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Supplement to JTECH article
Documentation on how to get IceNet layers into C2
C2 client (formerly known as Gorgonian)
Work done on replicating and/or improving the Okta method of estimating incoming solar radiation based on Dobson and Smith and Aleksandrova et al
Suite to read marine meteorological report based data files
PyNEMO: a Python based regional NEMO model configuration toolbox.
Bay of Bengal East Arabian Sea, regional model
Suite to read marine meteorological report based data files
Code to map a data model to C3S CDS Common Data Model
Code to map a data model to C3S CDS Common Data Model
Jupyter-notebooks and example data to show an overview of the C3s mdf_reader and cdm_mapper python tools.
Module to apply corrections to metadata from marine meteorological datasets
Suite to read marine meteorological report based data files
MATLAB scripts for processing CTD and underway data and integrating with water sample data and other data sources (e.g. ADCP). Calls MATLAB scripts/functions in MEXEC/mexec project, and works with shell scripts in MEXEC/mexec-exec project.