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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
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from .. import properties

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# 1. dtype must be defined in dtype_properties.data_types
#>>> if not np.dtype('int8'):
#...     print('No data type')
#>>> if not np.dtype('int786'):
#...     print('No data type')
#Traceback (most recent call last):
#  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
#TypeError: data type "int786" not understood
#   Watch this, for my objects I want to catch both empty and blank strings as missing
#   empty_string = ''
#   blank_string = '     '
#   len(empty_string) == 0
#   len(blank_string) != 0
#   len(empty_string) == len(blank_string.lstrip()) == 0
#   So, we'll eval: len(value.lstrip())
# return data.astype(self.dtype, casting = 'safe')
# safe casting specifies, otherwise converts np.nan to some real number depending on dtype.


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class df_converters():
    def __init__(self, dtype):
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.numeric_scale = 1. if self.dtype in properties.numpy_floats else 1
        self.numeric_offset = 0. if self.dtype in properties.numpy_floats else 0
    def object_to_numeric(self, data, scale = None, offset = None):
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        Converts the object type elements of a pandas series to numeric type.
        Right spaces are trated as ceros. Scale and offset can optionally be applied.
        The final data type according to the class dtype.
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        self : dtype, numeric_scale and numeric_offset
            Pandas dataframe with a column per report sections.
            The sections in the columns as a block strings.    
        data : pandas.Series 
            Series with data to convert. Data must be object type
        Keyword Arguments
        scale : numeric, optional
            Scale to apply after conversion to numeric
        offset : numeric, optional
            Offset to apply after converion to numeric
        data : pandas.Series
            Data series of type self.dtype
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64 65
        scale = scale if scale else self.numeric_scale
        offset = offset if offset else self.numeric_offset
66 67
        # First do the appropriate managing of white spaces:
        # to the right, they should mean 0!
        data = data.replace(r'^\s*$', np.nan, regex=True)
69 70
        # str method fails if all nan, pd.Series.replace method is not the same
        # as pd.Series.str.replace!
71 72
        if data.count() > 0:
            data = data.str.replace(' ', '0')
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        #  Convert to numeric, then scale (?!) and give it's actual int type
        data = pd.to_numeric(data,errors = 'coerce') # astype fails on strings, to_numeric manages errors....!
        data = offset + data * scale
76 77
        return pd.Series(data,dtype = self.dtype)      
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    def object_to_object(self,data,disable_white_strip = False):
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        # With strip() an empty element after stripping, is just an empty element, no NaN...
        if not disable_white_strip:
            return data.str.strip()
            if disable_white_strip == 'l':
                return data.str.rstrip()
            elif disable_white_strip == 'r':
                return data.str.lstrip()
                return data

    def object_to_datetime(self,data, datetime_format = "%Y%m%d"):
        data = pd.to_datetime(data, format = datetime_format, errors = 'coerce')
        return data

converters = dict()
for dtype in properties.numeric_types:
    converters[dtype] = df_converters(dtype).object_to_numeric
converters['datetime'] = df_converters('datetime').object_to_datetime
converters['str'] = df_converters('str').object_to_object
converters['object'] = df_converters('object').object_to_object
converters['key'] = df_converters('key').object_to_object