# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Calculates Grid Angles                                              #
#                                                                     #
# Written by John Kazimierz Farey, Sep 2012                           #
# Port of Matlab code of James Harle                                  #
#                                                                     #
# I have substituted the nemo_phycst for numpy inbuilts               #
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# coord_fname: nemo coordinate file
# i: model zonal indices
# j: model meridional indices
# cd_type: define the nature of pt2d grid points

import numpy as np
from reader.factory import GetFile
import logging
#     pylint: disable=E1101

class GridAngle:
    # I and J offsets for different grid types
    CASES = {'t': [0, 0, 0, -1], 'u': [0, 0, 0,-1],
                  'v': [0, 0, -1, 0], 'f': [0, 1, 0, 0]}
    MAP = {'t': 'v', 'u': 'f', 'v': 'f', 'f': 'u'}

    def __init__(self, coord_fname, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, cd_type):
        # set case and check validity
        self.CD_T = cd_type.lower()
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        if self.CD_T not in ['t', 'u', 'v', 'f']:
            raise ValueError('Unknown grid grid_type %s' %cd_type)
        self.M_T = self.MAP[self.CD_T]
        self.logger.debug( 'Grid Angle: ', self.CD_T)

        # open coord file 
        self.nc = GetFile(coord_fname)
        # set constants
        self.IMIN, self.IMAX = imin, imax
        self.JMIN, self.JMAX = jmin, jmax
        ndim = len(self.nc['glamt'].dimensions)
        if ndim == 4:
            self.DIM_STR = 0, 0
        elif ndim == 3:
            self.DIM_STR = 0
            self.DIM_STR = None

        # Get North pole direction and modulus for cd_type
        np_x, np_y, np_n = self._get_north_dir()

        # Get i or j MAP segment Direction around cd_type
        sd_x, sd_y, sd_n = self._get_seg_dir(np_n)

        # Get cosinus and sinus
        self.sinval, self.cosval = self._get_sin_cos(np_x, np_y, np_n, sd_x,
                                                     sd_y, sd_n)


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# # Functions # # # # # #
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    def _get_sin_cos(self, nx, ny, nn, sx, sy, sn):
        # Geographic mesh
        i, j, ii, jj = self.CASES[self.CD_T]
        var_one = self._get_lam_phi(map=True, i=i, j=j, single=True)
        var_two = self._get_lam_phi(map=True, i=ii, j=jj, single=True)

        ind = (np.abs(var_one - var_two) % 360) < 1.e-8
        # Cosinus and sinus using using scaler/vectorial products
        if self.CD_T == 'v':
            sin_val = (nx * sx + ny * sy) / sn
            cos_val = -(nx * sy - ny * sx) / sn
            sin_val = (nx * sy - ny * sx) / sn
            cos_val = (nx * sx + ny * sy) / sn

        sin_val[ind] = 0  
        cos_val[ind] = 1

        return sin_val, cos_val 
    # Finds North pole direction and modulus of some point
    def _get_north_dir(self):
        zlam, zphi = self._get_lam_phi()
        z_x_np = self._trig_eq(-2, 'cos', zlam, zphi)
        z_y_np = self._trig_eq(-2, 'sin', zlam, zphi)
        z_n_np = np.power(z_x_np,2) + np.power(z_y_np,2)

        return z_x_np, z_y_np, z_n_np

    # Find segmentation direction of some point
    def _get_seg_dir(self, north_n):
        i, j, ii, jj = self.CASES[self.CD_T]
        zlam, zphi = self._get_lam_phi(map=True, i=i, j=j)
        z_lan, z_phh = self._get_lam_phi(map=True, i=ii, j=jj)

        z_x_sd = (self._trig_eq(2, 'cos', zlam, zphi) -
                   self._trig_eq(2, 'cos', z_lan, z_phh))
        z_y_sd = (self._trig_eq(2, 'sin', zlam, zphi) - 
                   self._trig_eq(2, 'sin', z_lan, z_phh)) # N

        z_n_sd = np.sqrt(north_n * (np.power(z_x_sd, 2) + np.power(z_y_sd, 2)))
        z_n_sd[z_n_sd < 1.e-14] = 1.e-14

        return z_x_sd, z_y_sd, z_n_sd

    # Returns lam/phi in (offset) i/j range for init grid type
    # Data must be converted to float64 to prevent dementation of later results
    def _get_lam_phi(self, map=False, i=0, j=0, single=False):
        d = self.DIM_STR
        i, ii = self.IMIN + i, self.IMAX + i
        j, jj = self.JMIN + j, self.JMAX + j
        if j < 0:
            jj -= j
            j = 0
        if i < 0:
            ii -= i
            i = 0
        if map:
            case = self.M_T
            case = self.CD_T
        zlam = np.float64(self.nc['glam' + case][d, j:jj, i:ii]) #.variables['glam' + case][d, j:jj, i:ii])
        if single:
            return zlam
        zphi = np.float64(self.nc['gphi' + case][d, j:jj, i:ii])#.variables['gphi' + case][d, j:jj, i:ii])
        return zlam, zphi 

    # Returns long winded equation of two vars; some lam and phi
    def _trig_eq(self, x, eq, z_one, z_two):
        if eq == 'cos':
            z_one = np.cos(np.radians(z_one))
        elif eq == 'sin':
            z_one = np.sin(np.radians(z_one))
            raise ValueError('eq must be "cos" or "sin"')

        z_two = np.tan(np.pi / 4 - np.radians(z_two) / 2)
        return x * z_one * z_two