (dict): dictionary holding grid information
            unit_origin  (str) : time reference '%d-01-01 00:00:00' %year_000
        # Define output filename    
        self.logger.info('Defining output file for grid %s, month: %d, year: %d', 
                    self.g_type.upper(), month, year)
        f_out = self.settings['dst_dir']+self.settings['fn']+ \
                '_bdy'+self.g_type.upper()+ '_y'+str(year)+'m'+'%02d' % month+'.nc'
        ncgen.CreateBDYNetcdfFile(f_out, self.num_bdy,
                                  self.jpi, self.jpj, self.jpk,
        self.logger.info('Writing out BDY data to: %s', f_out)
        # Loop over variables in extracted object
#        for v in self.variables:
        for v in self.var_nam:
            if self.settings['dyn2d']: # Calculate depth averaged velocity
                tile_dz = np.tile(self.bdy_dz, [len(self.time_counter), 1, 1, 1])
                tmp_var = np.reshape(self.d_bdy[v][1979]['data'][:,:,:], tile_dz.shape)
                tmp_var = np.nansum(tmp_var * tile_dz, 2) /np.nansum(tile_dz, 2)
            else: # Replace NaNs with specified fill value
                tmp_var = np.where(np.isnan(self.d_bdy[v][1979]['data'][:,:,:]),
            # Write variable to file
            ncpop.write_data_to_file(f_out, v, tmp_var)
        # Write remaining data to file (indices are in Python notation
        # therefore we must add 1 to i,j and r)
        ncpop.write_data_to_file(f_out, 'nav_lon', self.nav_lon)
        ncpop.write_data_to_file(f_out, 'nav_lat', self.nav_lat)
        ncpop.write_data_to_file(f_out, 'depth'+self.g_type, self.dst_dep)
        ncpop.write_data_to_file(f_out, 'nbidta', ind.bdy_i[:, 0] + 1)
        ncpop.write_data_to_file(f_out, 'nbjdta', ind.bdy_i[:, 1] + 1)
        ncpop.write_data_to_file(f_out, 'nbrdta', ind.bdy_r[:   ] + 1)
        ncpop.write_data_to_file(f_out, 'time_counter', self.time_counter)