Commit 6f485e2f authored by iregon's avatar iregon
Browse files

Added path validation

parent b7c637b9
......@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ a named model (included in the module) or as the path to a valid data model.
Data is validated against its data model after reading, producing a boolean mask.
Calls the schemas, reader and valiate modules in the tool to access the data models,
read the data and validate it.
Uses submodules:
- schemas
- reader
- valiate
@author: iregon
......@@ -83,13 +85,19 @@ def ERV(TextParser,read_sections_list, schema, code_tables_path):
return data, valid
def validate_arg(arg_name,arg_value,arg_type):
if arg_value and not isinstance(arg_value,arg_type):
logging.error('Argument {0} must be {1}, input type is {2}'.format(arg_name,arg_type,type(arg_value)))
return False
return True
def validate_path(arg_name,arg_value):
if arg_value and not os.path.isdir(arg_value):
logging.error('{0} could not find path {1}'.format(arg_name,arg_value))
return False
return True
def read(source, data_model = None, data_model_path = None, sections = None,chunksize = None,
skiprows = None, out_path = None ):
......@@ -114,9 +122,15 @@ def read(source, data_model = None, data_model_path = None, sections = None,chun
if not validate_arg('skiprows',skiprows,int):
if not validate_path('data_model_path',data_model_path):
if not validate_path('out_path',out_path):
# 1. Read data model
# Schema reader will return None if schema does not validate
# Schema reader will return empty if cannot read schema or is not valid
# and will log the corresponding error
# multiple_reports_per_line error also while reading schema"READING DATA MODEL SCHEMA FILE...")
schema = schemas.read_schema( schema_name = data_model, ext_schema_path = data_model_path)
if not schema:
......@@ -127,10 +141,6 @@ def read(source, data_model = None, data_model_path = None, sections = None,chun
model_path = data_model_path
code_tables_path = os.path.join(model_path,'code_tables')
# For future use: some work already done in schema reading
if schema['header'].get('multiple_reports_per_line'):
logging.error('File format not yet supported')
# 2. Read and validate data
imodel = data_model if data_model else data_model_path
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