# Introduction
This is the tutorial we will follow for the **MEDUSA training**.
I'll try to be make it as detailed as possible so that no one get lost.. but obviously, there might be things that are now evident to me, that are not for non-modelers, or non-linux users...
So, **let me Know**, tell me if something is not clear.
In the following documentation, i'll assume you have access to the `NOC-southampton` linux system. it should work (with some adaptation) on another system, but we'll see that later.
For now, I'll show you
* How to get `NEMO-MEDUSA`,
* Explain you some fundamental knowledge to understand how it works, but we won't go in details.
* How to compile the model,
* How to run it in 1D,
* How to see the results.
The idea is that at the end of the training, you should be able to run `NEMO-MEDUSA` 1D by yourself.
# Getting ready
## logging in
For this training, we need to log on specific machines.
Usually we run `NEMO-MEDUSA` on superconputers like `ARCHER2` or the NOC's `ANEMONE`. But not all of you have access to these machines, so we'll do it on more *normal* linux systems.
First, i want you to log on one of the following machines : `poseidon` or `amphitrite` (you can see [here](https://connect.noc.ac.uk/apps/jobStats/jobsStats.html) the linux machines available).
for this, go on the linux system as you normally do (how you do that will depent if you're on linux, mac or windows, but once that done, we can all follow the same procedure). and run :
ssh -Y poseidon
if you want to go to this one, or
ssh -Y amphitrite
## Getting `NEMO-MEDUSA`
Once you are there, we can get `NEMO-MEDUSA`
create a directory where you want to work in :
mkdir MEDUSA-training
cd MEDUSA-training
Now you are in your working directory, we can download `NEMO-MEDUSA`:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://git.noc.ac.uk/acc/medusa_4.2.x.git MEDUSA_git
The `NEMO-MEDUSA` code is downloaded into the directory i've called `MEDUSA_git`, but you can call it as you want.
let's have a look inside :
cd MEDUSA_git
Here, `NEMO` and `MEDUSA` have both been downloaded, but `MEDUSA` is outside of `NEMO`. We need to put the different parts are the right place.
That's what `add_msa_to_nemo` is for. So let's run it:
Now MEDUSA is at the right place :
Here, all is in place, we can now compile the code.
# Compiling `NEMO-MEDUSA`
## Preparing the environement
1. You need to upload the libraries :
module load netCDF-Fortran/4.6.1-gompi-2023a
1. Then you need to grab a file that tells NEMO the all it needs to know about the environment it will compile and run in. This one i have prepared for you. You just need to copy it into you `arch` directory.
Assuming you are still in MEDUSA_git
cp /noc/users/jpp1m13/WORKING/MEDUSA2/MEDUSA_git/nemo/arch/arch-auto.fcm nemo/arch/
You are now ready to compile!
There are 2 ways to compile MEDUSA 1D:
* An "easy way" where everything is already in place to be compiled in 1 go,
* A more complicated one, where you have to to it in 2 steps and move things around.
We'll do both, because doing it the "old Way" you should better understand how things work. But let's start with the easy one.
## Compiling MEDUSA 1D "the easy way"
To make things easier, and reduce the risks of error, i've added a MEDUSA 1D reference configuration : `C1D_MED_PAPA`. That means that you just need to compile it to get MEDUSA running in 1D.
From your NEMO4.2 base directory (should be something like `${NEMO}` defined just above, but of course, adapt to your own medusa path).
* Now you can compile your MEDUSA 1D configuration -- valid whatever the machine -- type :
./makenemo -m auto -r C1D_MED_PAPA -n C1D_MED -j 16
It should compile successfully the dynamic and the passive tracer all at once. Here our 1D config is called `C1D_MED`. Compiling this way, All the files are at the right place already, so - still, double check - you should be able to happily skip the file management part of the next section.
## Compiling MEDUSA 1D "the old way"
I call it "the old way", as you'll have to compile in few different steps, manually. You can use this way of doing to learn and understand how the config works. If you just want to compile and get something running, jump to the next section : ` Compiling MEDUSA 1D "the easy way"`
### Compile the 1D config
First thing is to compile a first time a new config based on `C1D_PAPA` :
from your NEMO4.2 base directory (should be something like `${NEMO}` defined just above, but of course, adapt to your own medusa path).
