Commit 96591324 authored by iregon's avatar iregon
Browse files

Change output dtypes to object when datetime

parent f945403d
......@@ -73,11 +73,12 @@ def ERV(TextParser,read_sections_list, schema, code_tables_path):
# This way it supports direct chunksize property inheritance if the input source was a
chunksize = TextParser.orig_options['chunksize'] if isinstance(TextParser, else None
# 'datetime' is not a valid pandas dtype: Only on output (on reading) will be then converted (via parse_dates) to datetime64[ns] type,
# cannot specify 'datetime' (of any kind) here: would fail
# cannot specify 'datetime' (of any kind) here: would fail, need to change to 'object' and tell the date parser where it is
date_columns = [] # Needs to be the numeric index of the column, as seems not to be able to work with tupples....
for i,element in enumerate(list(out_dtypes)):
if out_dtypes.get(element) == 'datetime':
data = pd.read_csv(data_buffer,names = data_df.columns, chunksize = chunksize, dtype = out_dtypes, parse_dates = date_columns)
valid = pd.read_csv(valid_buffer,names = data_df.columns, chunksize = chunksize)
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