New script for icoads.utils
New script to add to icoads.utils: get_pub47.R /gws/nopw/j04/glosat/development/data/interim/HOSTACE_PROC/get_pub47.R
It works in 2 ways, if the first argument is "files" it generates 2 files from the whole of Pub47 (1956-2021), one with a list of values from the field "ship_callsign" that are fixed platforms, buoys etc. and another containing all other values of "ship_callsign". The non-ship IDs are used in the splitting program to exclude e.g. oil rigs, the other IDs are prioritised in the ID processing.
If called with any other value in the first argument the script produces a dataframe "pub47" containing data for the year (arg2) and month (arg3) specified.
Input comes from processed monthly files from Dave's CSV file of homogenised Pub47 records.