"description":"Human-in-the-loop approval. 1 - Plan approved; 0 - Plan Rejected",
"description":"Mission plan ID (according to Autonomy Engine's mission plan number sent) executed by platform",
"description":"Type of message",
"description":"Highest level of acknowledgement. I.e. `c2_received`: Received by C2, `operator_approved_and_sent` : Approved by operator and sent from C2->Platform, `executed`: Executed by platform",
"example":"executed by platform",
"description":"Unique identifier for this platform",
@@ -230,8 +231,7 @@
"description":"Region surveyed by given platform. GEOJSON",
"description":"Human-in-the-loop approval. 1 - Plan approved; 0 - Plan Rejected",
"description":"Mission plan ID (according to Autonomy Engine's mission plan number sent) executed by platform",
"description":"Type of message",
"description":"Highest level of acknowledgement. I.e. `c2_received`: Received by C2, `operator_approved_and_sent` : Approved by operator and sent from C2->Platform, `executed`: Executed by platform",
"example":"executed by platform",
"description":"Unique identifier for this platform",