Commit 0a2f4c89 authored by Irene Perez Gonzalez's avatar Irene Perez Gonzalez
Browse files

First commit

No related merge requests found
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Sep 13 15:14:51 2018
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
# Import required libraries
import sys
import json
import datetime
import copy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import glob
import shutil
from copy import deepcopy
from import nested_to_record
import ast
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
py3 = True
py3 = False
#def print_nested(d):
# if isinstance(d, dict):
# for k, v in d.items():
# print_nested(v)
# elif hasattr(d, '__iter__') and not isinstance(d, str):
# for item in d:
# print_nested(item)
# elif isinstance(d, str):
# print(d)
# else:
# print(d)
toolPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
table_lib = os.path.join(toolPath,'lib')
templates_path = os.path.join(table_lib,'templates','code_tables')
def templates():
tables = glob.glob(os.path.join(templates_path,'*.json'))
return [ os.path.basename(x).split(".")[0] for x in tables ]
def copy_template(table, out_dir = None,out_path = None):
tables = templates()
if table in tables:
table_path = os.path.join(templates_path,table + '.json')
table_out = out_path if out_path else os.path.join(out_dir,table + '.json')
shutil.copyfile(table_path, table_out)
if os.path.isfile( table_out):
print('Schema template {0} copied to {1}'.format(table, table_out))
print('copy_template ERROR:')
print('\tError copying table template {0} copied to {1}'.format(table, table_out))
print('copy_template ERROR:')
print('\tRequested template {} must be a valid name.'.format(table))
print('\tValid names are: {}'.format(", ".join(tables)))
def expand_integer_range_key(d):
# Looping based on print_nested above
if isinstance(d, dict):
for k,v in list(d.items()):
if 'range_key' in k[0:9]:
range_params = k[10:-1].split(",")
lower = int(range_params[0])
except Exception as e:
print("Lower bound parsing error in range key: ",k)
print("Error is:")
upper = int(range_params[1])
except Exception as e:
if range_params[1] == 'yyyy':
upper =
print("Upper bound parsing error in range key: ",k)
print("Error is:")
if len(range_params) > 2:
step = int(range_params[2])
except Exception as e:
print("Range step parsing error in range key: ",k)
print("Error is:")
step = 1
for i_range in range(lower,upper + 1,step):
deep_copy_value = deepcopy(d[k]) # Otherwiserepetitions are linked and act as one!
d.pop(k, None)
for k, v in d.items():
def eval_dict_items(item):
return ast.literal_eval(item)
return item
def read_table(table_path):
with open(table_path) as fileObj:
table = json.load(fileObj)
keys_path = ".".join([".".join(table_path.split('.')[:-1]),'keys'])
if os.path.isfile(keys_path):
with open(keys_path) as fileObj:
table_keys = json.load(fileObj)
table['_keys'] = {}
for x,y in table_keys.items():
key = eval_dict_items(x)
values = [ eval_dict_items(k) for k in y ]
table['_keys'][key] = values
return table
def table_keys(table):
separator = '∿' # something hopefully not in keys...
if table.get('_keys'):
_table = deepcopy(table)
keys = list(nested_to_record(_table,sep = separator).keys())
return [ x.split(separator) for x in keys ]
return list(table.keys())
def get_nested(table,*args):
# CAN BE AND OPTIONAL PARAMETER, LIKE: similarly, would have to add tbis to table_value_from_keys
# def get_nested(table,param = None,*args):
# nested_get_str = 'table'
# z = np.array([*args])
# for i,x in enumerate(z):
# nested_get_str += '.get(z[' + str(i) + '])'
# if param:
# nested_get_str += '.get(' + param + ')'
# try:
# return eval(nested_get_str)
# except:
# return None
nested_get_str = 'table'
z = np.array([*args])
for i,x in enumerate(z):
nested_get_str += '.get(z[' + str(i) + '])'
return eval(nested_get_str)
return None
def table_value_from_keys(table,df):
# df is pd.DataFrame or Series
v_nested_get = np.vectorize(get_nested) # Because cannot directly vectorize a nested get, we build it in a function, and then vectorize it
calling_str = 'v_nested_get(table'
if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
#return v_nested_get(table,[ df[x] for x in df]) # This won't work
for i,x in enumerate(df.columns):
calling_str += ',df[' + str(x) + '].astype(str)' # have to do likewise in not DataFrame!!!
