%description: Book template

% template of document for LaTeX
% (C) Xavier Perseguers 2002 - xavier.perseguers@epfl.ch

%\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,makeidx]{book} <== may need this to generate index

%  makeindex NEMO_BDY_tools     <== to regenerate the index
%  bibtex         NEMO_BDY_tools	<== to generate  the bibliography

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%                                                 \url{http://www.wikibooks.org}
%                                     or         \href{http://www.wikibooks.org}{wikibooks home}

%%%% page styles etc................
% with this we ensure that the chapter and section
% headings are in lowercase.
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%%%%  Section number in Margin.......
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%%%% define the chapter  style ................
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%%%% namelist & code display................................
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% namelists
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% code display
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%%%% commands for working with text................................
% command to "comment out" portions of text ({} argument) or not ({#1} argument)
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%%% index commands......................
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\newcommand{\mdl} [1] {\textit{#1.F90}\index{Modules!#1}}			%module (mdl)
\newcommand{\rou} [1] {\textit{#1}\index{Routines!#1}}				%module (routine)
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\newcommand{\np} [1] {\textit{#1}\index{Namelist parameters!#1}}		%namelist parameter (nampar)
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\newcommand{\pp} [1] {\textit{#1}\index{Model parameters!#1}}		 	%namelist parameter (pp)
\newcommand{\ifile} [1] {\textit{#1.nc}\index{Input NetCDF files!#1.nc}}	%input NetCDF files (.nc)
\newcommand{\key} [1] {\textbf{key\_#1}\index{CPP keys!key\_#1}}	%key_cpp (key)
\newcommand{\NEMO} {\textit{NEMO}\xspace}						%NEMO (nemo)

%%%%   Bibliography   .............
\usepackage[nottoc, notlof, notlot]{tocbibind}
\usepackage[square, comma]{natbib}
\bibpunct{[}{]}{,}{a}{}{;}                           %suppress "," after "et al."

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%\psset{unit=1.1in,linewidth=4pt} 	%parameters of the units for pstricks
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\rule{345pt}{1.5pt} \\
{\Huge PyNEMO}
\rule{345pt}{1.5pt} \\
%{ -- Draft --}   }
\date{\today \\
{\small  -- version 0.1.0 --} \\
%January 2012  \\
%{\small  -- version 3.4 --} \\
%~  \\
%\textit{\small Note du P\^ole de mod\'{e}lisation de l'Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace No 27 }\\
%{ ISSN No 1288-1619.}

\Large James Harle  \\
 \texttt{\small jdha@noc.ac.uk} \\
{\small National Oceanography Centre, UK}

\makeindex  		%type this first :     makeindex -s NEMO.ist NEMO_book.idx

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%      Include ONLY order
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\maketitle						% generate the title


\tableofcontents					% generate a table of contents
%\listoffigures					% generate a list  of figures
%\listoftables					        % generate a list of tables


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% Abstract - Foreword
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% bit on code style , harmonisation, f-c and python coding conventions

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\bibliographystyle{./TexFiles/ametsoc}		% AMS biblio style (JPO)

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