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# Communications Backbone

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Communications Backbone by C2 Team (NOC)

## DJ prototype 

I did this in freedom-fire-day so it doesn't currently follow the flask template. 

It's also a bit weird because it writes to a local ignored `clients.json` file 
instead of using a database. I did this as a placeholder because we've not yet 
decided what the infrastructure looks like.

### Data flow 

- Client A sends to `client-a-outbox` (or POSTs to API /send - not yet implemented)
- Messages are forwarded from `client-a-outbox` to `soar-publish` 
- Messages are published from `soar-publish` with the given topic read from the message 
- Subscribers listen to for messages 
- Subscription is delivered to `client-b-inbox` 
- Client B reads from `client-b-inbox (or GETs from API /receive)

There is a parallel flow when a client sends to `client-a-notify` in which case the 
messages are delivered through the broadcast exchange to all clients `client-x-inbox`.

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### Auth placeholder 

As a proxy for proper authentication, when you post a client a random secret is 
returned in the response. To send to / receive from the bus you then call the API
with the client_id and secret and it checks they match. The client_id determines 
which queues it reads from. 

Subsequent requests to the client endpoint return the client_id but not the secret.

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### Setup 

pipenv install  
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### Running 

#### RabbitMQ 

`docker run --rm -p 5672:5672 -d --hostname rmq --name rmq rabbitmq:management`

#### API 

pipenv run python 
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

#### Create some clients 

`POST` to `http://localhost:3000/clients` 

#### Event bus 

pipenv run python
60 61 62 63 64 65

#### Send / Receive directly 

# Send a message 
pipenv run python noc-c2-outbox 'soar.noc.slocum.something' from noc-c2
67 68 69 70

# Receive messages  
pipenv run python noc-sfmc-inbox
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#### Receive via API

As a placeholder for proper authentication you post the `client_id` and 
`secret` and it checks that a client with that id exists and that the 
secret matches before allowing the request. 

This should be replaced with a proper auth layer. 

`GET http://localhost:5000/receive?client_id=[client_id]&secret=[secret]`

### Components 

- `` - Run all the components threaded based on existing clients  
- `` - Listen for messages on queue A and forward messages to queue B 
- `` - Listen for messages on queue A and publish on exchange B 
- `` - Listen for messages on queue A and broadcast on exchange B 
- `` - Create subscriptions to both the publish and broadcast exchange - deliver to queue A
  (I think this should probably be 2 separate functions to keep things nice and simple)
- `` - Not yet implemented - Listen for messages on queue A and POST to the client's webhook URL