* Now you can compile a first time -- valid whatever the machine -- type :
./makenemo -m auto -r C1D_PAPA -n C1D_MED -j 16
It should compile successfully the dynamic side only, but will create the right files at the right place. Here our 1D config is called `C1D_MED`
### Compile MEDUSA 1D
Modify our new config component and cpp keys. At the moment they are based on `C1D_PAPA` which is dynamics only.
* update `cfgs/work_cfgs.txt`
change our config line to be (just add the TOP component) :
* Then `cfgs/C1D_MED/cpp_C1D_MED.fcm`
add the `key_top`, it should be like (not necessarily exactly the same, just add `key_top`) :
bld::tool::fppkeys key_xios key_linssh key_vco_1d3d key_top
1. To compile properly, MEDUSA still needs few things :
the MEDUSA's adapted version of NEMO and NEMO-TOP subroutines.
Just copy them from the `ORCA2_MEDUSA` config, with :
cp -d cfgs/ORCA2_MEDUSA/MY_SRC/* cfgs/C1D_MED/MY_SRC/
1. Now everything is ready to compile.
You can do so with :
./makenemo -m auto -r C1D_MED -j 16
# The Running Directory
# Running MEDUSA 1D
## Running The PAPA "ready to use" config.
From here, NEMO-Executable is ready, but we still need to include MEDUSA's namelist and other files to be able to run it.
* go into `cfgs/C1D_MED/EXP00`.
* copy and link the files :
cp -rd ../../ORCA2_MEDUSA/EXPREF ..
cp ../EXPREF/xco2.atm .
* And add these only if compiled the old way:
ln -s ../../SHARED_MEDUSA/namelist_medusa_ref .
cp ../EXPREF/namelist_medusa_cfg .
cp -d ../EXPREF/namelist_top_* .
cp -d ../EXPREF/*medusa*xml .
1. All MEDUSA files are here. We need to adapt some.
* Update `context.xml` : add references to `field*medusa*xml` and `file*medusa*xml` files.
It should look like this afterward:
NEMO context
<context id="nemo">
<!-- $id$ -->
<!-- Fields definition -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-oce.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-medusa.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<!-- Files definition -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-oce.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-medusa.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<!-- Axis definition -->
<axis_definition src="./axis_def_nemo.xml"/>
<!-- Domain definition -->
<domain_definition src="./domain_def_nemo.xml"/>
<!-- Grids definition -->
<grid_definition src="./grid_def_nemo.xml"/>
* Update `namelist_top_cfg` : change ln_rsttr to .false. (we don't start MEDUSA from a restart file, you can if you want, but not at first, for that you'd need to extract the right vertical profile from a `restart_trc` file)
* Update `namelist_medusa_cfg` : ln_read_dust to .false. (I'd recommend to change that to `true` when you get MEDUSA 1D to run. you would need to extract the right location from forcing fields).
* Update `file_def_nemo-medusa.xml` : get the right output frequency. it is `1d` in `file_def_nemo-oce.xml`. you can keep the same or update to what you prefer.
1. Now we only miss the initial conditions and forcing. Fortunately these already exits for the `PAPA` location. you can get them by running in your config `EXP00` directory (which is the running directory in our test) :
wget https://zenodo.org/record/3386310/files/INPUTS_C1D_PAPA_v4.0.tar?download=1
tar xvf 'INPUTS_C1D_PAPA_v4.0.tar?download=1'
The namelist are already adapted for these forcing and initial fields.
1. In our test MEDUSA starts from constant values. you can change that by extracting the right profile from a trc restart file.
Now you can run with `./nemo`
## Running from 3D-extracted conditions.
### Prepare your running directory :
For this we'll use 3D initial conditions and forcings from UKESM1.1.
Let's make a new running directory :
* go to `cfgs/C1D_MED/`
* then :
# make a new running directory :
mkdir EXP_1D
cd EXP_1D
* Copy and run the appropriate `COPY_ME` bash script that will prepare you running directory for the 1D runs forced with UKESM1 :
### Extract the initial conditions and forcings
To run this 1D run, you want to extract the initial conditions and the forcings from a specific location. you need the coordinates (`latitude` and `longitude`) and well as the corresponding grid indices (i and j).
