code tables for slp - deck 702
I am not sure about how to construct the keys on the following parameters:
"baro_type": {
"description": "Barometer type. PENDING KEY TABLE",
"column_type": "key",
"codetable": "ICOADS.C99.BAROT",
"LMR6": false
"slp_units": {
"description": "Pressure units",
"column_type": "str"
According to the information here, the code tables should be the following:
27) SLP sea level pressure
Norwegian: input = Barom temp (Ship 8.), Air pressure (Ship 9.),
Barometer type (Voyage 6.), Pressure units (Voyage 7.),
Barom therm scale (Voyage 8.)
(a): If Barometer type is mercury, correct Air pressure for
Barom temp and gravity.
Correct Air pressure in English inches and hundredths (bp)
for Barom temp in whole degrees Fahrenheit (tf):
corr = -bp * ( ((0.000101*(tf-32.))-(0.0000102*(tf-62.)))
/ (1.+0.000101*(tf-32.)) )
[Ref. {lmrlib.01D,fwbptf}]
Correct Air pressure in millimeters and tenths (bp)
for Barom temp in degrees Celsius and tenths (tc):
corr = -bp * ( ((0.0001818-0.0000184)*tc)
/ (1.+(0.0001818*tc)) )
[Ref. {lmrlib.01D,fwbptc}]
Correct Air pressure (bp) for gravity depending on
Latitude (rlatr)
a = 0.0000059 * (cos(2.0*rlatr)**2)
b = 1. - 0.0026373 * cos(2.0*rlatr)
c = 980.665 * (a + b)
corr = ((c - 980.665)/980.665) * bp
[Ref. {lmrlib.01D,fwbpgv}]
[Note: If Barometer type was mercury and (1) Pressure units was
English inches and Barom therm scale was not Fahrenheit, or (2)
Pressure units was millimeters and Barom therm scale was not
Celsius, or (3) Barom temp was missing, SLP was set to missing.]
(b): Convert Air pressure in English inches and hundreths (in)
to millibars and tenths (mb): mb = in * 33.86389
[Ref. {lmrlib.01D,fxeimb}]
Convert Air pressure in millimeters and tenths (mm)
to millibars and tenths (mb): mb = mm * 1.333224
[Ref. {lmrlib.01D,fxmmmb}]
Convert Air pressure in French inches and hundreths (in)
to millibars and tenths (mb): mb = fxmmmb(in * 27.069953)
[Ref. {lmrlib.01D,fxfimb}]
[Note: Barom corrections (Voyage 9.) was not applied because
it was not known whether to add or subtract it. Incorrect
Pressure units was corrected. Incorrect Barom therm scale was
corrected when Barom temp looked Fahrenheit.]
28) T1 temperature indicator
Norwegian: input = Air therm scale (Voyage 13.), Sea therm scale (Voyage 18.)
Air and/or Sea therm scale T1
1: Fahrenheit 6 = whole degrees Fahrenheit
2: Celsius 0 = degrees Celsius and tenths
3: Reaumur 9 = other (refer to metadata)
[Note: For any combination of Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Reaumur
T1 was set to other.]
From this I understand that the barometer type should be:
Here I am assuming 9 is a barometer type not mentioned
according Toledo Report:
3.1 Instrumental bias corrections The initial pages of the logbooks included space to enter instrument characteristics (e.g., Figure 3; digitized into the voyage header records). These included the barometertype (mercurial, aneroid, or “metal-barometer”) and scale (millimeters, or English or French inches), and the scales of the air and water thermometers (Celsius, Réaumur, or Fahrenheit). Space was also set aside for any corrections noted when the instruments were checked during stays in major harbors. The Instructions specifically indicated that observers were to enter uncorrected observations in the logbooks. The uncorrected data were digitized without change into the observational records, thus an important part of post-processing will involve application of the instrumental corrections to the observational data.
But there is nothing in the metadata regarding the units of slp.