calling_str += ')'
return eval(calling_str)
return v_nested_get(table,df)
"metre": "m",
"kilogram": "kg",
"second": "s",
"ampere": "A",
"kelvin": "K",
"mole": "mol",
"candela": "cd",
"radian": "rad",
"steradian": "sr",
"hertz": "Hz",
"newton": "N",
"pascal": "Pa",
"joule": "J",
"watt": "W",
"coulomb": "C",
"volt": "V",
"farad": "F",
"ohm": "Ohm",
"siemens": "S",
"weber": "Wb",
"tesla": "T",
"henry": "H",
"degree Celsius": "deg C",
"lumen": "lm",
"lux": "lx",
"becquerel": "Bq",
"grey": "Gy",
"sievert": "Sv",
"degree (angle)": "deg",
"minute (angle)": "'",
"second (angle)": "\"",
"litre": ["l","L"],
"minute (time)": "min",
"hour": "h",
"day": "d",
"tonne": "t",
"electron": "eV",
"atomic": "unit",
"astronomic": "AU",
"parsec": "pc",
"nautical": "",
"knot": "kt",
"decibel": "dB",
"hectare": "ha",
"week": "",
"year": "a",
"per cent": "\\%",
"parts per thousand": "0/00",
"eighths of cloud": "okta",
"degrees true": "deg",
"degrees per second": "deg/s",
"degrees Celsius": "C",
"degrees Celsius per metre": "C/m",
"degrees Celsius per 100 metres": "m",
"Dobson Unit": "DU",
"month": "mon",
"per second (same as hertz)": "/s",
"per second squared": "s-2",
"knots per 1000 metres": "m",
"foot": "ft",
"inch": "in",
"decipascals per second (microbar per second)": "dPa/s",
"centibars per second": "cb/s",
"centibars per 12 hours": "h",
"dekapascal": "daPa",
"hectopascal": "hPa",
"hectopascals per second": "s-1",
"hectopascals per hour": "h-1",
"hectopascals per 3 hours": "h",
"nanobar = hPa 10-6": "nbar",
"grams per kilogram": "g/kg",
"grams per kilogram per second": "g kg-1 s-1",
"kilograms per kilogram": "kg/kg",
"kilograms per kilogram per second": "kg kg-1 s-1",
"kilograms per square metre": "kg m-2",
"acceleration due to gravity": "g",
"geopotential metre": "gpm",
"millimetre": "mm",
"millimetres per second": "mm/s",
"millimetres per hour": "mm/h",
"millimetres to the sixth power per cubic metre": "mm6 m-3",
"centimetre": "cm",
"centimetres per second": "cm/s",
"centimetres per hour": "cm/h",
"decimetre": "dm",
"metres per second": "m/s",
"metres per second per metre": "m s-1/m",
"metres per second per 1000 metres": "m s-1/km",
"square metres": "m2",
"square metres per second": "m2/s",
"kilometre": "km",
"kilometres per hour": "km/h",
"kilometres per day": "km/d",
"per metre": "m-1",
"becquerels per litre": "Bq/l",
"becquerels per square metre": "Bq m-2",
"becquerels per cubic metre": "Bq m-3",
"millisievert": "mSv",
"metres per second squared": "m s-2",
"square metres second": "m2 s",
"square metres per second squared": "m2 s-2",
"square metres per radian second": "m2 rad-1 s",
"square metres per hertz": "m2/Hz",
"cubic metres": "m3",
"cubic metres per second": "m3/s",
"cubic metres per cubic metre": "m3 m-3",
"metres to the fourth power": "",
"metres to the two thirds power per second": "m2/3 s-1",
"logarithm per metre": "log (m-1)",
"logarithm per square metre": "log (m-2)",
"kilograms per metre": "kg/m",
"kilograms per square metre per second": "kg m-2 s-1",
"kilograms per cubic metre": "kg m-3",
"per square kilogram per second": "kg-2 s-1",
"seconds per metre": "s/m",
"kelvin metres per second": "K m s-1",
"kelvins per metre": "K/m",
"kelvin square metres per kilogram per second": "K m2 kg-1 s-1",
"moles per mole": "mol/mol",
"radians per metre": "rad/m",
"newtons per square metre": "N m-2",
"pascals per second": "Pa/s",
"kilopascal": "kPa",
"joules per square metre": "J m-2",
"joules per kilogram": "J/kg",
"watts per metre per steradian": "W m-1 sr-1",
"watts per square metre": "W m-2",
"watts per square metre per steradian": "W m-2 sr-1",
"watts per square metre per steradian centimetre": "W m-2 sr-1 cm",
"watts per square metre per steradian metre": "W m-2 sr-1 m",
"watts per cubic metre per steradian": "W m-3 sr-1",
"siemens per metre": "S/m",
"square degrees": "deg2",
"becquerel seconds per cubic metre": "Bq s m-3",
"decibels per metre": "dB/m",
"decibels per degree": "dB/deg",
"pH unit": "pH unit",
"N units": "N units",
"Nephelometric turbidity units": "NTU"
"header": {
"format": "fixed_width",
"delimiter": ","
"elements": {
"Identifier": {
"description": "WMO Buoy number",
"field_length": 5,
"column_type": "object"
"Odate": {
"description": "Observation date",
"field_length": 8,
"column_type": "str"
"Otime": {
"description": "Observation time",
"field_length": 4,
"column_type": "str"
"Lat": {
"description": "Latitude (positive North)",
"field_length": 9,
"column_type": "float16",
"valid_max": 90.0,
"valid_min": -90.0,
"decimal_places": 4,
"units": "degrees"
"Lon": {
