# How to run on ANEMONE
Here is a tutorial on how to run `NEMO4.2-MEDUSA` on `ANEMONE` (NOC supercomputer).
## Environment
Luckily, Adam Blacker has already wrote a complete note on that subject [here](https://steine.pages.noc.org.uk/anemone/#getting-started) The explanations in this doc is about NEMO only, but it's almost the same procedure to run NEMO-MEDUSA.
In short :
load the right modules. This is easy as it requires loading only 1 package :
module load NEMO/prg-env
* Go to your work-directory (beware, `ANEMONE`'s working disk is not backed up, so don't leave crucial files there) :
cd /dssgfs01/working/${username}/
To get `MEDUSA`, see the full description with explanation on [the main page of the git project](https://git.noc.ac.uk/acc/medusa_4.2.x), but roughly :
git clone --recurse-submodules git@git.noc.ac.uk:acc/medusa_4.2.x.git
### or
git clone --recurse-submodules https://git.noc.ac.uk/acc/medusa_4.2.x.git
### put MEDUSA at the right places :
cd medusa_4.2.x
## Compile MEDUSA
* Compile : \
* move to the nemo directory :
cd nemo
### Compiling
* Now you can compile as follows (With `MY_NEW_MEDUSA` your MEDUSA config if you want/need to create one) :
./makenemo -m x86-64_Anemone -r ORCA2_MEDUSA -n ${MY_NEW_MEDUSA} -j 16
* Subsequently when you compile you can instead run :
./makenemo -m x86-64_Anemone -r ${MY_NEW_MEDUSA} -j 16
## Get your running directory ready
* Once compiled, prepare your running directory, with `${running_dir}` the name of your running directory :
mkdir cfgs/${MY_NEW_MEDUSA}/${running_dir}
cp /dssgfs01/scratch/jpp1m13/SETTING_RUNNING_DIR/eORCA1_ANEMONE/COPY_ME__NEMOMED-4.2_ORCA1_UKESM1_405.sh cfgs/ORCA2_MEDUSA/${running_dir}/.
* Then go to your running directory and run this shell script. It should copy and link all necessary files in your running directory, to run NEMO4.2-MEDUSA on eORCA1 grid, forced with UKESM1.1 forcings.
cd cfgs/${MY_NEW_MEDUSA}/${running_dir}
## Run your model
* The submission script, `hetjob_ORCA1`, will likely need some edits. The only parts that should need changing in `hetjob_ORCA1` are in the head of the file :
export RUN_LEN_YR=1
export TOT_RUN_LEN_YR=10
export TS=2700
export MEAN_ROOT=$(grep "cn_exp" namelist_cfg | awk -F"'" '{print $2}')
export RUN_SCRIPT=hetjob_ORCA1
With `RUN_LEN_YR` the length (in year) of the submitted section of the run and `TOT_RUN_LEN_YR` the total run length in year. TS it the model time-step in seconds. Also, Make sure that `cn_exp` value in `namelist_cfg` is between `'` and not `"`, the running script would not get the experiment name otherwise, and the updating script would not work properly.
* The submission script will automatically update the restart and time-step variables in the namelist to start and restart the run.
* Finally, the namelists should be edited as needed for the experiment. Remember that there are pairs of files for each component :
1. `namelist_ref`, the reference namelist for the default configuration
2. `namelist_cfg`, the configuration namelist for the experiment configuration
The second should be used to make changes that override the default settings and parameter values in the first.
* To submit the job, use `sbatch hetjob_ORCA1`.
* To monitor the job, use `squeue -u ${userid}`. (If you can't remember who you are, type `whoami` from the prompt!)
* You can restart (not starting from scratch, but from restart files), by simply adding an argument, like `sbatch hetjob_ORCA1 2`.
* To restart the run from scratch, don't forget to clean the `RESTART` and `PREV` directories before submitting the job. No need to reinitialize the namelists, it is done by the submission script.
* Don't forget, the namelists here are adapted to run NEMO4.2-MEDUSA on eORCA1, forced with UKESM atmosphere and rivers ; starting on the 1850/01/01. You can change the namelists if you need to change anything to that. |
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