Merge branch '26-set-default-timeout-for-http-requests' into 'dev'
Owain Jones authored
Resolve "Set default timeout for HTTP requests"

Closes #26 and #27

See merge request !17


Generic adapter for the communications-backbone.


  • client credentials grant
  • http send/receive/notify to backbone
  • validation of messages against a specified OpenAPI schema
  • decode/encode stubs


pip install -r requirements.txt 
python -m testsuite.copy_tests


The tests are written in behave

This means we can have a common suite of gherkin tests across adapter ports written in multiple languages.


Example implementation

There's an example using the python client in ./example.

There's a README to explain what it does and how to set it up.

Installing in your project

We may publish this to a public registry but for now you need to install the package from git.


Python >= 3.8


It should also work with pipenv or poetry. You might have to tinker with the git url syntax in different package managers.

echo backbone-adapter-python @ git+[tag|branch|commit]#egg=backbone-adapter-python >> requirements.txt 
pip install -r requirements.txt


Because the repo name contains hyphens I've named the importable package

from backbone_adapter.adapter import Adapter
from backbone_adapter.protocol import GenericProtocol


The example code uses a mock schema with some example messages. The intention is the message protocol schema is retreived from an external source.


To run the adapter you need a credentials file called soar-config.json. This will be provided by the backbone operator or requested via the API.

  "api": "[backbone api root url]",
  "client_id": "unique-client-id",
  "client_name": "UniqueClientName",
  "subscription": "dot.delimited.topic.subscription.#",
  "secret": "[a generated secret]"


When sending messages you should publish them using a topic matching this definition.

Encoding and decoding


Decoding refers to translation from the backbone message protocol into a native format for the client app to process.

All messages received from the backbone are parsed and validated against the protocol schema and then passed to the protocol decode function.

By overriding the decode function the client can define local actions to be executed when a message of a given type is received.


Encoding refers to translation from the client app's native format into a message conforming to the backbone message protocol.

The equivalent encode method allows the client to define translations per message type to transform local data into a message conforming to the protocol schema for transmission.

Messages passed to the publish and broadcast methods should have been encoded and validated against the protocol schema.

Publish vs Broadcast

It is intended that all normal-operation messages will be published on a given topic allowing clients to choose which message topics to subscribe to.

Broadcast is provided for contingency scenarios. The intention is that in the case of a failure/abort a message can be sent to all parties which bypasses any existing messages in the publish queue.

The client implementation can chose to take no-action on decoding one of these messages but they will be made available to all clients.