"description": "Longitude (positive West)",
"field_length": 9,
"column_type": "float16",
"valid_max": 180.0,
"valid_min": -180.0,
"decimal_places": 4,
"units": "degrees"
"QC_POS": {
"description": "Quality control flag for position",
"field_length": 1,
"column_type": "key",
"codetable": "qc_flags"
"PDT": {
"description": "Position date",
"field_length": 8,
"column_type": "str"
"PTM": {
"description": "Position time",
"field_length": 4,
"column_type": "str"
"Drogue": {
"description": "Drogue depth",
"field_length": 7,
"column_type": "float16",
"valid_max": 99999.0,
"valid_min": 0.0,
"decimal_places": 1,
"units": "metre"
"SST": {
"description": "Sea surface temperature",
"field_length": 7,
"column_type": "float16",
"valid_max": 99.99,
"valid_min": -99.99,
"decimal_places": 2,
"units": "degree Celsius"
"QC_SST": {
"description": "Quality control flag for SST",
"field_length": 1,
"column_type": "key",
"codetable": "qc_flags"
"Airtemp": {
"description": "Air temperature",
"field_length": 7,
"column_type": "float16",
"valid_max": 99.99,
"valid_min": -99.99,
"decimal_places": 2,
"units": "degree Celsius"
"QC_AirT": {
"description": "Quality control flag for Air temp",
"field_length": 1,
"column_type": "key",
"codetable": "qc_flags"
"Pressure": {
"description": "Air Pressure at sea level",
"field_length": 7,
"column_type": "float32",
"valid_max": 1074.6,
"valid_min": 870.0,
"decimal_places": 2,
"units": "hectopascal"
"QC_Pr": {
"description": "Quality control flag for pressure",
"field_length": 1,
"column_type": "key",
"codetable": "qc_flags"
"WSp": {
"description": "Wind speed",
"field_length": 7,
"column_type": "float16",
"valid_max": 99.99,
"valid_min": 0.0,
"decimal_places": 2,
"units": "metres per second"
"QC_Wsp": {
"description": "Quality control flag for Wind Speed",
"field_length": 1,
"column_type": "key",
"codetable": "qc_flags"
"WDir": {
"description": "Wind direction relative to true North",
"field_length": 7,
"column_type": "float16",
"valid_max": 360.0,
"valid_min": 0.0,
"decimal_places": 2,
"units": "degrees true"
"QC_WD": {
"description": "Quality control flag for Wind direction",
"field_length": 1,
"column_type": "key",
"codetable": "qc_flags"
"RelHum": {
"description": "Relative humidity (%)",
"field_length": 7,
"column_type": "float16",
"valid_max": 100.0,
"valid_min": 0.0,
"decimal_places": 2
"QC_RH": {
"description": "Quality control flag for relative humidity",
"field_length": 1,
"column_type": "key",
"codetable": "qc_flags"
"0":"not checked",
"format":"fixed width",
"RH": {"description":"Relative humidity", "field_length":3,"column_type":"int8","valid_max":100,"valid_min":0},
"N": {"description":"Total cloud amount", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"what?"},
"h": {"description":"Height of low cloud", "field_length":2,"column_type":"object","codetable":"cloud_height_low"},
"Nh": {"description":"Amount of lower clouds", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"what?"},
"AMT SIG": {"description":"Significant cloud amount (tenths)", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"what?"},
"AMT": {"description":"Significant cloud amount (eigths)", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_amount_significant_eights"},
"TYP": {"description":"Type of significant cloud", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_type_significant"},
"HGT SIG": {"description":"Height of significant cloud", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_height_significant"},
"ICE RPT A": {"description":"Kind of ice", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"ice_kind"},
"ICE RPT B": {"description":"Effect of ice on navigation", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"ice_effect"},
"ICE RPT C": {"description":"Bearing of ice edge", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"ice_edge_bearing"},
"ICE RPT D": {"description":"Dtce to ice edge from rptng ship", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"ice_edge_distance"},
"ICE RPT E": {"description":"Orientation of ice edge", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"ice_edge_orientation"},
"B A R": {"description":"Barometer comparison station or data source", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"bar_compare_station"},
"WND DIR": {"description":"Wind direction", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"note in Section 1"},
"VIS": {"description":"Visibility", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"visibility"},
"WX": {"description":"Present weather", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"need to look further"}
