Merge branch 'iss16_license' into 'master'
ricorne authored
Add gpl3 license

Closes #16

See merge request !24


This repository contains a collection of R-scripts to homogenise platform identifier information and to identify duplicate observations in the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) marine data source.

The code was written by Elizabeth Kent from the National Oceanography Centre. For the NERC HOSTACE project and adapted for C3S_311a_Lot2 (Global Land and Marine Observations Database).

  • Repository structure
graph LR;
    Repository --> scr ;
    Repository --> rscripts;
    Repository --> docs;
    Repository --> config.yml;
    scr -->  id1["c-shell / bash scripts to run the entire data processing"];
    rscripts --> id2["Rscripts to run each data processing stage defined in scr"];
    docs --> id4["Technical Report"];
    config.yml --> id5["Configuration file "];

For a detailed description on the installation of this repository and data processing please check the project Wiki.