If you look in your `namelist_cfg` file, you'll find within `namc1d` an example of famous site coordinates to use :
&namc1d ! 1D configuration options (ln_c1d =T default: PAPA station)
!! Localion name | real coords(lat-lon) | grid idices(j-i) | grid coords | bathy depth
!!OWS India (59.00N, -19.00E) (273, 269) (59.02N, -18.46E) 1516
!!PAP site (49.00N, -16.50E) (258, 272) (49.11N, -16.07E) 4888
!!BATS (31.67N, -64.17E) (236, 224) (32.07N, -64.52E) 4093
!!ESTOC (29.07N, -15.25E) (232, 273) (28.72N, -15.50E) 3513
!!OWS Papa (50.00N, -145.00E) (262, 142) (50.13N, -145.37E) 4290
!!HOTS (22.75N, -158.00E) (225, 130) (22.41N, -158.50E) 4688
!!Kerfix (-50.67N, 68.42E) (113, 357) (-50.70N, 68.50E) 1796
!! -- don't forget to run: ./subset_init_forcing.sh ${i} ${j} to get the local files.
rn_lat1d = 50.0 ! Column latitude
rn_lon1d = -145.0 ! Column longitude
1. You need to update the `rn_lat1d` and `rn_lon1d` in this namelist. Here we use the coordinates of `PAPA`.
1. You also need to update the bathymetry depth in the `namusr_def` namelist in `namelist_cfg`.
To make things easier, each site bathy depth is given with the coordinates. Here we adapt for the PAPA site:
&namusr_def ! C1D user defined namelist
rn_bathy = 4290. ! depth in meters
1. Then, you need to extract forcings and initial conditions. in your running dir you'll find subset_init_forcing.sh
Run this script by specifying the `i` and `j` indices to extract :
./subset_init_forcing.sh ${i} ${j}
## for example, to extract what we need for the PAPA site, type :
./subset_init_forcing.sh 142 262
There, all should be ready.
Then make sure
* `context.xml` use the correct xml files;
* The output frequency in the file*xml files match what you want,
* one last look at the namelists.
Here, all is ready to run 10y, with 5days frequency outputs.
Finally, to run :
sbatch hetjob_ORCA1
### Running in high latitudes.
The C1D configuration runs without the sea-ice model in. For some reason, maybe because the test case doesn't need it. But because of this, trying to run NEMO 1D in high latitudes will end with abnormally low temperature.
Here are the additional steps needed if you need to run with the ice model `ON`.
1. Add the sea-ice component.
for this : update `cfgs/work_cfgs.txt`
change our config line to be (add the `ICE` component) :
1. Add the sea-ice cpp key
If you remember, this is done in `cfgs/C1D_MED/cpp_C1D_MED.fcm`
add the `key_si3` key, it should be like :
bld::tool::fppkeys key_xios key_linssh key_top key_si3
1. Compile with the sea ice in:
Just compile the model again as previously done :
* from your `nemo` directory, run :
./makenemo -m X86_ARCHER2-Gnu_4.2 -r C1D_MED -j 16
1. Add the ice namelists
They should already be here, but if not you should be able to find both `namelist_ice_ref` and `namelist_ice_cfg` in `cfgs/ORCA2_ICE_PISCES/EXPREF` directory.
1. Activate the SI3 model at run time
Change `nn_ice` in `namelist_cfg` to 2.
If `nn_ice` is not in your `namelist_cfg` copy it from `namelist_ref` and add it in (make sure to add it in the correct namelist/section).
1. Include the ice xml files.
if they are not in your running directory yet, copy the `file_def_nemo-ice.xml` and `field_def_nemo-ice.xml` from the `cfgs/ORCA2_ICE_PISCES/EXPREF` directory, and include them in the `context.xml` file. it should look like this :
<!-- Fields definition -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-oce.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-ice.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-medusa.xml"/> <!-- NEMO-MEDUSA ocean biology -->
<!-- Files definition -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-oce.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-ice.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-medusa.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean biology -->
From there you should be ready to run 1D with the ice model activated. |
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