"0":" ",
"1":" ",
"2":" ",
"3":" ",
"4":" ",
"5":" ",
"6":" ",
"7":" ",
"8":" ",
"9":" ",
"-":" ",
"RH": {"description":"Relative humidity", "field_length":3,"column_type":"object"},
"S H P": {"description":"Ship number", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"ship"}
"format":"fixed width",
"LOG TYP": {"description":"Log book type", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"logbook_type"},
"CODE SHEET": {"description":"Code sheet number", "field_length":6,"column_type":"str"},
"BF WD": {"description":"Beaufort wind force", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"wind_force_beaufort"},
"WX": {"description":"Present weather", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"weather_present"},
"PPP": {"description":"Sea level pressure", "field_length":3,"column_type":"str"},
"V I S": {"description":"Visibility", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"visibility"},
"C L": {"description":"Low cloud type", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_type_low"},
"C M": {"description":"Middle cloud type", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_type_middle"},
"C H": {"description":"High cloud type", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_type_high"},
"N": {"description":"Total cloud amount", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_amount"},
"N h": {"description":"Low cloud amount", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_amount"},
"SEA DIR": {"description":"Direction of sea", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"direction"},
"S T A": {"description":"State of the sea", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"sea_state"},
"SWL DIR": {"description":"Direction of swell", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"direction"},
"T Y P": {"description":"Swell type", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"swell_type"},
"a": {"description":"Barometric tendency", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"bar_tendency"},
"pp": {"description":"Amount of pressure change", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str"},
"RH": {"description":"Relative humidity", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str"},
"LS PRE": {"description":"Precipitation from lightship", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"precipitation_lightship"},
"BEAU. WX A": {"description":"Cloud cover", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_cover"},
"BEAU. WX B": {"description":"Beaufort weather B", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"weather_b"},
"BEAU. WX C": {"description":"Beaufort weather C", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"weather_c"},
"BEAU. WX D": {"description":"Beaufort weather D", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"weather_d"},
"BEAU. WX E": {"description":"Beaufort weather E", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"weather_e"},
"BEAU. WX F": {"description":"Beaufort weather F", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"weather_f"},
"BEAU. WX G": {"description":"Beaufort weather G", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"weather_g"},
"BEAU. WX H": {"description":"Beaufort weather H", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"weather_h"},
"BEAU. WX I": {"description":"Gale duration", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"duration"},
"BEAU. WX J": {"description":"Fog duration", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"duration"}
"format":"fixed width",
"CUR SET": {"description":"Current (set)", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"current_set"},
"CUR DFT": {"description":"Current (drift)", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"direction_16_of_32"},
"W A T": {"description":"Watch", "field_length":1,"column_type":"int8","codetable":"probably not: see tape field 10 (core?hour?)"},
"BF WD": {"description":"Beaufort wind force", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"wind_force_beaufort"},
"PPP": {"description":"Pressure (mmHg)", "field_length":3,"column_type":"float16","encoding":"deck_193.higher_order","scale":0.1,"offset":700,"valid_max":799.9,"valid_min":700},
"V I S": {"description":"Visibility", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"visibility"},
"C H": {"description":"Cloud type (high)", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_type_high"},
"CLD DIR": {"description":"Cloud direction", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"direction_16_of_32"},
