1. 15 Feb, 2023 1 commit
    • Dan Jones's avatar
      feat: detect new or removed clients · 101a3c20
      Dan Jones authored
      Start and stop threads when clients are created or removed
      Watchdog watches for changes to the ./data/clients.json
      When a change is detected it compares the list of running
      clients to the content of clients.json and starts or
      stops client processing threads as required
  2. 10 Feb, 2023 1 commit
  3. 02 Feb, 2023 1 commit
    • James Kirk's avatar
      feat: dockerised the app · d6b2e404
      James Kirk authored
      feat: added docker-compose setup, inc run-compose and .env to handle vars for locally running
      refactor: changed rmq to fail when it can't connect, allowing stuff to wait until the MQ is available
      refactor: moved from assuming pipenv to just pip
      refactor: mounted volumes, so changed interactions with clients.json to match