"N": {"description":"Total cloud amount", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"cloud_amount_total"},
"S E A": {"description":"State of the sea", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"sea_state"},
"SWL DIR": {"description":"Direction of swell", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"swell_direction"},
"A M T": {"description":"Amount of swell", "field_length":1,"column_type":"str","codetable":"swell_amount"},
"FOG DUR": {"description":"Duration of fog(min)", "field_length":2,"column_type":"int16","scale":15},
"PCP DUR": {"description":"Duration of precipitation", "field_length":2,"column_type":"str","codetable":"precipitation_duration"}
"00":" ","01":" ","02":" ","03":" ","04":" ","05":" ","06":" ","07":" ","08":" ","09":" ",
"10":" ","11":" ","12":" ","13":" ","14":" ","15":" ","16":" ","17":" ","18":" ","19":" ",
"20":" ","21":" ","22":" ","23":" ","24":" ","25":" ","26":" ","27":" ","28":" ","29":" ",
"30":" ","31":" ","32":" ","33":" ","34":" ","35":" ","36":" ","37":" ","38":" ","39":" ",
"40":" ","41":" ","42":" ","43":" ","44":" ","45":" ","46":" ","47":" ","48":" ","49":" ",
"50":" ","51":" ","52":" ","53":" ","54":" ","55":" ","56":" ","57":" ","58":" ","59":" ",
"60":" ","61":" ","62":" ","63":" ","64":" ","65":" ","66":" ","67":" ","68":" ","69":" ",
"70":" ","71":" ","72":" ","73":" ","74":" ","75":" ","76":" ","77":" ","78":" ","79":" ",
"80":" ","81":" ","82":" ","83":" ","84":" ","85":" ","86":" ","87":" ","88":" ","89":" ",
"90":" ","91":" ","92":" ","93":" ","94":" ","95":" ","--":"unlimited"
"00":" ","01":" ","02":" ","03":" ","04":" ","05":" ","06":" ","07":" ","08":" ","09":" ",
"10":" ","11":" ","12":" ","13":" ","14":" ","15":" ","16":" ","17":" ","18":" ","19":" ",
"20":" ","21":" ","22":" ","23":" ","24":" ","25":" ","26":" ","27":" ","28":" ","29":" ",
"30":" ","31":" ","32":" ","33":" ","34":" ","35":" ","36":" ","37":" ","38":" ","39":" ",
"40":" ","41":" ","42":" ","43":" ","44":" ","45":" ","46":" ","47":" ","48":" ","49":" ",
"50":" ","51":" ","52":" ","53":" ","54":" ","55":" ","56":" ","57":" ","58":" ","59":" ",
"60":" ","61":" ","62":" ","63":" ","64":" ","65":" ","66":" ","67":" ","68":" ","69":" ",
"70":" ","71":" ","72":" ","73":" ","74":" ","75":" ","76":" ","77":" ","78":" ","79":" ",
"80":" ","81":" ","82":" ","83":" ","84":" ","85":" ","86":" ","87":" ","88":" ","89":" ",
"90":" ","91":" ","92":" ","93":" ","94":" ","95":" ","--":" "
"3":"High Cumulus",
"4":"High Cumulonimbus",
"2":"Smooth (wavelets)",
"6":"Very rough",
"8":"Very high",
"1":"less than 6 tenths of sky covered by low thin clouds at height nn (reported cloud height)",
"2":"less than 6 tenths of sky covered by low clouds at height nn (reported cloud height)",
"3":"less than 6 tenths of sky covered by low thick clouds at height nn (reported cloud height)",
"-":"No clouds visible due to obscuring phenomena"
" ":"less than 6 tenths covered by high thin clouds"
"2":"less than 6 tenths of clouds over less than 6 tenths clouds at height nn (reported cloud height)"
" ":"less than 6 tenths of high clouds",
"2":"less than 6 tenths of high clouds, less than 6 tenths of lower clouds at height nn (reported cloud height)"
" ":"less than 6 tenths of high thick clouds"
" ":"at least 6 but less than 10 tenths covered by low thin clouds"
" ":"at least 6 but less than 10 tenths covered by high thin clouds"
" ":"at least 6 but less than 10 tenths covered by low clouds",
"2":"6-9 tenths clouds over less than 6 tenths clouds at height nn (reported cloud height)",
"5":"6-9 tenths clouds over less 6-9 tenths lower clouds"
" ":"at least 6 but less than 10 tenths covered by high clouds",
"2":"6-9 tenths high clouds, less than 6 tenths lower clouds at height nn (reported cloud height)",
"5":"6-9 tenths high clouds, 6-9 tenths lower clouds"
" ":"at least 6 but less than 10 tenths covered by low thick clouds"
" ":"at least 6 but less than 10 tenths covered by high thick clouds"
" ":"10 tenths covered by low thin clouds"
" ":"10 tenths covered by high thin clouds"
" ":"10 tenths covered by low clouds",
"2":"10 tenths clouds over less than 6 tenths clouds at height nn (reported cloud height)",
"5":"10 tenths clouds over 6-9 tenths lower clouds"
" ":"10 tenths covered by high clouds",
"2":"10 tenths high clouds, less than 6 tenths lower clouds at height nn (reported cloud height)",
"5":"10 tenths high clouds, 6-9 tenths lower clouds"
" ":"10 tenths covered by low thick clouds"
" ":"10 tenths covered by high thick clouds"
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